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Ben H
Lv 5
Ben H asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Would you work for free?

Would you continue to work for a company if the government decided that you must take a 90% pay cut? Why can't Obama get that simple concept? How does he ever get our ( the peoples) money back? I just don't get it. I think he is an inexperienced, incompetent, and dangerous person to have made it to President. Scary.


The article is on the front page at Yahoo....

Update 2:

The "pay czar" is recommending that the pay at the bailed out firms get no more than $200,000 in compensation.

16 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No. He is an idiot and everyone is falling for it.

  • 1 decade ago

    As odd as your question may seem to some people you have to consider what ever you pay in Federal Income Tax as a pay cut since it takes money from you.

    You mention taking a 90% pay cut, we can equate this to a tax rate of 90%.

    Did you (or anyone else on this forum) know that while President Kennedy was in office the top tax rate was 91%. If you made more than $200,000 (Single) per year everything above that number was taxed at the rate of 91%

    If you made less than $2,000 you paid 20%

    $2,000 to $4,000 22%

    $4,000 to $6,000 26%




    $16,000 to $18,000 50%




    $50,000 to $60,000 75%




    $200,000 and up 91%

    It was not until 1987 that taxes dropped below 50% under Ronald Regan at 38.5% and George H.W. Bush lowered them to 28%

    Bill Clinton increased the taxes back up to 39% which was higher than Regan's lowest year.

    So while most people say they would not take a 90% pay cut, the government can raise taxes that would not impact the salary which your employer pays you but definitely impacts what you have left over from that salary.

    If taxes remained the same I can not think of anyone that would agree to take such a drastic cut and the government has absolutely no right to dictate what salary a man can earn.

    Bonuses paid to top employee's that have received bailout funds should be limited but that needs to be stipulated before any company receives bailout money and should end once the money has been paid back.

  • 1 decade ago

    Obama is issuing an order that all executives, whose company has received bail out money, salary will be cut by a minimum of 50%.

    Will he issue an order that all of his self appointed Czars, Cabinet, legislators, and high level government officials also take a 50% decrease in salary.

    Will he start holding all the government worker accountable for the over 40 billion they take of tax payer money each year by theft, fraud and abuse.


    Who do we have running this country..The Cabinet approved by the Congress or the self appointed government paid Czars hired by Obama.

  • 1 decade ago

    Why don't we cut all our government pay checks down to less than $50,000 with no retirement check if they haven't given 20-30 years of their time in like we have to? How long do you think they'd be staying in office? No, I certainly would not take a 90% pay cut. Although, $200,000 isn't just a drop in the bucket. I don't think CEO's, sports players, or movie stars are worth what they get paid either. I don't care how good they are at what they do. There are plenty of people out here who are doing more for our country on alot less than they are. They don't get paid millions & billions for their talents. I think the czars are a violation of our constitution & should be removed. We are paying them big bucks too & they aren't accountable to the people either. The czar probably wants the ceo's to quit so they can put their choice in there. You are right about Obama; tell me what he has completed since he's been in office. Gitmo, no plan, banks, took them over, mortgage co. took them over, aig took them over, wall st. took them over, auto co. took them over, just to name a few. He's trying to make us a socialist nation so he & his thugs that he's putting in place in his admin. can dictate to us every aspect of our lives. I'm glad I don't have children in school. He's feeding them a bunch of lies through the looney lefties that are teaching our children. They are trying to make our country's history obsolete. He is literally killing our troops by NOT making a decision. I see him as very much a whimp, who's never spent one day fighting a war. All he has ever done is community organizing. Pitiful. Where are the peoples' minds that voted for this? Wait a minute, he deceived the people from his first campaign speech. He presented himself as a center person. If those who thought they were going to get change knew this was the kind of change they would get, would he have made it to the presidency? I don't think so. The only people I see as going along with him are people who have control issues & are losers who think they will be part of something great. They will be doing all the work while the mess of thugs & communists & socialists Obama has put in place in the wh will be making all the money. I will rot in jail before I will co-operate with this government. They & I mean all of them in Washington are in on this; otherwise, the ones who aren't for it would stop them. Foxnews reports, I make my decisions on what I see the facts on. None of the rest of the so-called newscasters & reporters are reporting the truth.

    Source(s): Fox
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  • 1 decade ago

    If all of my basic needs (food, clothing, water, shelter, etc.) were provided for me and I could choose my own hours and change jobs and careers at will, sure.

    As to your other point. Some careers are about to become obsolete. This is nothing new. We don't see too many whalers or armorers anymore. Someday, hopefully soon, we as a species can find something else for oil workers and insurance agents to do for a living.

    Personally, I'd like to see us evolve beyond capitalism altogether. Allowing all life on the planet to fall into the hands of it's greediest and most ruthless, short sighted people strikes me as about the dumbest thing we could do.

    Edit, based on your further details. If you're talking about the bailed out firms, they should have been allowed to crash. I wouldn't give a man who just burgled my house all of the money left in my safe based on his word that he'd use that money to get the rest of my stuff back.

  • 1 decade ago

    No one wants to work for free that needs to barter his time for a livelihood. The problem with a lot of politicians is that they came out of college and went straight to the public trough, no concept about what the rest of us go through.

  • 1 decade ago

    No and they won't either. He wants to drive them out so he can get his people in there. He is using this to take control of private business.

    By the way these are the same people he just had at a $32,000 dollar a plate dinner. That will now be about 15% of their annual salary. I guess they will start going to McDonalds and giving their money to the other clown.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    He// to the NO I wouldnt. I can barely work now keeping sane with such a high percentage of my money being taken by the feds. Obama is working for the interests of global bankers, not the citizens of the USA...

  • 1 decade ago

    I wonder how long President Obama and Congress would work for free.

  • Mr.
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    "Would you continue to work for a company if the government decided that you must take a 90% pay cut?" - there is no validity to that premise or comparison.

    Who took a 90% pay cut ?.... this I would love to hear...

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Wake up call to business owers that they should be waging war on this administration, becuase clearly he going to do that to them.

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