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Why doesn't Rush read the whole article before he rants about it?

omg- I listened to Rush yesterday because I was curious. He read a comment from an article on cancer testing and started ranting before reading the whole article. As he read on, you could tell he realized that he kinda agreed with the article so he backtracked and blamed the article on what Obama is trying to do with healthcare and I thought, "What is this man on? I thought he was clean now." Honestly, he sounds like a lunatic.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Mo is 100% correct, what is your problem?

    At least Rush did not pull CNN's Rick Sanchez thing , and just made up quotes, to support his point.



  • 1 decade ago

    He sounds like a lunatic because he is ... was there a full moon last night?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That would mean he had compassion and a heart for those less fortunate than him. Rush is man to divide us as a nation and to make people angry. He's an a%%h%ole. ><

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    That's how he makes his money ranting, stirring up trouble and keeping us divided as a nation. >0

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Maybe he's still getting high. Rush like to get his base fire up. It's all about us against them. He's divisive. IMO he's a hate and fear monger. +++

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Rush can read!?

  • Rush is a morbidly obese racist redneck. He's also illiterate, so he obviously did not read the article. But he was probably too busy popping Oxy and illegally smuggled Viagra while licking Cheeto crumbs off his rolls of fat to care about sources anyway.

    Rush Limbaugh only appeals to the LOWEST COMMON DENOMINATOR.

    God doesn't exist.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The man isn't a lunatic just because you don't like him or his way of stating an opinion.

    Is he obnoxious? Yes. But ALL the mouth pieces for both sides are. Get over it. None of them are worth listening to no matter WHAT party they claim to support.

    Here's an idea, turn off the radio and pick up a newspaper. And more than one, and actually read the things instead of waiting to hear what some blow hard has to say about it. You'll be better informed that way and your opinion on the issue won't be influenced by some windbag radio personality.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    apparently you only listened to a couple of minutes of the segment...if you had been truly listening (which is suspect now), he was actually tying it into something called "political timing" concerning the heathcare debate. i'm not going to waste my time offering opinion on this, here's the link for you to read the transcript to get the context of the segment....

  • Curt J
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Try listening to the talking heads on the Left sometime. They rant about things they've never even read.

    I do listen to Rush sometimes and know for a fact that he reads the entire article prior to ever commenting on it. The fact that he only reads portions aloud over the air, does not mean that he doesn't know what he is talking about, or that he is "ranting".

    You considered what he said to be a rant, because you only listened to a few minutes of his broadcast and you listened with a closed mind.

    Source(s): Just my opinion
  • Tom S
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    So out of yesterdays show that is all you got? He was dead on about most everything else, did that offend you? You currently have a tax cheat as treasury secretary, thoughts? a few in the cabinet talking about a brutal dictator as if he was a prophet? Problems? A few congressman that should be tried for corruption (on both sides)? Once again, any issues? I think you miss the point Rush is making.

    ****** is that what Sharpton and his media lynch mob did after misquoting Rush? Libeled the guy out of an opportunity to be a minor owner of a football team. Any apologizes? Nope, so only the Republicans need apologize?

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