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Why can't Christianity stand on its own teachings and philosophies?

Why does it have to spread misinformation and lies about other religions?

So many Christian websites I come across have "informative articles" about other religions, and for this case, Wicca, that are just ridiculous and completely inaccurate.

Why? What purpose does it serve?

For the most part, Wiccans don't behave the same toward Christians. You'll see statements like the following on our websites:

"Wicca is NOT about confronting or combating Christianity. Rebuking their beliefs or soiling their historical legacy is not our purpose, nor should it be the purpose of any religion. Those who are turning to Wicca simply because they wish to leave Christianity, or they object to Christianity, or they just want to shock their Christian family should look elsewhere. Religion, ANY religion, is about belief, not negating another's belief." (

Doesn't it speak poorly for Christianity that it feels it *has to* nagate the beliefs of others in order to keep/gain followers?


Hiking with the Hills of God: I have seen recently on a Christian website that Wiccans practice "sex magick" which is basically about having massive orgys. That IS a lie. I'll try to find the link.

Update 2:

Yes Prairiecrow - I do have many Christian friends. By far not all Christians spread such lies, but agreed - the ones who do are *very* vocal.

Update 3:

no1home: can't find the link that I'm looking for at the moment, but here's one to chew on that gets posted to a lot of questions about Wicca here:

I have no problem with someone quoting their Bible scripture to back up a point or argument, but there is a lot in these articles about Wicca here that is totally inaccurate. And all the Bible scripture quoted in relation is about witchcraft - which does not equate to Wicca.

Update 4:

oh and dear, I spent several years "investigating" the Christian faith, read the Bible, attended churches, etc. etc. - I didn't fit within the faith. Some people do, some don't - but one researching a faith doesn't automatically mean they are going to be able to fit themselves within it.

Update 5:

John S - perhaps. I'll keep these other angles of view in consideration. But I still wonder why such sites have to post articles about other religions at all. Telling about their own should be more than enough.

18 Answers

  • John S
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    <<Doesn't it speak poorly for Christianity that it feels it *has to* nagate the beliefs of others in order to keep/gain followers?>>

    Well there lies the default assumption. That it is doing this to negate another religion OR gain followers. Buried somewhere in there is the belief that they KNOW the correct information but are intentionally spreading misinformation for selfish reasons.

    Isn't that your default assumption based on this question?

    What if it is doing it NOT to attack or to "gain" followers, but to actually try to be informative and make people aware? What if it THINKS it is truly being informative?

    You'd have to show evidence or have some inside knowledge that the people who wrote the article have the same knowledge about Wica as you do, but are instead, deliberately withholding that and spreading information they know to be in error. -- RIGHT? Otherwise it is not intentional misinformation to attack or gain members. It is simply what THEY THINK is accurate information...right?

    So, you need to re-evaluate your base-line assumption. Likely you will find your own biases, burried somewhere in there.

    Saying something against another group, another idea, another concept, etc. is not an attack or done with malious, necessarily. It COULD be merely an attempt to evaluate, analyze, conclude and then disseminate this information.

    SO... you probably have a very misinformed site, but not necessarily an un-christian site. - Get the difference?

    See this as an opportunity to INFORM them and try to send the Webmaster or the person who wrote the article an email to correct their mis-information about that religion.


  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Gah, I looked at that website and found that they were confusing witchcraft with Wicca. Anyway, like prairiecrow said, there are many good christians, but unfortunately, the vocal ones seem to have seats of power, so they make the entire religion look bad.

    They say they do the research, but how much do you want to bet that it is all Christian websites that explain Wicca in their own way? I do not think that anyone should be scared away from the path that they feel is the right one for them....there is no right religion, just what feels right to you and I wish that others would soon see that.

    Source(s): Nocturnal Wiccan
  • 5 years ago

    It's common for Jews to have names that are used in the local community, in addition to their Hebrew names. Look at Jews today, who are often named Mark or Steve, but they'll have Hebrew names that are different. Jesus wasn't called Jesus, he was Yeshuah. Also, keep in mind that you're reading an English translation of the Greek. Further, you're not reading the words and actions of Jesus from people who knew him, but rather of people who were born years later. But yes, I believe you're right that Jesus was preaching to Jews and didn't think he was starting a whole new religion. If you think of it, there are really two Jesus's -- the one where he was preaching, and the other where he was made into a messiah after his death.

  • 1 decade ago

    I think in most cases the people spreading the lies in question genuinely believe one of two things:

    1) That the lies are in fact true, and they're just "spreading the truth"; or

    2) That any lie is justified if it leads people to Christ by scaring them away from other religions.

    Both premises are false, but that doesn't make them any less prevalent.

    (It should be noted that not all Christians are spreaders of such lies, not by a long shot. But the ones who do so are very vocal indeed.)

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yes it does. I am a Christian, but I completely agree. I'm sure that there are people in all races, religions, and countries that speak poorely of others. We are not all like this, though admittedly most of us are. Sorry if we have offended you. Many Christians are fanatical, and often quick to respond negatively to other religions and alternate theories. Try not to think to badly of us, we have good intentions, we just don't always display those intentions correctly. Again, I am sorry for any offenses. Peace.

    Source(s): Life
  • Mike K
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago


    Christianity if practised properly is a very difficult act to follow which goes against our basic human nature so if someone from another religion wishes to lash out and blame Christianity for all the woes of the world, naturally the first reaction of a Christian is to retaliate, lash back and find fault with their particular critic.

    Ideally this should not be the case and an attentive ear with compassion and understanding should be the norm. We do however slip at times.


    Michael Kelly

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Maybe by comparison it will look better. Not only do they spread misinformation about other religions, but they attack the integrity of the scientific method, which gave them the technology they use to spread their stupidity

  • 1 decade ago

    Short answer is Christianity can't stand on it's own teachings and philosophies because it has none. Christianity's teachings and philosophies all came from other religions.

  • 1 decade ago

    Christianity stands very well on it's own, you just don't like our answers. There can be only one truth and you are free to declare what Wicca is but that seems irrelevant to the realities.

    We don't have to lie about other religions, just hold them up to the light and you can see what is slag and what is diamond.

    Wicca has no salvation, no hope and no offer of God's mercy .... we are just trying to show you there is hope, salvation and a narrow path to heaven. Christians were told to try and save those it can and to tell the world there is an option. Jesus felt it was worth dying for so we have to atleast tell you.

    There is only one God, one heaven, one path to salvation and one saviour (Yeshuah the Messiah - Jesus the Christ).... there is also only one Satan and one hell.

    We choose to let you know there is a road but if you choose to pick the wide path of destruction it is your choice.

    Your view of Christianity is completely consistent with what Prof. Daniel B. Wallace (wrote the textbook on ancient Greek & Greek translation) in an interview in the book "The Case for the Real Jesus" says "It's disturbing that when it comes to the Christian faith, people don't really want, or know how, to investigate the evidence", you don't want to know!

    Perhaps one day you might want to learn, I hope you do.

  • 1 decade ago

    Logical fallacy: sweeping generalization. You've punished the whole for the actions of a few.

    Christianity has always stood alone with it's teaching and philosophies, revealing its truth to all who would really seek it with heart, mind, soul and spirit. Some people tend to be lacking that last part when they practice or study the religion, or else have not developped it much. So we of course see the same hatred that comes from all forms of selfishness.

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