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Why won't Christians tell the truth about Halloween?

1 - It's not pagan or satanic. Halloween (the vigil of All Saints Day) was a Catholic observance from the very beginning.

#2 - All of the so-called "occult" themes surrounding Halloween have Christian origins. The belief in Hell is Christian. The belief in Demons is Christian. The belief in SATAN (gasp) is Christian. The belief in judgment in the afterlife is Christian.

#3 - The Catholic Church did not change the pagan Celtic festival of Samhain into Halloween. The 2 Popes who moved All Saints to Nov. 1st weren't even aware of Samhain.


Emmy - wrong. Costumes are a Catholic custome that started after the Bubonic Plague ravaged Europe. People had things like "Dances of the Dead" with masquerade, intended to remind man of his mortality and judgment after death.

Update 2:

JD: "All Hallows Eve" has always been Christian (it literally means the eve of All Saints Day). Just because there are pagan festivals at the same time or day of year doesn't mean they are one and the same. What terrible logic!

Update 3:

Christian Purity: Views like yours are admirable but they just aren't grounded in facts and history. As a Catholic Christian I've always celebrated Halloween in the traditions of the Church and so so in a way that honors Christ.

Update 4:

Donna: Read #3. Samhain is not the same thing. The Church has its own feasts and festivals, the pagans had theirs.

36 Answers

  • Bruce
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Obviously at least one Christian is telling the truth about Halloween. You are, Veritas.

    One of the certain signs of Puritanism is the rejection of fun. Long before the Puritans focused their ire on All Hallows' Eve, they went after Christmas. In New England, people were punished for celebrating Christmas!

    Christians should welcome the opportunity to mock the powers of Satan. Jesus demonstrated how easily Satan can be defeated by Christian witness and authority. He and his minions have been defeated time and again, and Christians look forward to the day when the whole lot is dumped into the lake of fire.

    By the way, whether the origin of Halloween is pagan is beside the point. First, the pagans were designed by God and had some understanding of metaphysical evils; their error was in worshiping the evil powers as gods along with the good. Second, the Church took many elements of the old paganism and recast them in Christian terms.



  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    most of what people believe or not about halloween, is correct and is not, but the truth is that the Catholic Church always helps those with certain belief (that are wrong) to erase their mysticism about the occult and let the light of God enter into their darkest space of their soul and brighten it, so therefore the pagan rites that were held before the rites that now the church has, had as for the intention, the purpose to erase evil and make them accord to the new life in christ, it seems that evil doers and devil worshipers are not willing to let go of those ancient rites and they get them mixed up with the church rites in this case of the celebration for the all saints day eve, in which to have a day for remembrance of all the saints obviously there's not a thing wrong with that, on the other hand if someone intentionally DOES the part of evil in the exercising of the so called halloween party night, then that's were everyone should have a watchful eye to avoid any wrong doing from or to their relatives.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Archbishop Fulton Sheen once said - People don’t hate the Catholic Church. They hate what they believe the Catholic Church to be.

    Hitler said tell a lie enough times and people will begin to believe it. There are so many lies about the church. Lies that everyone believes.

    Halloween is a contraction of All Hallows Eve. We didn’t bogart it from the Pagans. We didn’t swipe Easter either. The term Easter is a corruption of Festa Paschalia. Festa, Easter. Very similar. The church didn’t condemn and/or torture Galileo for posing the Heliocentric Theory. Copernicus did that and he very well may have been a priest. Galileo got his hand slapped for having a big mouth. I could go on for days about the things the church is wrongly accused of.

    People need to let go of the lies.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Samhain IS All Hallows Eve. It doesn't mean eve of All Saints Day. The customs used in it have been around BEFORE Christ was even born. (Considering the Celts were attacked by Julius Ceasar, who then took the land for Rome)

    Belief in Hell isn't Christian lmao!!!! Hades comes from the Greek... Hel is the Goddess of the Underworld. Demons and Satan are most definitely Christian... but judgement in the afterlife isn't unique to Christianity..... Try reading something other than what the Catholic Church shoves at you, ok? There's plenty of evidence for Samhain/Halloween being Pagan long before the church. And the idea that judgement in the afterlife is only Christian is just plain ridiculous. Almost ALL religions have that idea in them.

    Samhain is most definitely the same thing lol Yeah, sure the Church has it's own feasts and festivals... just strange they ALL fall on Pagan Holidays. lol

  • 5 years ago

    It's whatever I believe it is. Just because it may have been something else in the past doesn't mean that right now it isn't "just dressing up in Costumes and giving out of candy trick or treating"

  • 1 decade ago

    The burden of proof is falling heavily on you. You're making alot of claims that will need alot of evidence. The Catholic church having it's festivals and such does not prove they invented them, or did not at least borrow elements from pagans. (turning them around to help teach Christian truth rather than other nonsense)

    So, while the name of the event and some of its history is tied to the church, you need to show which festivals and feasts were Catholic, and which were not. Which traditions have proven Catholic origins, and which were borrowed from immigrants?

    There are many variables at play here, and without good evidence many people will ignore you and continue to believe what they want. After all, "festivals for the dead" predate even the church, and are worldwide. Judgement and afterlife are a part of many religious cultures and beliefs as well. How can you prove the church's role in starting it all?

    Aside from that, if we can celebrate Halloween in a Christian way, what are those ways? What is it that protestants are uninformed on about Halloween? Also, belief in hell and demons may be Christian, but what about dressing up as such things? It's these types of practices that Christians deplore - not necessarily the holiday itself but the mess it's become.

    Source(s): I would like to see some Halloween myths dispelled here...but am not qualified
  • 1 decade ago

    Well said.

    It would be helpful if some of those spouting off about the supposed pagan Samhain festival actually did some decent research into its history. What is described in the original historical sources, which are themselves accounts of myths, bears no resemblance to what they talk about - which is, of course, a modern invention based on the Catholic festival. A Sample:

    "Now once upon a time the men of Ulster held festival upon the Murthemne Plain, and the reason that this festival was held was that every man of them should then give account of the combats he had made and of his valour every Summer-End. It was their custom to hold that festival in order to give account of these combats, and the manner in which they gave that account was this: Each man used to cut off the tip of the tongue of a foe whom he had killed, and he bore it with him in a pouch. Moreover, in order to make more great the numbers of their contests, some used to bring with them the tips of the tongues of beasts, and each man publicly declared the fights he had fought, one man of them after the other."

  • Norm M
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Whether or not the beliefs are pagan, Christian, or pointless. However, trying to attach any religion's definition as being Christian while the religion itself has nothing or very little that is like Christ described in the Bible, is a misrepresentation of the *word* "Christian".

  • 1 decade ago

    We'll have to agree to disagree (although I would like the link on said Popes who placed All Saints Day at November 1 "coincidentally") because we certainly did adapt many of our feast days to coincide with Pagan festivals in order to convert the Pagans. Easter not being one of them, of course.

    Samhain was a very important festival to ready one's self for the coming winter. The traditions of Halloween DO indeed carry on some of the traditions of Samhain. It is not Samhain, as pointed out, but it still carries on with some pagan traditions from Samhain. Therefor, the way Halloween is practiced in the USA (costumes being #1) is more Pagan than Christian. Yes, the pagans DID put on costumes before the bubonic plague.

    Source(s): Catholic
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Catholic Church like any other Church can tell you the purpose and reasoning for a specific Holy Day (Holliday)but how a person decides to use that knowledge and how they chose to celebrate is out of there hands. God gave us the 10 commandments but how people interpret them and obey or disobey is there choice not Gods. The same with Holy Days...

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