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Am I wrong to be upset about this?

I post this question in the Greek Section as I hope for advice from the

friendly Posters here, of similar temperament, who may understand my sense of disgust.

For those who do not know me well, I am a tolerant person, but never

of lies or cheating. (Cut off my arm but never lie to me.) I know

that forgiveness is required, but I always have to battle with it ...

Three days ago I posted an answer which I composed in its entirety.

It contained personal information about my home, garden, community

and included references to my Family. There was nothing included

from any outside source. It was a "green" question in Garden and

Landscape which indicated a personalized answer.

The next day I saw that my answer had been plagiarized by a "fellow" Poster (nine hours after my answer). The first paragraph had been changed and a couple of "I's" became "we" and a couple of lines replaced.

I had also referred to "petonia", a completely Greek term, and even this was copied. (As you will realize, only a Greek or a Corfiot would know what this is, and the Poster's avatar does not give the impression that this is the case).

Subsequently the Asker, who has the Answerer as a Contact, awarded

Best Answer to the Answerer.

I duly reported the copy/paste answer and sent an email to Y. A. including all the above details.

When I first saw the "other" answer with all the description of my home

and personal information written as someone else's I really felt quite odd, as though there was a gap in my stomach. It felt like an

intruder had virtually crept in and stolen my identity. I have had

an answer stolen once before, but this time made me feel quite different.

For those who do not know me, the Best Answer is not an issue--I

have more than enough of those. I considered deleting my answer,

but did not want to destroy the evidence. Then I thought, "Why

should I?" as the anger began to kick in."Let everyone see that this Poster has plagiarized." Unfortunately, both of our answers now show the same time frame.

Two days have passed, and the stolen answer still stands.

I have not answered anything in any of my Best categories since, I

just have not had the heart ...

Probably, in hind sight, I should not have included personal information.

Am I over-reacting? How would you feel? What else can I do?



Thankyou Sagebrush for your support.

I know you are probably right, just still having trouble trying to "swallow" it. "Green" problems matter to me and I considered I could be offering easy, helpful suggestions for others, with a personal slant, so that they could thereby relate to them and hopefully adopt them too.

I actually posted a comment under the said question and answer informing the Answerer, and that I had reported them,

but nothing happened.

Update 2:

Janie: Thankyou. I have many hobbies, but tend to take most things seriously.

Life-shortening, probably?

Snake Goddess: Thankyou. I am positive the plariarizer (is this even an word?) was not Greek. They have an avatar of an entirely different ethnicity. Sorry not to have been clear (anger is not the best advocate). They

copy/pasted the majority and made a few small changes--look in my prifile

if you have time--it is quite clear.

Update 3:

Veritas: Thankyou. I certainly will take your advice and avoid it.

My dear Airpole and fellow Corfiot: I am so sorry you (and Snake Goddess) have the wrong end of the stick. There was absolutely NO insinuation intended.

What I meant was that it is completely

ironic and bizarre that someone would copy/paste a term that they do not

know or understand, a term which is

Greek/Corfiot, and of which the Answerer has obviously no idea.

I cannot name the Avatar of the Answerer (Y. A. Rules) however Veritas

has kindly provided the link, so you may judge for yourself. My Q and A are open

for all (except some obviously blocked users) to see. Again, I apologize for

upsetting you. It was not my intention--

my opening paragraph was addressed to the friendly Posters of the Greek Section--and was not tongue-in cheek.

Update 4:

Veritas: Thankyou. I certainly will take your advice and avoid it.

My dear Airpole and fellow Corfiot: I am so sorry you (and Snake Goddess) have the wrong end of the stick. There was absolutely NO insinuation intended.

What I meant was that it is completely

ironic and bizarre that someone would copy/paste a term that they do not

know or understand, a term which is

Greek/Corfiot, and of which the Answerer has obviously no idea.

I cannot name the Avatar of the Answerer (Y. A. Rules) however Veritas

has kindly provided the link, so you may judge for yourself. My Q and A are open

for all (except some obviously blocked users) to see. Again, I apologize for

upsetting you. It was not my intention--

my opening paragraph was addressed to the friendly Posters of the Greek Section--and was not tongue-in cheek.

Update 5:

Pandora, Diva and Tomato Marouli:

Thankyou all for your support, it is such a nice feeling to be understood ...

Update 6:

Pandora, Diva and Tomato Marouli:

Thankyou all for your support, it is such a nice feeling to be understood ...

Update 7:

Marilyn: Thankyou so much. I quite agree with you, it is a pity ...

Update 8:

Min: Am feeling much better now--all the warm words I have received really helped. How well you know me--when

the anger kicked in the Y. A. Garden

Patch was in danger of accommodating

another body!

By the way, are you recovered now? I

hope so!

Update 9:

Oranos: Welcome to Y. A.! Thankyou for your comments especially as the Q/A have since been deleted, and you may not have seen them, and were not afforded the opportunity of forming a full opinion. I do not believe that reactions to "purse snatchers" (thanks Min) are different in males and females and definitely the support of friends is not discriminatory.

9 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    So sorry to hear that. I checked out your that question.. The nerve of these scumbags... How disgusting. Even the avatar makes me nauseous. I've reported them.

    It even bothered me when I spent time giving good advice but the asker didn't bother to thumb up and then chose a stupid one-liner as best answer.

    Don't ever answer anything from that pariah Indian gang again.

  • 1 decade ago

    Since the word Corfiot crept into your posting and the only one declared Corfiot as far as I know is me, I take your insinuation quite personally.

    Let me therefore assure you that I have not connection to the best of my knowledge directly or indirectly with anything of the answers in question.

    I only answer Questions on the Greek travel section and although I do some gardening (hoeing my home garden, cutting the wild grass) I know the bare minimum of flora in general and what is more of the word you mention.

    I would therefore appreciate if you make clear that your comment has nothing to do with me.

    Furthermore, I would appreciate if you could contact me through the mail option of my profile. But I would like to have the opportunity to do the same.

    Btw, It would have been a great help if you had included the link to that question so we could access for ourselves the magnitude of the problem. Not that I doubt you.

    Copying your answer can be annoying but just imagine copying your profile what will be. Been there.

    Source(s): EDIT. Apology accepted and I have to apologize too for taking it so personally but I gave my explanation for doing so. I would love to hear from you since we are two of a kind here. Your option was closed long before I got to it. Sorry, I was not feeling all that good and on top a power failure put me out. EDIT @ dvatwork and tomato-marouli. Where is your support on this? TY. EDIT @ Pandora. The number is incomplete and only someone who knows where to look can find the rest of it.. In case you are interested I can always provide you with the rest lol. But I'm sure I'm far behind Judge Dredd. I wonder what have you done to him to drop out of sight, along with the other poor soul who lost all Hope. lol
  • OMG !!! SPM...... is that all?

    for a moment there i thoguth u killed a few trolls and burried them in the Y/A garden

    yes ..spm u are over reacting..but i dotn blame u ..i am very much like u i dont provoc any one i keep to my self and answer all question with my vigor...and share comorodity with all the good users.

    BUT as u can see there are ...A ....holes in here where they think a good day for them is to sit back and watch and grab... no better than a purse snatcher...


    as a puse snatcher is the lowest among criminals.

    at least u calm about it if u see when i get the same treat ment i go off my rocker and give them all expliciptives i dotn spare any thign or any one..specialy as u say when u include ur personal life and experinces ... it not only anoying but down right disrespectfull..and to have some one coem and PLAGARISE UR TEXT is quiet unexceptable.. and for what 10 points? ...u see wha ti mean by purse snatcher!

    Source(s): dont worry ..SPM. alot of us has had this happend many times to us..the majority of the promblem is the guidelines //y/a..employ...this is the promblem.. but HEY ILL MAKE U SMILE... next time u see a plageriser or troll.... do this to u ... tell them they spelt some thign wrong.... that in ur origianl text it was spelt like this.... in other words GIVE THEM HELL... dotn let Them damper ur spirits.... ):)
  • 1 decade ago

    The best thing to do, is name this poster. Also bear in mind, that there are over 1 million immigrants in this country, and most of these people speak Greek. Many of them hate us. Don't assume it was a Greek.

    I didn't quite understand what happened though. Are we talking about a hacker, that changed your actual answer, or someone that copied it, and changed it??

    Don't be too bothered though. There are all kinds on YA. I mean look what goes on in this section.

  • 1 decade ago

    Just to let you know that the

    offending question has been deleted.

    I would just like to add, having got my head around it all,

    that you were absolutely right to feel upset and violated.

    It is total invasion, not unlike a robber breaking into your home.

    I know exactly how it is to feel that you have been targeted

    and abused for no good reason.

    @ Airpole,

    I am surprised that you have disclosed your personal 'phone

    number for all to see!

    @ Airpole,

    Compelling as I`m sure you must be

    I will pass on this one and wait for Judge Dredd

    Thank you!

  • 1 decade ago

    Contact the plagiarizer and have him read this recent post and let him know that behaving dishonestly will cause him to lose credibility, whereas you have not since you have a proven track record.

    Then, realize that all people who are admired are imitated by others. In your case, it's kind of a backhanded compliment.

    Since you are now uncomfortable with sharing too much personal information, don't do it anymore.

    Now, continue with your mission to help others through knowledge. That is more important than letting this issue continue to worry you.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is unsettling to relize someone is so bored that they would find the time and energy to mess around with your question.

    Hopefully if you gave out personal information, they won't be bothering you.

    It is too bad we have to always watch our backs because of strange people everywhere.

  • 1 decade ago

    You are not wrong to be upset, and in fact I'm sure that anyone here would be upset if the same thing happened to them.

  • ?
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    plagiarism sucks royally indeed...

    but come on, its yahoo answers, do you really take it that seriously? find a new hobby

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