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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureReligion & Spirituality · 1 decade ago

I have experienced a miracle! My wife is pregnant, thanks to god. Has anyone else have a similar thing happen?

My wife and I have been married for nine years, an seven years ago, we went to see a doctor because we were having a hard time getting pregnant. He informed us that I have FSH, and would never be able to have children of my own.

My wife and I did not accept this answer, and told the doctor that we have faith, and best of all god is on our side. Finally after six years of praying my wife has gotten pregnant, we are joyful and surprised since we had stopped trying for a while.

Never the less, this has brought me closer to god, and I am sure my case is not unique.

Has anyone else experienced this, and if so, how long did it take before God answered your prayers?


Thank you all for your feedback, however I am aware that some couples cheat on each other, but I know for a fact my wife would never cheat on me.

We know were would have some people in our lives suggest this, and we agreed we would be understanding. Faith is a blessing and when you do not have it, everything seems black and white.

My wife is a devoted catholic, as am I, and though she was worried about how people who have not found faith would try to dismiss our blessing, I assured her that who needs their approval when God himself approved it.

What we are experiencing is nothing short of a Miracle. I can only pray that other couples are as lucky as we have been.

128 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sorry to say, but God is not responsible for your wife getting pregnant, another man's penis is.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago


    Source(s): Reverse Infertility
  • 6 years ago


    I have experienced a miracle! My wife is pregnant, thanks to god. Has anyone else have a similar thing happen?

    My wife and I have been married for nine years, an seven years ago, we went to see a doctor because we were having a hard time getting pregnant. He informed us that I have FSH, and would never be able to have children of my own.

    My wife and I did not accept this answer, and told the doctor that...

    Source(s): experienced miracle wife pregnant god similar happen:
  • 1 decade ago

    Firstly, while adultery is certainly a potential explanation, I cannot *believe* so many people would suggest it when they don't know you or your wife. True or not, it's not *our* business. Your trust in each other is vitally important to the health of the relationship - the health of the family; don't lose it, misapply it, or mislay it.

    Secondly, Congratulations! on your coming child. :-) This baby is lucky to be born to parents who want it so badly. You're willingly taking on one of the hardest jobs on the planet, good luck! Be the best parents you can be and please try to raise an accepting, open-minded child with an eager, questioning mind.

    As for your "question": What you are experiencing is not all that unique, really. Many, many couples through the years have gone on to become pregnant after being told there was no hope. I believe the key to your situation lies in the phrase you yourself used: "we had stopped trying for a while."

    The mind-body connection is a very powerful thing, and we humans can often sabotage ourselves by wanting something too badly. We want, we stress about what we want, stress affects the functioning of our bodies (sex drive and reproductive ability being one of the first systems to shut down)... And then we don't get what we want. But then when we relax, forget about it, think about something else for a while...

    Like you said: you *stopped* *TRYING*. It really can be as simple as that. :-)

    Congratulations again.

    Source(s): Psychology studies.
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If you had stopped having sex, and you are unable to have children, it would only make sense that your wife cheated on you. Your faith in God could probably explain her getting pregnant if you were indeed having sex with her, but not even God can be given credit for her getting pregnant if you weren't trying at the time. She cheated on you. I suggest confronting her about it, and when the child is born, getting a DNA test.

  • 1 decade ago

    Most of you responders are unbelievable, Are you all so filled with such animosity towards each other and GOD, that you don't believe in a miracle. Everyday is a miracle in how our bodies operate to how this world moves on but yet you all trash a man who believes GOD has given yet another miracle. This is obviously a man with faith, and since non of you have that same faith it is obvious you would look at the pesimistic side to any such situation. The funny thing is that this man is probably praying for all of you who ripped him, becaus he feels sorry for you.

    Congrats to you new father.

  • 1 decade ago

    I find it amazing when some one puts so much faith in their lives. Yes miracles can happen, but so can tragedy. All the time we here of politician "high family values" only to find out they to have a mistress or two on the side. We have all heard the stories of the little choir boys being touched by the devout catholic priest.

    If I were you, when the baby is born I would have a DNA test done. If you do not want to accuse your wife of adultery to her face, have the test done when she is not looking. You can flog yourself later when the results show you are the father. Or you can catch your loving wife with her loving lover and flog them both. Or you can forever have that little seed of doubt fester in the back of your mind. The choice is yours

  • 1 decade ago

    I believe in god and I also believe god gave us the ability to think logically for a reason.

    Here is a few undeniable facts.

    1. The doctor could have been wrong.

    2. It is true that the various types of stress do influence your body chemistry. Which could account your ability to have a child change.

    3. For males: Generally your fertility must be below normal three times in a row on separate tests done at different times. If have not been tested at least 3 times then you may actually not have a fertility issue. (Yes, I know this for a fact through many specialist as I have been tested. my wife has P.C.O.S.)

    4. About 50% of women have cheated on their partner at some point during marriage (Atwood & Schwartz, 2002 - Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy)

    5. Of women who have cheated 73% of them were considered very religious. Hypothesized reason for this is people who are most restrained tend to be those whom need an outlet (Atwood & Schwartz, 2002 - Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy)

    6. Of those women who have cheated less than 44% of the husbands knew that their wife cheated. (Atwood & Schwartz, 2002 - Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy)

    7. As Ralph mentioned, it is much to the benefit of the child that the biological father be known not only for family research, but for medical reasons such as possible donors of blood and organs and genetic research to help heel you or your biological child from possible genetic illness.

    8. If accepting you do have a fertility issue the chances of you having a biological child are most likely less then winning the lottery.

    9. If through DNA test you find it is your child it is still not a miracle it is IMPROBABLE not impossible. Impossible would indicate a miracle. Even men who are intentionally sterile still have a very small chance of becoming a father. (look it up)

    10. Just because you have faith in the lord does not mean you have to ignore that the probability that the child is most likely not yours.

    11. Just because the child's not biological yours does not mean you can not be the father. Father is title that is earned through caring for a child not from genetics.

    12. Once you are written in on the birth certificate the child is legally yours. even if you later find it is not biologically yours. If your wife is/was cheating and later left you for another maybe the person who is the child's biological father you would still be paying until the child is out of college.

    If you are looking for an excuse to ask for a DNA test just say it is to prove everyone wrong and to avoid your child being call a bastard. (no insult intended sorry)

    As a personal note please refrain from referring to the child as a miracle not only because only what is mentioned in number 9 but doing so insults what are to be considered true miracles.

    Source(s): (Atwood & Schwartz, 2002 - Journal of Couple & Relationship Therapy) personal experience with my wife common sense
  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, you are right, no devout catholics have ever cheated on their spouse in the history of marriage. And you know for a fact your wife would never cheat on you because... she told you, and you have faith. Right...

    And I guess you also believe the child is the second coming of Christ?

    This isn't faith, its a delusion. If you don't care or don't want to know if she cheated, go ahead on living in a fantasy world and be prepared to raise someone else's child. If you do care that your wife has violated your marriage, get a paternity test.

    Source(s): common sense
  • Anonymous
    6 years ago

    When you can't get pregnant, and things look good from the outside, it can be extremely frustrating.

    The first thing to consider is how long have you been trying. About 80% of couples will get pregnant after six months of trying, and about 90% will be pregnant after 12 months of trying to get pregnant. Anyway this is a great methid to get pregnant fast

  • 1 decade ago

    God loves you. And takes drastic measures to protect you... I believe in miracles. But I also believe in signs. It my be time to embrace the possibility that in order to protect you over the long haul, God has placed this situation in your life to strengthen you.

    An easy way to determine whether or not your wife has been unfaithful is to go get tested again. If indeed your seed has been miraculously re energized, a simple test will show it. You can go alone on your own time.

    Whatever the outcome, be strong, and don't lose your faith. If indeed she has given in to temptation, it may be the only thing that will save you... both.

    Good Luck.

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