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Spiritually Speaking Do You Approve Of Book Burning?

This church about 30 min away from my home is going to burn various versions of the bible (except the KJV). One thing I cannot stand is book burning. If you don't like the book don't read it. If it's something you had from the past, it was a gift, or whatever...donate it. Bookburning is ridiculous (imho of course).

So, do you approve of what this church is doing?

Note: the fire marshall has already warned them they will be faced with $25,000 fine since book burning is illegal in the state of NC. Makes me wonder if they will back out at last minute.


Crazy Cat - wish it was a joke. They were featured on Fox News sometime this morning (I think, a friend emailed to tell us). The site looks pretty legit as well.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Do not approve. Only people who are not strong and grounded in what they believe are threatened by other people's ideas so they feel they must oppress those ideas because of their own fears

  • Leo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    What? Please tell me this is a joke! Books were burned in Nazi Germany. That fact was used to morally differentiate the allies from the axis powers. We were supposedly better because we didn't do that sort of thing here. I hope the fire marshal fines them 25 grand for each and every book they burn. As an American and as an intelligent being I find the idea of burning books to be disgusting.

    Do you remember the TV show "The Waltons"? It took place during the 1930's and 40's. There was one episode where the towns people in an American town were outraged over reports of the Nazi's burning books. In retaliation they collect all the German books they can find and begin burning them. There is a debate over it, with some people saying that they are no better than the Nazi's for burning books. Then one woman who is able to read German picks up one of the books and begins to read from it aloud. It's the bible. The fire is out out and the people go back to their homes, ashamed of what they had tried to do. That scene was the first thing I thought of when I read your question.

  • 1 decade ago

    It is a shame that people like those burning books have no respect for anyone or anything for that matter. All books are knowledge to someone. You don't like it give it to local libraries or charities. The fact is knowledge is power so if you learn something new or something with different messages about life in general, there is going to be someone who doesn't agree to it and does things like burning books So no I don't approve of burning books but people will do it. Sorry this is just my take, I know someone will get upset but these are my feelings not anyone else s

  • 1 decade ago

    I do not approve of what the church is doing.

    I detest the suppression of ideas, even if those ideas are detestable. I used to have books in my library that many people might consider objectionable. For example, I had a first American printing of Mein Kampf because I considered it a historical artifact.

    I have read those books because I consider it important to know those ideas and understand the mentality behind them....*lest we find ourselves in those positions again.*

    Burning Bibles, just because you don't like the translation, is an abomination...and I'm not even a Christian. These people who are trying to emulate the Christians who burned their magical texts in the Book of Acts need to understand that this isn't 1st Century Ephesus. This is 21st Century US. We don't speak the King's English anymore. Very few people can even use the King's English correctly.

    But if they want to burn Bibles, pay a $25,000 fine, and look like un-American, freedom-hating goons, that's their business. They should advertise: that way, people who value their rights and priveleges in the US will know which church to avoid attending and giving money to.

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  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    The Wheel of Time series would be a good start... I made it through 2 1/2 of them and couldn't take it anymore. I felt like I needed a cliff notes just to keep up with what was going on and it being very boring didn't help. If I had another nomination I would take Dreamcatcher by Stephen King... it is the worst book I have ever read.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It depends - does the book suck?

    Personally, I know that at my home where I grew up, even writing in a book, folding its pages, or (gods forbid) tearing a book were considered to be mortal sins, punishable by death. Even today, I use post-its rather than make any marking inside a book that was not already there when I bought it.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I don't agree with it either.

    Books are knowledge, education. I remember in the end of a school year some kids would burn their books, I found it horrible. I threw away some and now I regret it :(

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago



    He does, however, make a decent "biblical" point to justify his book burning. Sure glad most christians ignore that part of the bible...


  • Katie
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    No. Think of all the knowledge lost in book burning :(

  • 1 decade ago

    Absolutely positively not. I think society as a whole would be a whole lot better off if we read books rather then burn them.

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