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Anonymous asked in Family & RelationshipsEngagements & Weddings · 1 decade ago

My maid of honour quit?

Okay, so this is going to be long but please read it as I need advice.

My sister was to be my maid of honour in my wedding. She is 18 years old and I'm 22. We used to be really close but lately she's really hard to be around. She's rude to my parents and me. I feel like I'm walking on eggshells when she's around because if I say the wrong thing, even if it's not mean, she blows up at me and says really cruel things to hurt my feelings.

She has always, since I asked her to be my maid of honour, threatened to pull out of the wedding when she's mad at me, which is always for no reason. Last night we got into a huge fight because I finally stood up for myself and was sick of the way she was treating me (being rude to me about having acne, saying horrible things about my fiance who has always been nice to her).

She told me that she didn't want to be my maid of honour because she didn't want to do any of the planning. I told her that was a lame excuse because I already told her my other bridesmaids were planning the bachelorette party and everything else and that she didn't need to. Then she just told me that she didn't want to be in my wedding at all.

I feel like I haven't done anything wrong here but I told her that she broke my heart. She was so mean to me that my Mom who was in the room started crying.

I have been there for my sister through everything and have done so much for her, and she always treats me so cruelly. I think she has crossed a line now and although I forgive her and stuff, do you think that if she comes back to me and apologizes I should still let her be my maid of honour? She has done this before where she really hurts me and then apologizes but does it again. I am done, I am emotionally exhausted because I love her so much but I feel like she doesn't love me at all.


I don't think that it's her being a teenager at all. When I was 18 I was nowhere near like that and I have friends that are teenagers and don't treat people like crap.

16 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I have a brother who is about that age and he explodes from time to time, acts totally immaturely and embarrases himself. Then he thinks everyone just gets over it. Although for my family it goes deeper because our father has anger management issues and we're working to get my brother to possibly see a therapist because all other times he's as funny and as nice as can be.

    But that being said, what I've learned is that when he acts like a jerk he has to answer for it. So does your sister. Don't allow her to be your maid of honor moving forward because I bet you have the same problem down the line. I'm not sure what her problem is but aside from just how this is affecting your wedding she probably needs some help.

    If she comes back and sincerely apologizes talk to her about how she's been acting and how it's affecting you and your family (wedding aside). Tell her you want to find a place for her in your wedding, but clearly she cannot handle being the MOH, she said herself she doesn't want to do any of the planning. Talk about how she can be involved, does she want to be a bridesmaid? Or just assist the girls in the bridal suite when getting ready? I think you'd regret not having her part of your day.

    Did she just start behaving this way as you got engaged? Is she afraid of "losing you" or you not being around as much? Sounds childish but it happens.

  • 1 decade ago

    Like some of the other responses, I think this is just your sister being a teenager. Its still amazing to me how much just a couple years makes a really huge difference. I'm only 25 and thinking back just 5 years, its strange how much you can grow up in such a small amount of time.

    If your sister does come and apologize, accept it graciously and be honest about how it made you feel. If she asks to be your maid of honor again though, I would tell her you've already asked another friend. Especially if she really wants to be back in the wedding party, I would say no. At some point she needs to learn that there are consequences to her actions, and that grown women can not act like immature girls. (or at least Should not, because we've all seen in other questions how unladylike some women can actually be.)

    You really do need to try to keep it together and stay sane before the wedding because there will inevitably be some crisis to deal with and if this one can be avoided, it should.

    Congrats and Good Luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm sorry this happened! But I have a minor disagreement when you say you have done nothing wrong. You did do something wrong, and I'm only pointing it out as a "lesson learned". And what you did wrong was in asking her to serve as your MOH, and then not dumping her immediately the first time she threatened to pull out. Value yourself a bit more! It's an honor and priviledge to be someone's MOH, and if your sister is too petty or immature to handle it, she never should have been involved in the first place. At 18, she should know better.

    Chances are, when she grows up a bit and realizes what an idiot she's been, your relationship will get back on track, but for now keep it all separate. You're starting your new family, you're planning a wedding, and if she doesn't want to be part of that, just excuse her from it and move on. But to answer your question, no, don't reinvite her...if nothing else, she sounds very immature, and she needs to learn that actions have consequences. I was very aware of this when I was 18, and she should be, as well.

  • 1 decade ago

    I wouldn't let her be my MOH anymore.

    My husband's Best man was supposed to be his brother. He was 22 at the time he quit (He'll swear my husband kicked him out, but in reality he was given a choice) because he refused to be around their father (they had had a falling out earlier that year). It was so childish it's not even funny. His mother took his side and so did his other brother and none were present at our wedding. The truth is though no matter how much you love some one if they treat you like garbage sometimes it's just not worth it.

    I also disagree that she was just being a teenager. That is ridiculous to assume you can get away with acting like that at any age. My sister was my MOH she was 15 at the time of the proposal and 17 at the time of the wedding. Though there wasn't a lot she could do money wise, she was the best MOH I could have asked for. Loving, supportive, kind, and ready to help in any way she could. No way does being 18 mean you treat people badly.

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  • Jo
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    No, you should not let her be your m-o-h. The way she is behaving is extremely childish. Just tell you that you love her dearly but will not tolerate being treated this way. End of subject-no re-hashing details, no he said, she said bulls***. Simply put-get that monkey off your back! Once she realizes that her antics are no longer controlling you, she will either grow up or sulk in a corner somewhere. Either way, you do not have to deal with her. This should be a happy time for you and your fiance. You cannot make her change, you can only change your response to her behavior. Tell your mom to do the same. Best wishes to both of you!

  • 1 decade ago

    I am sorry u r going thru this, but to be honest ur sister is a manipulative person. If she apologizes u should not risk the most important day of your life for one of her tantrums. If i was you i would hug her, say you forgive her and say that due to the fact that there has been so much anger btween the 2 is better if she attends and if she wishes she could help you with the planning. This way she is not left out and u do not risk of her messing up ur wedding day . Do not give her anything that u consider vital for ur wedding to run smoothly. I know is hard but u need to step up and do this for yourself. Also, remember that since she is so manipulative she might try to make u feel bad abt ur decision. So, whatever she says, deaf ears. Play her manipulation back...."If u love me u would respect my decision and will help with my wedding. You will also be there for moral support" Do not give her the power to ruin ur day. Keep her as far away as possible. Make her fold napkins if she wants to contribute.. She will be mad... but u will b safe! Congratulations and best of luck!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    This is an unfortunate situation, but she quit. Let it be.

    It's very admirable of you to stand by her and give her so many chances, but it doesn't seem like she's reciprocating. Her quitting at this time might be for the best. I know you're probably disappointed in her actions and her words, but I would leave it be and give her space and continue planning. This will eliminate some stress for you. She's acting very childish and immature and one day she'll look back and see that but for now, there isn't much you can do.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If she comes back within the next 24 hours, maybe. But if it's longer than that, replace her with a good and trusted friend. And don't take it away from your friend even if your sister BEGS to be your MOH again. You don't have to rub her decision in her face, but do stand firm that SHE made the decision to quit.

    Sorry you're going through this. =( Families can't fulfill every emotional need we have. That's why we have friends, too.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    She doesn't deserve to be in your wedding. If she comes back and apologizes and wants to be in it again, and you feel bad about it, tell her that she can be in it, but as just a bridesmaid. There is nothing honorable about putting you through this and treating you the way that she did, so she definitely cannot be a maid of honor.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    sounds like a honest-climate chum, as long as issues are going her way, issues are large, yet while she would not get her way (and to your valid motives), she ditches you. i think of it replace into rather crappy of her, you have been their for her what proportion cases and you pass over a million difficulty cuz you probably did not have a call and he or she cuts out of your wedding ceremony....I say ditch the witch! I certainly have a chum like that, one minute she replace into hinting approximately bein interior the marriage, I frankly did not have a place for her and the outfits had already been ordered, (and discontinued) yet i might have got here across a server style interest or something for her to be a element of, yet she did not get her way so she has not shown as much as a single bathe and that i doubt she would be able to instruct on the marriage, and somewhat talks to me when I do see her! not even cool, so for this reason, i won't be able to be having lots to do with ms. shellie, and experience lots extra helpful approximately issues that way!

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