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Did you think that "The Hunger Games" lived up to the hype?

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's ironic that people who probably didn't even know it existed until some months later are commenting about the hype.... No offense, but it's true.

    For The Hunger Games, the hype revolved mostly around the librarians and bloggers. I read mostly good reviews, but there were some who criticized its predictability and others who compared the book to Battle Royale. I personally think THG lived up to what everyone else said, but only wish that some of the bigger names had lauded the book more.

    For Catching Fire, most reviewers commented about how exciting it was and how great the Quarter Quell was. Personally (My opinion, no one else's), I don't think CF was that amazing. It was an awful lot of filler and it does set the trilogy up for the third book, but I wish that SC would've gone to the Quarter Quell faster, as I found that the time in District 12 was irritatingly repetitive, although necessary. Did not live up to hype.


    Administrator of HungerGamesTrilogy.Com

  • 1 decade ago

    I have heard no hype. But that book kicked but!! Catching Fire was great too. I don't care what anyone says, they are some of my favorites.

  • I loved it. But I haven't read Catching Fire yet, so I can't say anything about that.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    But not the second book.

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  • 1 decade ago

    I would say so, and I

    would say the second one did to >.<

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