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22yr old with a 17yr old.. Could it work?

hi im seeing a 22yr old male hes seems nice were not going out yet but i do enjoy his company and he's told me he likes me but i want to know if you think the 5yr gap is alot or not.. does he just want to use me or do u think he could actally like me?

Thank You


im from the UK so its all legal not that im thinking about sex right now.

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    hiya, 5 yrs is nothing to worry about.i was 17 when i married my guy he was 30.we have been married 43yrs and still in love. that is 13yrs between us,and we are still very happy together.age is just a number,and if you like/love some one age does not come into have fun,and stop worrying what other people might think.good luck.xx

  • ERRN
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    Some guys out there really are just to get in your pants.... but I met my sweetheart a month before turning 18, and he was a few months from 22 and we have been together for 2 years and very much in love. Your guy could really be a good dude, only you would really know the answer... if youre really questioning it because of things he does, then probably not going to be good for you. But if you are just wondering because it may seem too good to be true then, hey, maybe it is tru tho :) it was for me so just keep your head up, stay smart and good luck!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes it can absolutely work, as long as you are mature for your age, and the guy is a decent guy, not a jerk who is looking for one thing.

    Personal experience, I was 17 and my fiance was 21. We couldn't be happier together. (He's now 22 and I'm 18...we have the same bday)

    Don't let people judge you or tell you what to do. You have to make decisions on your own. But like I said, if all of the intentions are correct, it is absolutely possible...

  • 1 decade ago

    It worked for me, I was 17 and he was 21. However, make sure you know yourself because you could get lost in an adult world. Also, what are your plans for college. Before we got in a relationship I made sure that he knew I was leaving next year, now we are in a long distance relationship and we are ok with that.

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  • 1 decade ago

    no its not a big deal unless you make it a big deal honestly 5 years is nothing there is that between me and my bf, and i have been with ppl way older before.

    whether or not it will work depends on both of your levels of maturity tbh.

    and why does everyone think guys just want to use them and have sex with them???there is nothing wrong with sex!if he wanted to just have sex with someone he wouldn't put in all the effort of getting to know u and saying that he likes u.

    good luck.

  • 1 decade ago

    Age is not the issue here but do get to know more about him before so that you don't have to be concerned if he will date you because he genuinely likes you or he is showing that he likes you so that he could have sex with you.

    Good Luck!

  • 1 decade ago

    Love has no age, forget about the age. Your both legal to be doing what you want as well, i know people who have 10 years gap. If you love said person, you can make it work.

  • 1 decade ago

    If he's able to get girls his age, he wouldn't be hitting on a minor. He's most likely trying to use you, and I think it would be illegal for someone that old to be dating someone under 18, but not sure.

  • Nah dizzle...

    You're about to go to college. A place where you'll meet several potential candidates. Why settle on this unless you WANT to. If you want to it's your life, live it. This working tho....

    hell neezy

  • 1 decade ago

    hmmm, it does seem like a lot now....maybe u should get to know him more and see if he's not just dating u for sex, u know?

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