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Tha Gurl Sasha 'xo
Hello my name is sasha! I Live In - Brimingham Im 17 Yearsz Young! Mathew Bolton Collage (MBC) A Level - Math,sz,Graphic'sz & ICT Graphic Desginer By Dayy Raver By Night :D Fun, Out-going, I Love Happy People Black British - Black Jamaican (H) Live && Love Mah Lifee 'xo My Most Asked Questionsz Will B About Boysz! LOL Here To Answer Questionsz,Have Questionsz Answered & Help As Much As I Can! Email Me For Any Advice Or If You Need Anything 'xo
does it matter who you lose your virginity too?
so im 18 and a virgin (19 in january) and yes i know there plenty of time and there's much older virgins than me out there but im a really impatient person and still being a virgin has been grating at me since i was about 16! at first it was important to lose it to somebody i cared about and i wanted it to be Special but right now id take anything anywhere lol i know it sounds REALLY bad but sometimes when im around men i do like i feel like the virginity thing is just a cloud over my head stopping me from wanting to get close because i know that if they were to hurt me afterwards it would scar me for life as im quite an emotional person...
so with that in mind im thinking a random hook up (when i say random i mean met a few times but it would Just be nsa) would get the virginity out the way and boost my confidence that little bit more so i wouldn't feel so nervous around others, but i also don't want to screw myself up physiologically.. will i automaticly have a bond with this person thats hard to get rid off? or will i be able to walk away from it?
11 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agodoe's age really matter? why didnt he call?
About 3 weeks ago we had a work social and we all went for drinks, in one bar there was a security guard who i was talking to and flirting with during the night. this friday a few people from work went back and i saw the security guard again. at the end of the night i was talking to him and asked him for his number... he took mine because he didn't know his off by heart.
we then got into a discussion about age... not sure how old he is but all he would say is nearly 30 and he knows im under 21 but he doesn't know how old (im actually 18) when he found out he said "we might just have to be friends because your going to get me into trouble" even thought its perfectly legal in the UK (the legal age is 16) but i said make sure you call me and he said he would...
so am i being 3 day-ed or do u think hes backing out because of the age gap? and if he doesnt ring me should i go back to the bar and see him again or just avoid it.
5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoHow can I tell him I like him?
I like this boy at my college he's really good looking... I wanted to get to know him better so I got 1 of my male friend. (who is REALLY friendly anyway) to start a convo with him when I was around, so we was all talking & he seems really nice aswell... I was talking to him today cuz I bumped into him in my college lift bt nothing major.. Tomorrow is his last day at college as he's in the year above & has finished his course.. What can I say to him to let him no I want to know him abit better? I don't want to seem overl egar as I've only spoken to him twice bt if I say nothing I'll never see him again
please help!
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoWhy do so many girls hate having big boobs at a young age?
I've read so much posts on yahoo about girls saying now they hate having big boobs and there only a size 34G or 36DD! OMG your one of the lucky ones! I'm 18 now but since I was 16 I've had 34K boobs! That's right a K or J depending on what make the bra is & I cope lol yh it can be hard at times when boys talk directly at them as if I don't actally have a face but I wouldn't go as far as to say I hate them! There fun do u know how many boys I've made walk into Walls, lamposts, ect... And I still wear low cut tops and the same tops as my friends who have A size boobs even thought I usally have to buy a bigger size to fit my boobs in lol.. as far as back pains go I don't even get them (thank god Ive heard it can be so painful) but I actally belive I have the biggest boobs for my age group and dress size (UK size 14) and I'm not always complaining! So why do you lot hate it so much?
6 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade agoHow can you tell if a guy likes u at a club?
Basicly Saturday I was outside the club/bar where my friend works & 1 of his friends who I don't know was just randomly stroking my hand... I didn't pull away becuase I thought he was good looking.. I then decided to go inside & we saw him in there so he was dancing beside me for a while, then walked off... From then I would cacth he just wacthing me dance but not all the time.
He was dancing with other girls but I think he already knew them. I asked my friend who worked at the club to see if he was single & he sed h would find out for me
Not sure what to make of it... My friend who I went there with said he was trying to play a bit of a game by sending mixed messages which I kinda think is true but as I'm not to good at Reading signals I thought I'd as you lot lol
if he liked me that much wouldn't he have asked me name, or anything but he did know we have a mutrual friend... Don't know I'm confused.
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agoWhy did he kiss me on the cheek? What does it mean? What should I do?
I used to have a crush on this boy last year but he moved & we basicly stopped speaking. He's back in my city now & on Saturday a mutural friend of ours had a party & he was there... He knows I used to like him even thought we never spoke aboutalastair year.
When we first saw each other he hugged me, we talked for a while & did all the stuff u do when I first see some1 you havnt seen in a long while but then later in the night he grabbed me gave me a hug & kissed me on the cheek then walked off... I was very confused but slightly tipsy so didn't really question it at the time. It wasn't a quick peck tho he did it really slow as if he was wandering whether to do it or not.
Anyway I just wanted to know what you lot thought. he knows for a fact I used to like him so if he liked me now why wouldn't he just say so & what was with the whole cheek thing... Nobody saw it I dnt think but when we was around the other we both know he wasn't as friendly...he didn't ignore me it just the vibe felt diffrent
thank you
6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoWhat does a kiss on the cheek mean?
Ok so last year I used to know this boy from my dance group.. He knew I liked him but nothing happened. On Saturday there was a mutural friends party so he was there along with about 25 ppl we both also know. We sed hello hugged, caught up all the normal stuff. Then once as I walked past him he hugged me again & gave me a kiss on the cheek... If he had done that when we first saw each other that night I wouldn't have thought anything of it but I wondered what people thought it meant.. I knows I liked him a yr ago but he never responded & now to do that I just felt it was a bit cruel or do u think that was his way of saying I like u 2? I do look ALOT diffrent these days lost a bit of weight & I wear make up
Thank you
1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade agoAfter you lose your virginity do u want sex all the time?
A few yes ago my friend told me that alot of girls are slags because once you lose your virginity u just seem to want sex all the time... I was wandering in your opioins this this true?
I just want to know abit more about what to expect as I will be losing it to a friend & might not be able to do it with him again lol I dnt want to turn into so sort of horny fool
thank you
7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoWhy do mixed race (blk & White mix) boys always go out with White girls?
I personaly have no problem with mixed race boys with White girls I just dnt understand why none of them go 4 black girls... I only know 1 mixed race boy who goes out with black girls & it really anoys me! My personally prefrence is mixed race but where I live (Birmingham) there basicly no chance... If there's any mixed boys out there that understand or can let me know why it might help me lol b4 any1 starts I'm not rasict I just want 2 know
3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agohow do i tell him how i feel without sounding two childish?
i met this man just before xmas he was staying in my town for a week and we saw each other for the first 3 days and due to work we didn't get to see each other for the rest... he basically wanted sex i told him no and he said he would still like to get to know me
since then he hasn't contacted me once but i used to ring him ever so often... i haven't rang him in about 3 weeks now tho
but basically i really like him for some very unknown reason and even thought hes kinda of ignored me i think he likes me 2 but hes too much of the typical "player" to show his feeling.
i want to tell him that i do like him (not love or any think like that) and that i want to get to know him better but this has too be a two way thing and not just me contacting him all the time. but i dont want him to think that i love him or something like that jsut that i think it would be great to at least give it at go :)
im 17 hes 24
3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoHow Important Is Your Virginity?
basically im 17 (18 in a month) and still a virgin and i just feel like crap! its not so much i feel i have 2 keep up with my friends, because i already tell them i lost it last yr at college and they all believe me, its more me personal feeling inadequate as a woman...
i met a man a few weeks back and i really like him and he likes me and even though i know he only wants me for sex (he says he doesnt but im a virgin not a idiot) and im seriously considering doing it with him... ive read alot of things about boys losing there virginity to a prostitute so what is the difference if i don't lose it to somebody i really love or loves me?
im not asking this for you all to do NOO don't do it. im asking because as i don't know the emotion connection i keep hearing about im wondering will i be able to cope after wards. also he lives in a diffrent town so if it doesnt work out at least i'll never have to see him again...
2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agowhy doesnt he make contact?
if you like a girl would you ring and txt her? this boy i like and say likes me NEVER rings or texts me... if i text him he will blank it but if i ring he will talk to me and he keeps saying he wants 2 come see me and tries to make conversation on the phone... im really confused i dont know what hes thinking or what he wants. we live in diffrent towns so i cant just go visit him
5 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoWhy do men plays game? how do i react!?
what is the phone game males play?
i met this man 2weeks ago and he has never rang or txted me and even claims to not get some of my txt ( i allowed him to think i believed him but im not stupid) and today (about 6days since ive last seen him i rang him and he told me 2 ring him back in a bit.... so i did and he told me 2 ring him later.... so i did and he told me that sum1 backed into his car, which is why he told me 2 ring back, mentioned a txt i sent him and then sed could i ring him back later, so i sed i'll ring you tomorrow your busy.
all i want to know is is he trying to blow me off or was he Just busy? i mean sum1 did just back into his car so im sure he was abit upset about that but i mean he could have been abit nicer. he sounded upset with me because if the txt i sent him monday ... which basicly said did u Just want to know me for sex or for a real relationship. he never replied
after the last phone call i txted him saying if u don't want me to contact you just say but were talk about it tomorrow
am i just worrying for no reason? or is he trying to be nice? he lives ahour away from me so i dont know why he doesnt just tell me how he feels!
3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoShould i call him and what should i say?
i met this man last week monday and we really hit it off. we swapped numbers and talked for a while... he came to visit me at work on tuesday and we went out on Wednesday well back to his... nothing happened even thought he wanted it to lol anyway he lives about ahour drive away from me he was only staying for a week near me and since he left we haven't spoken.
i rang him on thursday and he sed he came to my work to see me but i don't work Thursdays (its only upstairs from where he works so he didn't travel) and i rang him Saturday to see him b4 he left but he had already gone, said he was driving and asked me to ring him back in ahour but as i was going to work i couldn't
now i want to know weather i should ring him and what i should say.
should i wait till around sunday and see if he calls me
Should i ring him tomorrow and just see how he is
or should i ask him if he really saw a future with us or he was just trying a thing while he was here
i really want to know because i like him and i want to know if im wasting my time
6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agois he just using me for sex?
i met this man on monday on my way to work he was working in my area for a week bt then he was going back to darby where he lives. its only a hours drive from birmingham tho so this isnt a problem.. anyway he gave me his number and i txted him myn and he asked me if i would come meet him on the wesnday.
he came into my work place tuesday to confirm we see each other the next day and i asked him what he'd planned.. and he sed wacth a film... all i would say is and knowing he'd want more and he made a joke say err and alittle sex and then laughed and sed dont worry babes.
wensday we went bck to his place lisened to some music and he tried to make a move....
i told him ima virgin and that ive never really had a boyfriend before and i wasnt really ready and we talked about it. he told me alot about dont let anybody make u do anythin and he wont and he doesnt need to becuase he can get another girl but the short version is that he 'has needs' and he couldnt control himself so he drove me home.
he say's he wants to see me again and keep in contact because he does really like me and he see me next week but i dont know if hes only saying that so he can try again and hope i give in... which 2bh i would as i really like him and dont wanna lose him. he also said even thought he not a guy who likes taking girls virginity he likes the fact that he knows i'll be faithful and that im wifey (serouis gf) material
ive been reading up about having sex on the first date and alot of aduts dont see it as a bad thing and hes alot older than me so i really dont know.
i tried to start a mini convo with my mom about how she knew she was ready but she wasn't intrested in talking to me about it which is why im asking this so before people start saying im a silly little girl i just dont know where to turn... i dont have any extened family just me mom and 2 little borthers both under 5yrs old
hes 24 and im 17 UK so its legal
3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agohow do you know when your ready for sex?
me and this man really like each other and i knw this sounds stupid but hes made it clear that our relationship needs to be physical aswell and emotinall becuase "he has needs lol" and im fine with that becuase its going to happen anyway he could have lied and sed he would wait and just messed around behind my back so im greatful he was honest with me
anyway i do want to have sex with him becuase i do really like him and i think im ready but how do i know for sure? i thought about it and hes the 1st boy ive even kissed and the 1st person ive even liked in that way... and he does like me and i wont regeat it if i do it but is that enough?
7 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agoDo i tell him ive never had a BF?
ok i like this boy and he likes me and 2morrow were going ona half date half just watch a film kind of thing lol and i know the evening it most likely going to end with a kiss. 2 problems
1) ive never kissed a boy and 2) ive never had a BF before. so now im wondering do i tell him this or just carry on like normal... i don't want him 2 think im a crappy kisser but i also dont want him 2 think im a loser cuz ive never had a BF!
hes 24 and im 17... we live in the UK so its all legal and no im not a slag or anythin as stated ive never even kissed a boy but i really like him and he likes me. im not even bothered about the age gap becuase i like him alot
6 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade agodo i tell him ive never kissed anybody before? and more lol?
ok so this really really good looking man asked me out yesterday... we work in the same shopping centre but hes only hear for a week and then he's moving to another centre and so on... but im going to his house/hotel 2morrow night and NO nothing will be hapening but i knw this is mostly likely end in a kiss and i dnt konw how to do it... do i tell him so that he knows or should i just go for it and if it goes wrong.. lool laugh
even thought hes only in this shopping centre for a week he only lives in a nearby city and we will be going out offically and were already discused the fact that nothing will be hapening this week... i kinda trust him :)
im 17 and hes 24 by the way.
4 AnswersOther - Family & Relationships1 decade agohow to gt over depression?
im so depressed right now its unreal... and its not a one day thing ive been this way for a good 2-3yrs. i hardly have friends never had a real BF and probably never will and i feel like my life is worthless. i think would anybody actually care if i died or would they just come to the funeral for the free food...
some of the people who are claiming to be my Friends are trying to help me but its just getting worst i don't know how to make myself feel better. they keep saying go see a therapist but i don't see the point they cant tell me anything i haven't already heard... they cant make me thinner,they cant make me prettier, they cant make people be friends with me and they cant make somebody go out with me! so whats the point .
i would love to know how sum ppl got thru it not how sumbdoy in a white coat thinks you should
thank you
10 AnswersMental Health1 decade ago22yr old with a 17yr old.. Could it work?
hi im seeing a 22yr old male hes seems nice were not going out yet but i do enjoy his company and he's told me he likes me but i want to know if you think the 5yr gap is alot or not.. does he just want to use me or do u think he could actally like me?
Thank You
15 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago