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Why do men plays game? how do i react!?

what is the phone game males play?

i met this man 2weeks ago and he has never rang or txted me and even claims to not get some of my txt ( i allowed him to think i believed him but im not stupid) and today (about 6days since ive last seen him i rang him and he told me 2 ring him back in a bit.... so i did and he told me 2 ring him later.... so i did and he told me that sum1 backed into his car, which is why he told me 2 ring back, mentioned a txt i sent him and then sed could i ring him back later, so i sed i'll ring you tomorrow your busy.

all i want to know is is he trying to blow me off or was he Just busy? i mean sum1 did just back into his car so im sure he was abit upset about that but i mean he could have been abit nicer. he sounded upset with me because if the txt i sent him monday ... which basicly said did u Just want to know me for sex or for a real relationship. he never replied

after the last phone call i txted him saying if u don't want me to contact you just say but were talk about it tomorrow

am i just worrying for no reason? or is he trying to be nice? he lives ahour away from me so i dont know why he doesnt just tell me how he feels!

3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Sounds a lot like my ex all i can say is stop phoning and texting him if he is busy but wants to see you he will contact you and if he isn't really interested you'll never hear from him again by the way is he a pisces.

  • 1 decade ago

    maby he has alot of things on his mind,..if you pester him too much he might get put off,...but don't back down too much like don't not call him for week or he might think ur not intrested,..just tell him your intrested in a proper relationship,and ask how he feel about this,..and tell him no harsh feelings on what you reply

  • 1 decade ago

    Sounds like you are 'chasing'.... DON'T!!!

    Find someone closer who really like you for you.. not just for sex.

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