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Lee T
Lv 4
Lee T asked in SportsBaseball · 1 decade ago

Is it time for MLB to expand replay and catch up to the other sports?

I'm not saying for balls and strikes, but for all field plays

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You see, this topic is one of the most controversial in sports today. There are two VERY convincing sides to this argument.

    On one side, you have the people favoring the traditional, nostalgic form of baseball. These people are typically the ones who say "Screw the other sports" like one of my fellow answerers. They want to keep everything honest and simple. Not to mention the time it would save not having replay at all.

    On the other side, you have the people who favor the technology that they argue "Could improve the sport." This part I agree with. There are some calls that change the outcome of games, and with replay, these calls could be changed and the rightful victor can be decided.

    Here we have a canundrum. These sides seem to be equally populated, and it also seems as if the old school people will get their way. Bud Selig has made it very clear that he wants to keep baseball simple and will unlikely make any more changes as far as replay is concerned. He was even reluctant to add it for homeruns.

    My view lies in between these two. I do want to keep baseball traditional and simple, but I also want to see all of the bad calls done away with, by whichever means necessary. I think that replay should be extended to any play in which a run could have been scored. The addition will NEVER be made, though.

  • 1 decade ago

    even if they would like to, it is impossible.

    i am assuming you mean to use video replay for safe/out calls or fair/foul calls (since different unpires have different strike zones, reviewing ball/strikes is not possible)

    the issue with this is that regardless of whether a baserunner is safe or out, the ball is still in play. I'll give you an example of this:

    Lets say there is a runner on 3rd with 2 outs.

    The batter hits a ground ball to shortstop, causing a close play at first. The runner on third runs home but the batter is called out so no run is scored. Now let's say the play is reviewed and it is found that the batter was actually safe at first. What can you do about the runner from third? does he stay at third or does he score?

    Another example:

    There is a ball hit down the line close to foul territory. It is called foul causing everyone to stop running. Upon further review, it is found that the ball was actually fair. Where do you put the baserunners?

    One more example:

    There is a runner on first with 1 out who is attempting to steal. The batter hits a soft low liner to the 2nd baseman. It is ruled that the ball was caught in the air, the 2nd baseman then doubles up the man from first who couldnt possibly get back on time because he was stealing. Upon frurther review it is found that the ball actually did hit the ground. How can you possibly determine who is safe and who is out? What if the runner wasn't trying to steal and would most likely have been thrown out at second? Nobody can say the defense wouldn't have made an error trying to make a 4-6-3 double play.

    There are many many many examples of instances where video review are impoissible because the ball is still in play and the players act differently based on the call on the field. The only reason homeruns can be reviewed is because the ball is not still in play on these calls.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Screw the other sports

    The powers that be have ruined the essence of baseball enough as it is and adding the beyond useless idea of instant replay would just put another nail in the coffin of what once a great game

  • 1 decade ago


    1. Keep traditions alive.

    2. On fair/foul calls, what would umpires do? "We think the runner would have scored and the batter would make it to second base."

    3. Longer games.

    All instant replay would do is complicate things.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Yeah, and I can guarantee you the umpires will do a better job in getting the call right so they won't have to go to replay.

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