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"The tree of liberty needs to be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."?

The question is: Do you think that this famous quote from the great Thomas Jefferson applies to this same country TODAY, concerning Barack Obama and the tyrants that have taken control of Washington, and that no longer represent the citizens of the United States, but big business and special interest groups? Or do you believe that what is happening in the capital of this nation is what the founding fathers intended?

What Obama has done with OUR taxes; the bailing out of banks, automobile manufacturers, Wall Streeet investors, etc. is against federal law. Why has nobody done anything about it? Those that he has "bailed out" have been mismanaged and poorly run. Ford Motor Corporation is a perfect example. They have needed no "federal bailout" to preserve their poor business practices, which is exactly what those bailed out were guilty of: poor business practices. When a bank or a business fails, it is the market's way of straightening itself out. Giving these businesses money to allow them to continue doing business in the manner which caused them to fail in the fiirst place does not help matters. It makes them worse. Just look at the Big Bonus program recently in the news. that money being giveen to those employees in the form of bonuses belongs to you and I, not to Barack Obama, and not to Congress. When will someone take action to stop this?

7 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You have your chance on Tuesday, then a year from Tuesday, then the big chance in 2012. This is a democratic republic -- the President is elected by a majority of voters across the USA, your rep and Senators were elected by your neighbors. Lobby THEM. Tell them the bailouts were against the law. (Technically, the Legislature passes the laws so they can rescind them if they need to. Until the Supreme Court says otherwise, the laws are legal.)

    The founding fathers intended that the Constitution set the framework for governance. I doubt that they'd consider that a duly elected president working with a duly elected Congress needed a revolution.

  • 1 decade ago

    This is the exact opposite of what the founding fathers intended. They would be embarrassed of us for letting any of what you mentioned happened. They would be even more ashamed that, not only we let this happen, but most people believe that the government is the authority and as the authority they have the right to do these things.

    The government is not the authority. We The People are. Therefore they do not have the right to even consider any of this non-sense without our approval.

    Some say Obama this, Obama that, but every administration since Kennedy, has been less citizen friendly and more big business friendly. To give businesses huge tax breaks to send their business overseas is completely *** backwards of common sense. First sending businesses overseas will destroy the country (USA) they're leaving. The company will probably benefit from cheaper labor so why give them any tax break, especially a huge one? They should be double taxed for seven years for leaving Americans jobless.

    To answer you final question, some are taking action but their action is being ignored. People that ask great questions like yours are ignored by the media. People protest and march but they don't cover those story's because that would rally the rest of us. A question i've thought about for years is "How" can we stop this type of behavior from our gov.? We charge them with crimes, its ignored, paper worked gets lost. We try again and all the sudden we are charged with a crime or tax evasion which freezes all our money so we cant feed our family. They say higher taxes, we say no, they rasie them anyway. Why wouldn't they? They say more prisons and less schools, we say no, they do it anyway. Why wouldn't they?

    They will never stop doing whatever they want until we get the courage our founding fathers had. Revolution. Now i'll probably be considered a domestic terrorist and put on some fbi list.

    Even crazier than that is under the Patriot Act even our founding fathers would be considered domestic terrorist. Ridiculous.

    "Love your country but never trust its government." Robert A. Heinlein

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Let's refresh the tree in spring, it's getting a little cold around here.

    But come summer I'm all for blood in the streets.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I was thinking that TARP was started and implemented by Bush and Paulson.

    Are you attempting to operate some sort of "memory hole"?

    Do you work in the Ministry of Truth (MiniTru)?

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Let me get this straight. You think we should all go to Washington and kill government officials?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    No as much as I disagree with him He's no tyrant or dictator

    You should be glad he hasn't done anything like Castro or Hitler

  • 1 decade ago

    We need to reclaim control of our country from these communistic scumbags.

    By any means necessary.

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