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How did you know you were pregnant & what are/were your symptoms?

For me, I somehow just knew I was pregnant. It had been 9 days since my period, my cat had just died & I was standing there watching my husband dig the hole. I suddenly thought out of the blue "Oh, my! I'm pregnant". I don't know where the thought came from, it just popped into my head. Well, I thought I was crazy & just waited for my period. It didn't come. I waited a couple days thinking I was freaking myself out into being late but still no period. So I did a home pregnancy test - Positive. The next day I did another one - Positive. Then I called the doctor, got in the next day, he did urine & blood tests - both Positive. Yay!

I'm heading into my 11th week now & so far it's been going ok. I have had no morning sickness whatsoever, but I gag at everything all day long. If I smell anything I gag. If I'm hungry I gag. When brushing my teeth I gag. If I'm in the car for more than 2 or 3 blocks I gag. Every time I think "now's the day I'll start throwing up", but luckily it hasn't happened yet. Although sometimes I gag so hard it hurts my chest. Since I started taking pre-natal vitamins I have the most awful taste in my mouth. It's there all day long, but it's especially bad in the morning. My gums bleed like crazy when I brush my teeth, too. I'm tired all the time, but have the worst time staying asleep. I get up to pee 2 or 3 times a night, and have about 47 dreams a night that wake me up - all freaky/crazy dreams, too. My boobs are amazing though. I've gone up to a C-cup, which is awesome. They're tender as can be though, and I went from hardly ever wearing a bra to wearing one 24/7 except for when I take a shower (and I'm considering wearing it in the shower too). I've always been a right-side sleeper, but now I am only comfortable sleeping on my back or my left side. Oh yeah - and I'm gassier than all 3 of my dogs & my husband combined! I think that's pretty much it for the symptoms. How about you?

4 Answers

  • Anna
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Wow! Well congrats on your pregnancy.

    The first time I got pregnant I had these horrible period-like cramps for a few weeks but my period never came. This is why I decided to take a pregnancy test, and it came back positive. The cramps got progressively worse until I had a miscarriage 3 days later. I was in the ER on Thanksgiving night losing my baby. =( But thankfully it was very early in the pregnancy and I was still in shock about the pregnancy. After hours in the ER I was begging my husband to get me discharged so I could go home to our bed.

    I got pregnant again 4 1/2 months later. This time my husband told me to take a test because he noticed that I was having all kinds of symptoms. I figured they were just PMS. My period wasn't late yet. In fact, the day my husband asked me to take the test was the exact day my period was due. I'd been having cramps for a week or so without my period coming, as well as headaches, sleeping a lot, cravings, etc. When I thought about it, the cramps really reminded me of the first time I was pregnant. So I took a test that morning as soon as we had a chance to go to the store, and the test was positive within 30 seconds. I never just suddenly "knew" I was pregnant.

    Although I didn't just "know" I was pregnant randomly, I do know when I conceived. We were visiting my mom out of state around the time we conceived. My husband and I hadn't been having sex very often at that point. Maybe once every 2 weeks or so. We were always busy doing all kinds of things, and sex didn't seem to be a priority for us for a while. But one day on that trip it was like we were being pulled together like magnets, lol. I think we were both powerless to stop it. I remember saying to him that night that maybe it was fate for us to conceive that night, since we'd never randomly had that happen before. Now that I look back, I know that was the day. =) Our little one was definitely the work of a higher power that day!

    Now I'm almost 30 weeks pregnant. I have had morning sickness, back pain, heartburn, and the occasional headache. Now I'm most uncomfortable due to my stomach being huge and my muscles that support my uterus are so sore. It's hard to stand up from a sitting or laying position, and it requires more work to roll over in bed than anything else I've ever done, lol. Every time I walk I'm really slow and my husband sometimes forgets I'm behind him trying to keep up. I can't wait for the next 10 weeks to be over so I can have my baby in my arms and my body back. Good luck with your pregnancy!

    Source(s): 29w6d pregnant
  • 5 years ago

    I've freaked about being pregnant twice already and got phantom symptoms both times because of it, and I'm to the point where I think I'm infertile now, but I'm probably not. Just stressing over nothing. So, I understand where you're coming from on that point. My soon to be stepsister just found out she's a bout 6 weeks along and she thought she was just having the flu! So, something as strange as a sore throat can mean something bigger for some people. Haha! Take a test as soon as you can! Good luck. :)

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    My symptoms was Tender and swollen breast i went from a B to a C (Awesome).

    - Throwing Up Every Night

    - Have a very High Craving For chicken nuggets.

    - My boobs Got a Little Lighter ( Im light Skinned) Weird Symptom.

    - My Virginia Got Wider ( I don' know the doctor said that it only happens to some Lady's so the baby won't have a problem coming out.)

    - im 15 weeks.

    - Im Peeing Like 20 times a day.

    - My Hips Hurts

  • I had missed my period for a month...I thought to myself "ok Im stressed a family member just died". On July 4th I looked at my BF and said I think Im pregnant...So a few days later I took a HPT and it was positive then I freaked and took 2 more the next day-positive then I called a local womens clinic and had another pee test done...there was no denying I was pregnant!

    I didnt have any symptoms till my 2nd month...the nausea the throwing up...I had to pee every 5 seconds. Fortunately for me these only lasted a month...Now at 22 weeks its the back pain and the hip pain i cant get comfortable at night. I have to sleep on my hip because it hurts.My boobs were already large (DD cup) now they are almost and F. I have to sleep with a bra on and they are killing my back. I still have to pee every 5 seconds but it is ALL worth it to feel my son kick.

    Source(s): 22 weeks with a boy
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