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  • Should I let it go or say something?

    My sister-in-law came in from out of town for 2 weeks & is staying half the time with us & have the time with her sister. Before she came to town we found out she had never been to Red Lobster & made plans to take her. She was very excited about it & told her sister we were going to take her at which time her sister invited herself to come with us and also invited their aunt as well. My s-i-l called me & told me about it & said "if the aunt goes I'm not going because she's a bleep bleep bleeping bleep". After juggling schedules & re-arranging plans, we finally decided on a day & time to go (which was planned to be this coming Friday).

    Yesterday, after my s-i-l knew that I had already started dinner, she pops in & tells me she, her sister & the aunt are going to Red Lobster in an hour & asked if we wanted to come with her. Well, of course we don't because 1- I've already started dinner, and 2- my husband won't even be home from work yet by the time they leave to head that way.

    So basically, A & B make plans. B tells C & C invites herself & D. B says I'm not going if D goes. Then B, C & D get together & plan to go when they know good & well that A can't go, therefore leaving A out of her own plans.

    I am extremely ticked off - and hurt - by this. I know I should just let it go & not rock the boat, but I really want to just go off on them about it.

    So, should I let it go or say something?

    2 AnswersFamily8 years ago
  • What is your fall-back meal when your toddler won't eat what you've served?

    My daughter turned 2 in May & is becoming quite the picky eater... she will no longer eat anything containing beef or pasta. Making dinner for the family is becoming a chore because she never wants to eat what I'm serving the rest of the family. I'm really sick of filling her up with pb&j, hot dogs, chicken fingers, etc.

    What are some quick, easy fall-back meals you make your picky toddler when she refuses to eat what you've made?

    11 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • How can I get my 19 month old daughter to eat?

    My daughter has always enjoyed food. There's nothing I've given her that she hasn't liked and wanted more of. But suddenly she doesn't want ANYTHING! I know toddlers are picky and all that but it's making me crazy! I put her in her high chair so she can't just wander away from her food, I turn the tv off so there's no distractions. She will be fussing because she's hungry, I put food in front of her and she throws a fit & won't eat it! No matter what I give her! I talked to a nutritionist & told her this, and that I've tried if she doesn't eat something I make something else & she won't eat that either. She said never offer more than 1 alternative & make the alternative the same thing every time - a peanut butter & jelly sandwich. That way if she doesn't want to eat the variety that I'm offering she gets a pb&j. Every time. Eventually she'll get sick of the constant pb&j's & start eating the 1st offering. It sounds like an awesome plan, and I am going to try it, but I'm wondering if anybody has any other ideas that have worked for them, or just reassurances that my kid is not possessed by a demon spawn and I'm not going crazy or being mean. Thanks!

    7 AnswersToddler & Preschooler9 years ago
  • What can I use other than peanut butter for potato candy?

    With the holiday season just around the corner I will be whipping up batches of potato candy. I always use peanut butter but I'm not really a pb person and my s-i-l is allergic to it. What are some things I can substitute with? My main concern is consistency. I don't want anything that's going to go too soft or so hard you can break a tooth on.

    Here are some things I have considered..

    Chocolate - but should I use a cake icing or should I melt down some chocolate chips (with or without shortening)?

    Jam - I'm thinking this would work. Same goes for Nutella as it's almost the same as pb.

    Caramel - should I melt down some squares or use an ice cream topping?

    For those of you who don't know potato candy, here it is:

    You peel, slice & boil 1 small potato as if you're making mashed potatoes.

    Drain & mash the potato.

    Mix in 1 tsp. of vanilla (optional) and 1 cup of powdered (confectioners) sugar.

    This will make the potato liquify.

    Add a 1 to 1 1/2 pounds of powdered sugar, about half a cup at a time until you get a good consistency, like biscuit dough.

    Put powdered sugar on waxed paper & roll out your dough until it's about 1/4" thick. Powder your rolling pin too because it is sticky!

    Spread about half a jar of peanut butter over the dough & roll it up like a jelly roll, wrap in waxed paper. Put it in the freezer for an hour, then slice & enjoy.

    Should be kept in the fridge so it doesn't get too soft & melty.

    The potato/sugar part tastes a lot like the white middle of caramel cream candies (also known as pinwheels).

    8 AnswersCooking & Recipes10 years ago
  • How long should I let my baby cry herself to sleep?

    My 13mo. old baby has always been a wonderful sleeper. She's down between 8 & 8:30pm & sleeps until around 8am. Last night I had to let her cry herself to sleep and it broke my heart.

    She was so tired, yawning, rubbing her eyes, etc. at the normal time. I tried to put her down as I do every night but she freaked out. She doesn't just cry, she screams to the point of choking herself. I could tell they were "mad" screams, not hurt, tired, hungry, etc.

    Twice I got up & held her. Both times she didn't want held. She struggled to get out of my arms. All she wanted to do was get down on the floor to play & chase the dogs & cats. I wouldn't let her because she was already in her pj's & I didn't want her getting them all hairy & getting hair in her crib. She was literally climbing me struggling to get down. When she realized I wasn't going to put her down she started screaming again.

    Finally around 10:30 I was so tired I was scared I'd fall asleep holding her & drop her so I had to just put her in her bed & let her scream. I don't know how long she screamed because I fell asleep a little after 11pm & she was still screaming at the time.

    The logical part of me knows it's ok to let her scream sometimes and that I can't give in - especially when she's mad - and let her do whatever she wants whenever she wants to do it. But my heart was breaking hearing her screaming & crying.

    How long is it ok to let her scream? A half hour? An hour? 2 hours? If I go in there to pat her back it just makes it worse, unless I pick her up. But when I pick her up she just wants me to put her down.

    How long is it ok to let this go on? A few days? A week? She has been such a good sleeper & I really hope this nightly battle doesn't become a habit. This is the 3rd night in a row. The 1st 2 nights after I held her for a few minutes & put her back down she went right to sleep after only whimpering for a couple minutes.

    12 AnswersNewborn & Baby10 years ago
  • Where can I buy a birthday countdown candle?

    I have been looking everywhere for a birthday countdown candle. It is a candle that is numbered 1 at the top through 13 (or 16 or 18 or 21, depending on the candle) at the bottom. You burn a segment for each year on your child's birthday.

    I've looked at Hobby Lobby, Michaels, Party City, Babies R Us, Hallmark & several other stores in the Middletown/Hamilton/Dayton area. They're all like "Oh, we used to sell them, but we don't anymore".

    My baby will be 1 in less than 2 weeks & I really, really want one of these candles for her! My mom had one for me & it was 1 thing I always looked forward to every year.

    Does anybody know where I can find one?

    Please list phone # and/or address of the store where they are so that I can call them & have them hold one back for me.


    3 AnswersCincinnati1 decade ago
  • How should I handle my daughters tantrums?

    My daughter is 2 weeks shy of 1 year old. I've been a stay-at-home mom since she was born. I have never been one to hold her all day long.

    For the last month or so she completely freaks out when I put her down on the floor to play. Even if I get down to play with her she just screams & cries. The only time she doesn't freak is if I am busy - doing dishes, folding laundry, running the vacuum, dusting, etc. But the minute I sit down just to sit & take a break, she absolutely loses it.

    What should I do? I don't want to give in & pick her up every time she throws a fit. Should I just leave her there & let her scream it out? Should I put her in her crib when she throws a fit? My nerves are starting to wear pretty thin right now & I'm just so tired of hearing constant screaming during my "breaks".

    ps - I just had a miscarriage at 11 weeks last Tuesday, so on top of everything I am very emotional & hormonal right now. I'm trying not to let that be a factor, but sometimes it just crashes down on me.

    9 AnswersToddler & Preschooler1 decade ago
  • If I pour Clorox on a poison ivy root will it kill it?

    I have cut back all the poison ivy all the way to the root. I tried to dig it up, but it is very extensive (hoping I didn't get p.i. from hacking into it!!!)

    I do not have any weed killer left! If I pour clorox onto the exposed roots will it kill it? I've also heard hot grease works. Any suggestions?

    Also, this root system is about 1 foot away from my thriving peonies. I really don't want to kill them, of course!

    3 AnswersGarden & Landscape1 decade ago
  • How do you respond when someone tells you to watch your language?

    Earlier today I posted a pizza-tracker link, then made a comment on the link which included a curse word. One of my long-time fb friends commented & said "I love your pictures & FV posts, but could you please watch your language because I don't like it". On one hand she's been a FV friend for a long time, but on the other hand I'm so mad I'm considering deleting her for that comment. I could understand it if I had said something on HER page, but I said it on my own page & I feel if she doesn't like it she can either un-friend me or keep it to herself.

    What are your thoughts?

    2 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • Do you think it's wrong to name your child the same name as a close friend/family member?

    All my life I've said "If I have a baby girl I'm going to name her Sophia Abigail". Well, 2 1/2 years ago (before I had my 1st baby) my cousin had a baby girl & named her Sophia Abigail. 10 months ago I had a baby girl (named Olivia Grace), and am now 7 weeks pregnant again & hoping for a girl. My husband & I disagree on names, and my dad is annoyingly outspoken against the name I've picked (Amelia Madeline). He says I should name it Sophia Abigail since I always said that's what I would name a child, but I think it's wrong because my cousin - who I'm very close to - has already named her daughter that. So then he says use Abigail as a first name, but I still think that's just a little wrong.

    What do you think?

    They've also suggested Addison (which I don't care for) & Avery (which I love), but I have close friends who have used those names. They say it's ok because they're not family (hello, double standard!) but I still think it's not right.

    4 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Will you help suggest girls names?

    I have a daughter named Olivia.

    I am currently pregnant, and hoping for another girl.

    I had already picked out the name Amelia for this one, but my husband doesn't care for it.

    Could you please suggest some names. I like names that begin and end in vowels.

    Thank you!

    PS - the middle name I have picked out is Madeline (pronounced lynn at the end, not line). I am open to suggestions for middle names too if Madeline doesn't work with what you suggest as a 1st name.

    6 AnswersBaby Names1 decade ago
  • Were your same-sex pregnancies the same or different?

    They say every pregnancy is different, but I hear from a lot of people that that is not always true. For example I hear things like"

    - With my girls I had heartburn all day & night, but with my boys I didn't

    - With my boys I was sick as a dog, but with my girls I was just mildly queezy on occasion

    - With my girls I was horny all the time, with my boys I wanted nothing to do with sex

    - With my girls I got tons of skin tags, with my boys I didn't


    So, if you have had multiple pregnancies with both sexes, were your pregnancies with girls the same, pregnancies with boys the same, pregnancies with girls different than pregnancies with boys?

    I have a 10 month old girl & am 7 weeks pregnant with my 2nd & so far (I know, it's early days yet), everything has been exactly the same as the 1st time.

    7 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Anybody have their babies 18 months apart?

    My baby girl is 10 months old & I just found out I am pregnant. The baby will be born in November, which will make our children 18 months apart. For people who have had children 18 months apart, what are the pros & cons to this age gap?

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What can I do to make my baby sleep through the night again?

    My baby will be 8 months old next week. Since birth she has slept between 8-12 hours a night, but for the past 2 months she is up Every Hour! I've been through everything! She's not hungry, she doesn't need changed, she's not too hot or too cold, the house is not too quiet or too loud. She is teething but it hasn't seemed to bother her lately, and a few times I've given her some teething stuff in the night just in case. She's fine for actually going to bed. I put her down while she's still awake & within just a couple minutes she's sound asleep. She'll usually sleep about 2 - 2 1/2 hours, but after that she's up every hour. And screaming! The second I pick her up she settles right down, but if I put her down again she screams even louder. And if I don't pick her up at all, just go in to soothe her, oh boy does she freak out. And it doesn't stop! The only thing that makes it stop is if I pick her up & I can't keep doing that all night long!

    2 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • Why do my videos take so long to upload to facebook?

    I have a friend who uploads videos from their camera all the time to facebook. It takes less than a minute for them to load 10, 15, 20 minute videos.

    When I upload videos from my camera to facebook it takes an hour & a half for 30 seconds! What's the deal? Is there something I can do to make it upload quicker for longer-length videos?

    My camera is a Kodak EasyShare Z915 & saves videos onto my computer as .MOV.


    3 AnswersFacebook1 decade ago
  • What do/did you do with 1 boob while the other one was breastfeeding?

    While I'm nursing on 1 side the other side is leaking like a garden hose. Surely I'm not the only one with this problem! I have to hold a cloth diaper up to it to keep it from leaking everywhere. There has got to be a better way. What do/did you do when you had this problem?

    6 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • My baby hates tummy time, what should I do?

    My baby girl is 9 weeks old & she hates tummy time. She screams from the second I put her down until about 5 minutes after I pick her back up.

    She doesn't even try to lift herself up with her arms or raise her head. She just lays there with her head to the side & screams the entire time.

    I've tried playing music for her, rattling toys in front of her, putting my face next to hers. Nothing makes her happy. What should I do?

    She has very strong arm & neck muscles. When holding her she keeps her head up the whole time unless she's sleepy (and has been doing this since she was 3 weeks old). She also pushes off my chest with her arms all the time.

    3 AnswersNewborn & Baby1 decade ago
  • What NOT to say to your pregnant wife?

    What are some things husbands should NOT say to their pregnant wives? My husband's come up with a few already & he's lucky I didn't chuck the remote control at his head.

    1 - Why are you crying?

    2 - What's wrong with you now?

    3 - Asking me "do you want me to get you anything while I'm out", then proceeding to throw a fit because it's something that has to come from Kroger's or Taco Bell and not something he can pick up at the pumps at Gas America. (Um, hello?)

    What are some of yours?

    17 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • Uterine Entrapment... Help!?

    I had severe cramping earlier this week & rushed to the ob/gyn for an emergency visit. I have a history of 1st trimester miscarriage and am in my 11th week now, so I was pretty much freaking out. After an ultrasound and an extremely painful pelvic exam the doctor told me I have Uterine Entrapment. He said it's nothing to worry about - just painful. I should sleep on my stomach, do the knee-chest position & do pelvic thrusts, and have intercourse while in knee-chest position to help my uterus "pop" into the correct position. If, by the time I'm 18 weeks, my uterus has not moved to the correct position I will have to have my uterus manually repositioned.

    I've been searching the web, but can't find much about Uterine Entrapment (other than clinical sites with medical words I don't understand).

    Has this happened to you? How did things work out? Should I chill or keep freaking out? Any tips?

    2 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago
  • How did you know you were pregnant & what are/were your symptoms?

    For me, I somehow just knew I was pregnant. It had been 9 days since my period, my cat had just died & I was standing there watching my husband dig the hole. I suddenly thought out of the blue "Oh, my! I'm pregnant". I don't know where the thought came from, it just popped into my head. Well, I thought I was crazy & just waited for my period. It didn't come. I waited a couple days thinking I was freaking myself out into being late but still no period. So I did a home pregnancy test - Positive. The next day I did another one - Positive. Then I called the doctor, got in the next day, he did urine & blood tests - both Positive. Yay!

    I'm heading into my 11th week now & so far it's been going ok. I have had no morning sickness whatsoever, but I gag at everything all day long. If I smell anything I gag. If I'm hungry I gag. When brushing my teeth I gag. If I'm in the car for more than 2 or 3 blocks I gag. Every time I think "now's the day I'll start throwing up", but luckily it hasn't happened yet. Although sometimes I gag so hard it hurts my chest. Since I started taking pre-natal vitamins I have the most awful taste in my mouth. It's there all day long, but it's especially bad in the morning. My gums bleed like crazy when I brush my teeth, too. I'm tired all the time, but have the worst time staying asleep. I get up to pee 2 or 3 times a night, and have about 47 dreams a night that wake me up - all freaky/crazy dreams, too. My boobs are amazing though. I've gone up to a C-cup, which is awesome. They're tender as can be though, and I went from hardly ever wearing a bra to wearing one 24/7 except for when I take a shower (and I'm considering wearing it in the shower too). I've always been a right-side sleeper, but now I am only comfortable sleeping on my back or my left side. Oh yeah - and I'm gassier than all 3 of my dogs & my husband combined! I think that's pretty much it for the symptoms. How about you?

    4 AnswersPregnancy1 decade ago