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Tokio Hotel Family: Maybe Bill isn't such a 'nice boy' and I think I've lost some respect for Georg '-_-?

Bill: At a hotel in Germany we trashed so much things so we aren’t welcome back to that city anymore and play, haha!

I was a bit disappointed to read that. I never imagined Bill to be the snobby bratty hotel trashy nuance type celebrity. And I think I have lost some respect for Georg:

Interviewer: How should a normal Swedish girl do to get your attention?

Georg: Pull her shirt up!

From one thing to another! What’s the color of your underwear today?

Georg: Black. It doesn’t show when black underwear gets dirty! And the you can turn them inside out when you’ve had them for a while.

What do you think of the interview? I felt a bit uneasy reading it. Especially since there was a big smiling young innocent Bill on my desktop ( ) the two Bills just don't fit togeather :S

Poll: what is your all time favourite Tokio Hotel song?


AAHHHH!!! If you read this then read this after:

Update 2:

When I say innocent, I don't mean sexually - I'm sure a 20 year old has that on his mind a lot. I meant in terms of being a diva. The other question by the way, is what I would have written in answer to this question had I been able to.

20 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've read that whole interview & I found nothing wrong with it. They're can't expect them to be goody two shoes even if they're guys like Bill.

    In an interview Bill had said that when they first got famous they let the fame get to there heads; they thought they were invincible...They trashed a hotel room because they felt like they could do whatever the hell they wanted without getting in trouble. I mean to be honest I’d think like that too. It happened ages ago.

    & why lose some respect for Georg? His a frickin guy! You can't expect him to look at one girl & completely ignore every other girl in the world...I'm quite sure that you have you have found more then 1 guy attractive at the same time...He didn't even sound like he was being serious, especially with the underwear thing. He loves his girlfriend, you can tell so I don't think you need to worry. I'm sure if some chick exposed herself in front of a married man the man's eyes would be glued to her chest...It's no different for Georg.

    Sorry if I sound rude, bitchy & mean….I’m seriously NOT directing this at you, I’m directing this at a certain type of fans (the ones who basically look for flaws).

    You need to get over it! You can’t expect TH to be perfect & not have flaws, not get into trouble or not say something offensive/out of line. They’re normal human beings but just happen to be on TV/Radio/Magazines. They’re going to make mistakes, big or small, but they are going to. Just like me, just like you, just like the old man who lives down my street. It’s bound to happen. So leave them alone. *sigh*

    Poll: Wo sind Eure Hände

    EDIT: Why is nearly everyone saying they're disappointed & that they've changed?! Everyone changes over time you seriously don't think they're going to stay the same for the rest of their life do you? They're growing up & at their age they change drastically....

    No one was disappointed when the twins came out about the whole drugs thing....Why is everyone getting so worked up about this?! These kinda things happened ages ago. This is nothing compared to some of the stuff they’ve done; I’m quite sure the guys have done some really bad stuff, but they haven’t told the fans. … Yet some of you feel like they need to tell the fans everything! What do you want? A f*cking schedule of their daily routine?! It’s getting ridiculous.

    I don't care if i get thumbed down or hated for what i've put in my answer...Lately some fans think they own TH & i find it sickening that they feel like the guys have 'lied' or 'disappointed' them; when in reality it's none of their damn business.

    P.S Everything after the 3rd paragraph wasn't aimed at you in any way (expect for the poll :D)....that's just me going an angry rant about things i've been bottling brother just deleted everything off my computer & i feel like shooting someone in the face... :]

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm not that worried or anything, to be honest.

    Didn't they always act like that in interviews?

    Bill has been much less, ehm, *innocent* than that. Remember their Hotel Story? And he must have his immature moments to be human...

    And Georg, I think he was just kidding, he's always making a few jokes in interviews, I think it's a bit too far to lose respect for him. And as for his girlfriend, I'm sure she'd understand, I mean, she IS his gf, she must accept the fact that Georg is known to add some humor to the interviews...

    Not everyone is innocent like one assumes at first. They're grown 20+ year old men...o.O

    Source(s): Sorry if it was harsh or anything ^^;; it's my opinion =D
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i don't see anything wrong with it..

    # 1 because : so what.. everyone trashes a hotel at some point. i've always wanted to x3

    # 2 because : Georg might have been just kidding.. then again, maybe he wasn't. + he is a GUY. lol. just sayin'.

    i'm sure he was just kidding about the underwear thing.. really, ewwww! My dad & brother kid about that stuff allllll the time. xD

    i just have to say this... please, please don't take it the wrong way =l

    Tokio Hotel isn't like a Disney band. They aren't always "good" & sure, they do some things wrong. + they are a lot older than most of those bands.

    poll ; Rette Mich

  • 1 decade ago

    Hey guys pleez don't thumbs people down for their opinions! We are enitled to our own, and I see ppl who agree with u get their answers thumbed down.

    First off,I understand what you mean by bill being your role model and how much respect you had for him,I too feel the same that he isn't what he used to be like it's more arrogant and grown up,I know the

    can't be goody too shoes forever, but don't try and make other fans accept the fact they have changed..some are just upset about it and we need to let go and accept the fact when some fans don't like something them ....

    Again we are kind overanalyzing everything here, it's just a tiny interview they did and let's not judge it harshly:)

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  • 1 decade ago

    What?! I dont get why everyone is getting all shocked and dissapointed in them.

    Their young, and obviously this is the kind of stuff that Georg is going to be thinking or saying. I mean, you cant expect him to be the perfect boy who wont mention anything about sex or what you can do to a girl. Everyone change's in their life, and they boys have changed aswell. They've grown older, and im afraid that people are going to have to accept them because this is who they are. I honestley see nothing wrong with what Georg said; he's been himself, and I love him for that <3.

    And for the Bill thing.. who said he's perfect aswell with his behaviour? He's a young boy, and he is going to have fun anyway he wants. Just because in interviews or stuff like that may make him seem like he's someone who would never do this stuff, alot of people dont realize the stuff that goes on behind the camera.


  • 1 decade ago

    Haa it's actually kind of funny..I think Georg was honestly just joking. Guys always make stupid jokes like this. They aren't perfect..just human even though we put them into that concept of the ideal and perfection..they're really not. And Bill..ehh it is pretty rude. But I mean again..he's not perfect. He was probably just immature back then. I'm sure he was just caught up in the moment. A bit disappointing but not really that big of a deal I don't think.

    Poll: Wir Schliessen Uns Ein. :) After that prob Nach Dir Kommt Nichts. Zimmer 483 was my fav album. :D

  • 1 decade ago


    It is kinda gross of Georg, but he's a guy....they all think like that. It's just something girls will never understand I guess.

    It's not as bad as what Bill said in the live web chat thing you sent me. Now that was a different Bill.

    Attention <33

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I have not seen this interview...Could you post the link...I feel dumb but please?

    edit: oh god *sigh* Well the hotel incident happened awhile ago..and as for the Georg thing he's just a guy..Sure it was a little disrespectful but it's like this none of us think twice if tom says something so why should it matterwith Georg they are only saying what they really feel...And yeah people look up to them but they don't want to be role models...I personally don't think it matters

    and hell if it was me I would have done the same thing haha I think it would be fun to trash a hotel room...And Georg lets think about it he never used to talk..So really we are just getting to know him really...So this may just be his personality..It was just a joke and not meant to be taken seriously...

    edit: WHAT THE HELL IS WITH THE TB???? That is uncool... Thats it I'm giving you all thumbs up -.- screw thumbs down its so rude

    Poll: Reden

  • 1 decade ago

    well this sucks to know, but i dont think bill could have done that on his own will, he had to be persauded by the others, i really do belive so.

    everyone needs to let themselves out once in a while and i guess bill couoldnt wait to let go, so thats why he did that.

    & as for georg, i always knew that he wasnt a goodytwo shoes, and i guess he just like how normal guys behave.

    & all of us girls know that bill's behavior isnt normal, b/c there are hardly any guys out there, who are so loving and set to find a soulmate.

    this is a tokio hotel desktop but they got endorsed by porn so thats why...



    Before Humanoid - Monsoon

    Humanoid - Attention

  • 1 decade ago

    Sorry, but I really dont know what you and everyone else is getting worked up about. Its really not that bad. They trashed a hotel room, so what? That was ages ago anyway. I mean, they live in hotel rooms. There would have been sometimes when they just wanted to have some fun, geez.

    And about Georg, I think people are forgetting that TH are GUYS. Georg was trying to be funny with the Swedish girl comment. And if any of you didnt know before, ALOT of guys do the whole turn-the-underwear-inside-out-for-another-day thing. Alot of them just wont admit it cos they know it grosses people out, especially girls.

    Two Bills?? There is only ONE Bill, and thats who he is and always has been. How does this compare to that one interview from AGES ago:

    I'm sorry, I know that im gonna get thumbed down, but I think people are way overreacting about this and always been so judging on the guys.

    Poll: Reden

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