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Doesn't it just warm your heart that the new ship made from uninvestigated WTC steel has arrived in NYC?

It just fills me with patriotism. Instead of bothering to save all the steel and investigate exactly where and how it failed, they made better use of it by immediately shipping it off to be melted down to make a big new ship that we can be proud of.

I love our government. Don't you?


What an honor it is to those 9/11/01 victims. Just makes me wanna tear up and salute the flag.

Update 2:

Steve K -- I'm not talking about conspiracy theories. I'm talking about arrogance. Don't spew your ad hominem crap at me.

Update 3:

Truthseeker: Dated Jan 24, 2002:

Also: NY Daily News, 4/16/02,

"Some 185,101 tons of structural steel have been hauled away from Ground Zero. Most of the steel has been recycled as per the city's decision to swiftly send the wreckage to salvage yards in New Jersey. The city's hasty move has outraged many victims' families who believe the steel should have been examined more thoroughly. Last month, fire experts told Congress that about 80% of the steel was scrapped without being examined because investigators did not have the authority to preserve the wreckage."


So where exactly is your "fact checking?"

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The official story is more of a conspiracy by definition than what the so called conspiracists claim.

    It is sad when people will without question buy anything the government claims. When a little investigation will raise red flags in any rational logical human beings mind.

    It is kind of ironic that steel once used by people in a voluntary way, through commerce, mutual agreements, free interaction now a device used to kill, maim, and slaughter.

  • 1 decade ago

    Where does it say it went univestigated and was shipped off immediately? Your article doesnt state that, its about the ship coming into the NY port.

    Building actually started on August 2004...3 years after 9/11:

    Again...the ship was built in 2004 and was completed in MArch 2008

    They know how why and where it failed and then they shipped it off...3 years later. So whats your source that it was shipped off immediately and melted down? Because I distinctly remember every piece of debris being carted out and being stores on Staten Island...I live in NYC


    Your source is CHINA.ORG? Are you kidding me?! how about a local NY paper or site at the very hahahaha. I know that all debris including the steel was sent to Staten Island to be inspected. And then you use a UK site? C`mon at least get one from the states who actually knows what took place...UK and China? hahaha and they`re not even creditable mainstream sites....might as well use wikipedia or a blog.

    Source(s): A little fact checking goes a long way.
  • 1 decade ago

    See, you've left out the part of your question where you tell people you are a conspiracy nut who doesn't accept that burning jet fuel melted the structure sufficiently to topple the building.

    You've also left out the part where you explain what sort of "investigation" of the steel you'd like to see...or what it would accomplish.

    I mean, really? The buildings stood for nearly 30 years with no problem, but when hit by AIRPLANES they topple...and you think there's something sinister going on? Get lucid.


    To my good friend ClanMan:

    Please look up the terms "straw man" and "specious argument."

  • In Minnesota we still have the steel from the collapsed bridge. They have been studying and analyzing it for over a year now. They though it was important to hold on to it just for that purpose. I wonder who decided that the steel from the twin towers was of no consequence? I wonder why people in this country don't trust their own government? I wonder why people think their own government is the enemy.....not some foreign country? I wonder when people will have had enough of the zoo we have in washington on capitol hill and start a revolution?

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  • 1 decade ago


    I think its bad luck to use that steel, That ship is doomed

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