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the 255.00 death benefit social security pay out does that goes to the estate?

if there no spouse or dependent under 18

2 Answers

  • Brad H
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    No. It only goes to the surviving spouse. No one else can get it. They will not pay it to an estate.

    Source(s): Been there, done that.
  • 7 years ago

    What is this ? I'm looking for information to help me, not to see who has the better sounding deal. My brother passed away in another state and nobody can tell me a damn thing positive..... as to where to get the information I need in order to see if I am eligible at least to apply for the $255.00 I have all the documents such as death certificate and what ever else, I would think they would need.. this whole system really sux......

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