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Anonymous asked in Society & CultureEtiquette · 1 decade ago

Should Yahoo Answers have an Adults Only site?

There is a problem with Yahoo Answers that can best be solved by dividing the site into two separate communities:

Group1. Those who are adults or who dedicate themselves to conducting themselves as such.

Group2. Those who are not or who choose to act like immature children.

By offering an Adults Only site more stringent policies of personal conduct could be established with swifter and harsher penalties for those who violate them. This would serve greatly to curb the rampant abuse and displays of gutter behavior that currently infest the Yahoo Answers site.

People who post sophomoric, salacious and filthy questions and answers for the intended purpose of acting the fool or seeing their potty-mouth prose in print can be more expeditiously dealt with and removed from the community of those of us who know how to behave in a respectful, mature manner.

Access to either site would remain unfettered, but once one entered the site reserved for proper adult conduct, their violations would cost them immediately and more dearly.

Much more rare and disruptive would be comments containing the all too common "...suck my...", "...lick my..." . " my...", and "pee-pee this" and "poo-poo that" while attempting to ask a question or give an answer.

I believe that such a change is long over-due and should be implemented by the powers thar be at Yahoo.

What do the rest of you mature members think of this idea?

37 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Absolutely. Even here in this intelligently written and thought provoking questions' answer forum the lowlifes and fools have crawled from under their rocks to make their presence known and attempt to disrupt and degrade serious discussion. With the proposed Adults, or better yet "Mature Discussion" section, some of the very people who answered this question with childish, nonsense answers could be immediately banned from ever entering another Yahoo sponsored site. Maybe then they would learn that there is a time and place for their bathroom humor and insulting behavior, but it is not here hiding behind the cloak of anonymity where serious people come to have problems analyzed and to attempt to aid others where they can.

    Bravo to you for offering this suggestion up and I hope it can be carried over to other sections of the site so that a larger cross-section of the Answers community may stumble across it, ponder it and voice their feelings about it. Maybe then the "powers that be" at Yahoo will take notice and act on this most logical and intelligent suggestion.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I wholeheartedly agree with you : ) There should be two different areas on Y!Answers even though there may be no real way to police this, it's nice to dream about it.

    There should be a site for those who know how to intelligently ask questions seeking sincere answers, rather than rhetoric or sarcasm.

    Then, there should be a site for those who just want to be immature, ask insane questions and misspell all the words they want.

    There is a group of Yahoo intelligentsia in this audience who happens to be mixed in with a group of moronic responders who are happy to have a free forum to vent, insult and "report abuse" everytime they read a candid answer that they may not want to hear.

    Thank you so much for asking this question, I'm behind you 100%.

  • 1 decade ago


    That's how I should have worded this.

    Adults Vs children apart, the Sincere vs LMAO need to be separated too.

    I asked this question earlier with the very same intention of separating the cheap single-minded riff-raff from real users...

    "Do you think y!a should start a category for porn".

    Sadly, it was reported and removed before I got many answers.

    The idea was that the perpetually hormone charged men and women would be quarantined there, leaving the rest of the categories free for intelligent users.

    But I dunno if separating them on the basis of age would make a real difference to the average maturity level of users.

  • 1 decade ago

    i agree, but how could you keep people out of a section/ website? it's the internet! you can still conduct yourself like an adult and say ridiculous things (which is the case here like, 90% of the time). that would involve a lot of monitoring by elected moderators... and i doubt anyone wants to constantly patrol the questions/ answers of all the contributors.

    but if only...

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Get lost . Now your trying to tell me what to say and how to say it for crying out loud . don't you think the violation notices are running ramped anyway as it is ? Come on someone is in a bad mood and they violate you . Why in the world do you want to take away my freedom of speech what little yo do get in here for ? If you cant handel the people in the world and what they have to say then maybe you need to step out of the room . That's my adults opinion like it or not

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree some of the Questions asked we don't know the ages I myself have answered a few with out knowing the age sometimes i can tell by the way the Question is being asked. I agree 100%

  • 1 decade ago

    VERY interesting idea. i think though, that even the younger generation deserves to have an environment where people are mature as well. i mean, and "adults only" section can be misconstrued as being an area where people are ALLOWED to be raunchy and inappropriate BECAUSE they are adults. so what i think is, yahoo answers just needs to be more strict with the rules in general. maybe have the "adults only" section where they allow more aged people to run wild, and at the same time, moderate the GENERAL section a lot more, be more stringent with the rules, and allow for a fair and mature GENERAL area for ALL ages, so that everyone can benefit from yahoo answers at its greatest potential.

    thank you for bringing this up. respect, and God bless.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    i am in junior high and i still support this idea because one its just a good idea. And the perverted junior high and high school students should just back off and stop asking inappropriate questions just for fun or whatever they think in those immature minds of there's and i do not appreciate those adults in here who say all students in junior high and high school are perverted and stupid because it is not true. I do not mind if you people comment on me but it is just cruel to talk about people in rude and disrespectful ways.

  • 1 decade ago

    I still say I'd simply like to have the ability to block input from those users so that it never shows up on my screen. It wouldn't be hard to implement, and making it possible to block questions and/or answers from people that we find objectionable would solve the problem, in my opinion. Each user could have a block list similar to the list that keeps others from seeing our profiles; questions or answers from the individuals on that list would be blocked locally on one's computer, but would not affect the rest of Yahoo Answers.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree with you in principle however i would like Yahoo Answers to be far more specific about why they have penalized anyone. In particular an adequate explanation for why they feel you may have broken community rules.

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