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what's your point of view on Mexicans in the U.S?

what do you like or don't like about them

17 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    well you have your good mexiacans and your bad mexicans...

    you have the good mexicans that leave mexico for a chance at a better life and a chance for better education...

    THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS is one of the basic rights of a human being...

    then you have the bad mexicans the loser cartels that sell drugs and kill people...

    if the good mexicans want to come over and make a good life for themselves and their familys and they can contribute in a positve way in society...then i say LET THEM IN

    Source(s): AMNESTY 09!! or maybe 2010!!!!! MAUREEN S is my hero...she deserves like 6 billion thumbs up! :)
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Here there are more Spanish people from South America than Mexicans.I don't think I met any Mexicans.I am sure there are some here. I understand they need to find a better life. It is unfair that they get free health care and other citizens that need it are denied.The new health care is going to pay for them and our old people won't get the medicine they need or the flu shots they need.Our government is not handling the situation for immigrants or citizens in a fair ,managed way.It is complete chaos. It is not the mexicans fault or any of the immigrants fault. They are just looking for a better life. For many Mexicans it saddens the heart to hear the stories of crossing the border and risking their life and their children's to get here.Some of them die trying to get here,even children and babies died.They need to be treated better and so do the citizens. They don't have proper programs set up to teach them the laws for the driving or any of the other dangers.The language difference presents dangers because they cannot understand the news or other things can be dangerous. For example some died using the wrong heat source in their home in winter because they don't know it won't work inside.Warning about that type thing are on the news but many cannot understand it. Some are easy targets for theives because they have to walk or ride bikes to work and they can't put their money in the bank so people rob them and hurt them. They try to work. They are hard working and earn a good living despite the challenges. Many have big beautiful smiles and they have a innocent hearts. Many of them will help you if you are in need.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Mexican people that come to the U.S.A. are trying to improve the lives of their family. It is sad that they have to make choices that they would probably not make under different circumstances.

    If all the mexican people were taken out of the U.S.A> there would be nobody to replace them in the work that they do. They work in the fields, the orchards and anywhere they can get work for a meagre salary, because anything is better than where they came from. American people do not want to work for that wage and therefore they are being filled by those who are trying to keep their family alive.

    Mexico is a neighbour and the people are part of our human family.

    When the Astronauts first went up and saw earth from a distance the one thing that struck them, was there were no lines. No lines dividing countries, no lines dividing oceans, no lines dividing states etc. Everything was one big planet blue and green.

    It is us humans who have divided this earth into sections and have made the ruling that nobody should cross those lines.

    I feel for those Mexican people, who are quite wonderful people on the whole, who are trying to improve their lives and those of their children.

    Don't forget we get back what we give out. If we give out hate for another that is what we shall receive back.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't like the Mexicans in East L.A. or in south U.S. because they reproduce a lot. Seriously, they mate like rabbits. They are giving the stereotype that ALL hispanics have lots of children which is not the case. I don't think Mexicans in Mexico have large families anymore so I don't understand this phenomenon.

    All the Mexicans I've met who were all legal or U.S. citizens seem to think that the U.S. is racist for wanting to curb illegal immigration. All countries have anti-illegal immigration laws. Not just the U.S. and Mexico is stricter about it than the U.S. I've heard cases of Guatemalans being beaten up by Mexican authorities when they're crossing the Mexican border to try and get closer to the U.S. Yet, Mexicans like to think that the U.S. owes them something and that they all deserve amnesty.

    Besides, I don't really have anything to say. There are bad and good just like in any group. I like tequila and I'm glad Mexico gave us that.

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  • 1 decade ago

    If they are legal, then good for them. If they aren't then they need to go back and then become legal. I'd say the same thing if it were Canadian people crossing the border without being legal or anyone else. My ancestors came to America even though they didn't have a lot of money and became legal and so should Mexicans. I think that anyone who goes through the process to become legal should be respected and welcomed to the states but if not then they need to fix that and they should be exported, and if they go through the paperwork and wait then they are more than welcome back. I think the rules should apply to everyone.

  • 1 decade ago

    I like that they always get the job done in an appropriate amount of time when it comes to work.

    I don't like the illegal mexicans or the ones that don't speak English.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The subject of immigration is a humanitarian issue, Im white and live in phoenix, Im friends with alot of immigrants and most are very hard working and good people , we cant just send all of them back to mexico, there is a civil war there now and it would be fatal to so many PLUS anyone who has taken a basic economics class will tell you that it would be devastating to our economy.

    I cant believe that in 2009 we are still persecuting a race of people.

    And to all of you that dont like that its against the law, Im sure you are all law abiding upstanding citizens.

    Im all for documenting people but the only humanitarian solution is amnesty now!!!!

  • 1 decade ago

    Some are awesome, some are not so awesome just like every race. i live in southern california so a load of my friends are mexican and i love them, i'm learning spanish and they help so that's awesome and of course the food is amazing. i'm don't like the people whom assume they're all illegal, that's not cool.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Mexicans are my friends and family first of all. second of all they are great cooks, good workers, good people for the most part, just down *** people. but some of the men are very disrespectful.

  • Flute
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Like- They are generally good at work & most of them honest

    Do not like- Illegal immigration into US and lack of English speaking ability.

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