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what's the best advice that you've ever received from your parent?

17 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Never to look to another for your happiness. You must be happy in yourself. No one will do that for you:)

  • 1 decade ago

    There were a lot of advise, hard to chose the best. But I have come up with 2. If you do not like someone do not invite them to your house for dinner, but in a public place like work, school, or church treat them with respect. Because they may hate you for the same dumb reason you hate them, and you would want them to treat you with respect.

    My parents taught me how to save for my retirement. At 16yrs old I need $4,000 in a retirement account. At 20yrs old I need $8,000. At 26yrs old I need $12,000. At 30yrs old I need $16,000. All of these will get you close to 1 million at retirement.

  • 1 decade ago

    From my Father: "Continue to do good, even if others are nasty to you!" He lived by that philosophy!

    From my Mother: "Never put a long thread in the needle!" LOL! Just the other day while hand-stitiching something, I made the very same mistake (to avoid having to thread the needle again & again!), and got all knotted up! Took me twice the time and effort. I could almost hear her scolding me for not listening, LOL!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    From my mother to care about people and not to treat others disrespectfully,not to look down on any people such as handicapped or anyone. From my father to forgive people and to let go of anger, resentments ,to apologize to people if I did something wrong to them.

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  • 1 decade ago

    Pray the GOD and HE is the greatest .omnipotent,merciful,benevolent Always ready to contribute your efforts for the other peoples

    Do good and have good

    Never give any trouble to others

    Lead a pious life,

    Follow the honest path of life

  • 1 decade ago

    i da know. i never listened to them. they had their life and i had mine they are not similar as they are two different paths entirely. they didn't even give advice that often and when they do it is often bad, useless, or i had already come up with it on my own.

    i was told as a child to not get caught if i was going to do something illegal because they would not bail me out and not to get myself pregnant and under age cuz they would kick me out. pretty much, kid your 5 years old you are now are your own don't screw your life up. they would not often give me advice after that.

  • 1 decade ago

    Never stoop so low that you can't get back on your feet again and never fly so high that you can't figure out where to land

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Only the truth is true

  • ?
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    My grandmama told me that it is easy for me to like someone that likes me, the real test of character is liking someone that doesn't like me...

  • 1 decade ago

    My Grandma told my wife:

    Be care-full how you bend-over in the garden,

    them potato's do have "eyes." <}:-})

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