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(writing) is this good? please any feedback, positive or negative is accepted - its kinda long sorry =p?

ok so for my writing class we have to write our main character at a party, the teacher said she wants everything like how parties go down she said sex, drugs and drinking are ok to mention as long as the sex isn't too graphic. We have already written six chapters , we had to write 3 over summer and 3 from september to now. I would post them too, but that would just be way to long and you can read this without any other previous knowledge, just that its from first person point of view with the main character being Isabella (referred to as 'I' in the story) and her best friends Alexandria and Sophie got invited to a party thrown by the popular girls at their school, Isabella, Alexandria and Sophie aren't losers just of the average status. Oh and the characters are 17-18. And although I am fifteen, it was a rule you can't write about a younger age because its hard to make a story about ten year olds that teens would like to read. No one in my class's characters are under 16. So please no "if you're fifteen why are you trying to understand seventeen year olds" and i wasn't just fourteen or anything either, im 15 1/2 (:

People that are mentioned, but you might need to know to avoid confusion:

Peter- Alexandria's recent ex boyfriend

Kara- The popular girl holding the party

I think that's all but please please please post questions that you need me to clear up and I will answer in the additional details. Any feedback,suggestions and opinions are appriciated. And please read the entire thing, I know it's long but who knows, you might like it ;p alright im gonna stop making this question longer than it should be.

We arrived our stomachs heavy and mouths dry. Alexandria led us in and pushed on the maroon door till it opened. My senses were going into overdrive, the speakers were booming so loud I felt it. The room was filled with people everywhere you looked; some who I’m pretty sure didn’t even go to our school. It smelled like they mopped the floors with beer, which at this point there were so many spills it actually did appear like that. After sitting on the leather couch with the basketball players and cheerleaders for over an hour I began to feel like an outsider we were all sort of buzzed and telling stupid stories. I looked up for a second contemplating whether to leave or not and maybe find where Sophie and Alexandria went off to, to notice that Nate Hanson was looking at me with his electric green eyes. Nate’s on the basketball team and is the known all-star, he’s friends with Peter but we were never introduced. At first I shook my head thinking that he was totally wasted to even be looking at me. No matter how good I thought I looked tonight. I looked by his feet surprised to find that there was only two beers next to his ankle. I was only on my first to know that I wasn’t seeing things. I looked back at him but not into his eyes because Nate has the eyes where you just can’t stop looking at them and with my mind already confused I was in no state to get lost in a trance. I ran my fingers through my hair and began listening to a pointless story that Grant the hockey god was telling while some girl Molly was sitting on his lap. Grants story as expected soon got boring. I threw my head back and tried to get a quick glimpse of Nate again. I did and I began to like what I saw, Nate Hanson looking at me Isabella Juvan the girl who is always invisible because of my beautiful friends, looking at me like he’s actually… interested. I pulled my hair behind my ears, smiled and looked at Nate, I mean really looked at him. I guessed I must’ve look intrigued too because he gave me a shy flirtatious smile. I knew the way I was looking into Nate’s irresistible green eyes changed me from looking just intrigued to mesmerized. He looked like he was making a decision while he was looking at me. We stared into each other’s eyes for only a few short moments. I looked down first because I felt my phone vibrate and saw it was my mom calling, I hit ignore and started to think how I would remember this night forever, how Nate Hanson looked at me, even though no words were used and he probably doesn’t even know my name, and he most likely won’t remember this. Nate Hanson looked at me, interested and unexpected. Less than a few minutes after ignoring my mom’s call, I felt a presence near me, I didn’t look up I just figured it was someone on their way to get a beer or something and got sidetracked. Less than seconds after that, someone put their hand on mine, it was a boy and you could tell they were shaky and nervous because the hand kept pressing down on mine for stability. Then I heard a voice, and a really hot one at that propose “Hey Isabella, the baseball guys are shooting off fireworks from the backyard… do you wanna watch them with me?” I looked up and saw it was Nate. I tried avoiding his eyes because they always leave me speechless. And this was probably the one time me talking actually might get me somewhere. I


I drew my attention to his hand on mine, while my stomach was doing somersaults I managed to agree and say “ Yeah I’d like that” . Nate grinned and pulled me up from the couch I picked up a Corona from the cooler and surprisingly in my free hand I felt Nate’s. I followed his lead and he walked me up the steps and he took me into a dark room with boxes piled up everywhere. At first I was confused because I thought we were just going to sit in the backyard, but I was feeling spontaneous so I just went with it. I felt his hand slide from mine and I stood still and my blue eyes were searching everywhere around the room for him. My thought process was interrupted by a creaking noise, I turned my head to find the source was an old dusty window that Nate was cracking open and was begin crawling through it. I walked in front of it and inquired “Nate how am I supposed to get through there?” He jumped out and reassured “Don’t worry Isabella, I’ll help you first then I’ll go.”

Update 2:

loose around his neck and all of a sudden he flipped me over so he was on top. I felt every muscle on his body embrace me, soon enough he nervously tore off his shirt. I looked deep into Nate’s eyes and opened my mouth I tried to sputter out the words “I love you” but I just couldn’t, with my mouth opened he pulled me in closer and began kissing passionately… I never knew that saying that I love you would be so difficult I mean they’re only three little words that are supposed to mean so much but I wanted to show Nate the way I felt about him in something more than words. People try to express it in the way they touch them or the way they can look in their eyes and not say anything for hours but know that with eyes locked in silence could express way more of a truth than you could ever say. You know you are in love when your heart fully controls you and your brain tries to pass through with thoughts of reason but you block out any doubts with the pure impulse of passion and lust and

Update 3:

He put his hand on my lower back which made my blood run hot, and coaxed me out. Once I was on the roof I put the Corona down and brushed some dirt off my knee. Nate came out and lied down beside me and swung his arm around me. I bit my lip and couldn’t help but look in his eyes again, and the damn stars made them twinkle even more. He pulled me in closer to him; I’ve never felt more at home in my life. Nate told me that the fireworks would be starting in forty-five minutes or so. To pass the time we finished the Corona and I kicked it off the roof making sure nobody was below it that could potentially get injured. As we started to sober up we began talking about the basic things that come up, school, family, friends. We could not stop cracking up at each other’s stories, I’ve been talking to the guy for less than twenty minutes and I already felt like we had a connection that used to be impossible for me to even imagine, Nate’s the kind of guy who knows exactly what to say at the

Update 4:

who knows exactly what to say at the right time. Nate Hanson, an acquaintance, was becoming everything I want and everything I need. I was falling for him fast, and I felt doubtful. We were both completely sober by now. Then as the night went on, we got into more serious, complex stuff, like couples, relationships and love. I had my head against his chest when he asked me what my opinion on love is. I took a deep breath and answered “Love at first sight is easy to understand; it's when two people have been looking at each other for a lifetime that it becomes a miracle. I was staring at the stars as I continued “Love… love is just as much an object of obsession, many seek it, few find it, and the lucky ones who do never ever forget it. If you have love in your life it can make up for a great many things you lack. If you don't have it, no matter what else there is, it's not enough.” I realized how mixed up my answer must’ve sounded but Nate just glanced at me astonishment. I looked back

Update 5:

I looked back at him, instantly connected. Tyler, Nate’s best friend shouted up to us “Yo Nate I’m about to set off the first firework” I sat up to get a better view but I saw Nate was still laying down his hand still placed ready for me to lay there again. I scooted back and returned to my rightful place, in Nate’s arm. His face lit up, and knowing I was the one to make his face light up, I couldn’t help but letting out a huge grin. The fireworks started, I heard them and saw them. Although the fireworks have started a while ago for me, I felt those ones. I was falling for Nate hard and I felt nervous. I wanted to get back to the moment we were in, so I repeated the question he asked me. Nate placed his hand on my chin and tilted my head towards his; he didn’t release it until our eyes were locked. Then he declared “I think just because you know someone doesn’t mean you love them, and just because you don’t know people doesn’t mean you can’t love them. You can fall in love with a

Update 6:

complete stranger in a heartbeat, if that’s the route that is planned for you, so people need to open their hearts to strangers more often. You never know what life will throw at you.” Neither of us blinked the whole time he was talking. I blocked out everything, the fireworks, jocks screaming, the butterflies in my stomach, the sweat on my palms, the gorgeous night sky, the maximum amount of feelings I felt for Nate and how hard I was trying not to act on them, everything but his voice. He closed his eyes and leaned in; I slightly licked my lips, titled my head to the right, and fell in love with Nate. Once we pulled away from the most amazing kiss ever, Nate looked in my eyes and whispered something but I was still stunned from the kiss so I had no idea what he said, I was going with whatever crazy force was controlling me and I grabbed his hand. He kissed my forehead then we both crawled back inside the window. Once in the room again I leaned up against the wall Nate put his hands

Update 7:

on my hips and we started making out. He started kissing my neck and I got chills. I was falling for Nate faster, harder, and I loved the feeling of it. We rearranged to several spots around the room and somehow managed not to trip over anything with our eyes closed and mind only focused on each other, while still making out Nate led me to the hallway, everything was moving in fast motion, or slow motion I don’t know whichever’s better. The intensity of our passion was insane; against the railing I was thrusting myself at Nate. He intertwined his fingers through mine and was staring into my eyes and beginning to breathe slightly heavier. I saw that we were going into Kara’s brother, Chase who is a sophomore at college’s room. This was a good choice because there’s no risk of anyone walking in on us. I knew what was going on, I was fully aware of what was about to happen. I couldn’t process anything except how much I loved Nate, and I knew he loved me, I could tell by the way he looked

Update 8:

at me and it’s almost as if I could feel what he was thinking… and it’s the same things that were racing through my mind. Once we entered Chase’s room I pressed Nate against the door and slid my hand behind him and locked the door. We were talking throughout this whole process; my mind was only focused on me and Nate that I wasn’t going to let anything, even what he was saying ruin this for me, I knew I was saying stuff too but I wasn’t paying attention, we would laugh a little sometimes for no reason just after a kiss or something. I was up against the wall again as we began making out again. It was like our bodies were two magnets and the electric charge wanted us closer and closer, we were never more than an inch apart. I walked gracefully to the bed and Nate followed me. I straddled him and we began making out hard, our mouths were colliding, I took off my shirt so I was just in my tank top, his hands were running up and down my back until he rested them on my hips. My arms were

Update 9:

and when you finally work up the courage to tell the person you just end up stuttering on a choked up mess of feelings and emotions that make you fall even more helplessly in love. I assumed Nate knew what I was trying to say, because he looked me dead in the eye and said “I love you Isabella”, that’s probably the only thing he said that I actually remembered and took in. I slid off my tank top since my shorts were already off I was just in my bra now, I used to be self conscious but Nate didn’t love me for that and plus when I was with Nate I felt beautiful and worry free. Then I pulled Nate in closer to me, so we were sitting there in our underwear, making out. Nate was reaching in his Abercombie&Fitch jeans and pulling out a Trojan, he looked at me his eyes searching for some type of reaction, and I nodded, that’s all my body could physically come up with due to all the adrenaline rush. He took off his jeans while kissing my check, I followed by example and took off my bra,

Update 10:

so we were sitting there in our underwear, making out. Nate was reaching in his Abercombie&Fitch jeans and pulling out a Trojan, he looked at me his eyes searching for some type of reaction, and I nodded, that’s all my body could physically come up with due to all the adrenaline rush. He took off his jeans while kissing my check, I followed by example and took off my bra, so there we were, sitting on the bed making out topless. We both started sweating as we removed the last trace of any clothes. So they we were lying on the bed, naked, while a symphony of heavy breathing and teen hearts beating circled around the room, but this time we weren’t just making out.

2 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    You really need to work on your punctuation, right when I read the the first sentence I could tell the rest of the story would have the same errors. Punctuation is important when you want the paper to have voice. "We arrived our stomachs heavy and mouths dry." should be "We arrived, stomachs heavy and mouths dry," and then continue the sentence, I dont know if your teacher has read it but chances are you will be marked off for writing in fragments instead of complete sentences. Also, "Alexandria led us in and pushed on the maroon door till it opened." that doesnt make any sense. Maybe you should revise the story and try to articulate your words better so you can feel how she feels. Your also using the word "and" incorrectly. "I was falling for him fast, and I felt doubtful." That does'nt sound right, it should be "I was falling for him fast but". Id also encourage you to expand your vocabulary more because your "17 year old" charactor sounds like a 15 year old. Anyways, this was'nt meant to be mean, I hope your able to apply what my critique to improve your story. Good luck.

    Source(s): AP English student.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    shes interested however insecure approximately the longer term given that she has been screwed over so in many instances earlier than; well-nigh, shes now not going to allow you to believe you've gotten the higher hand so she will be able to nonetheless think in manage of the concern, simply preserve doing what your doing and be delicate approximately letting her realize that your now not going to permit her down ( provided that you rather imply that ), rather than that you simply could check out sitting down along with her after a date or anything like that and feature a talk approximately in the event you men desire to get extraordinary. i truthfully have no idea her however that is the course ive taken and its labored so i'm hoping it really works for you too! fine of good fortune

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