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Are Catholics and Orthodox doctrines the closest or even identical to the early Christians' beliefs?

Through my study of Christian history and early Christian writings, the Catholics and the Eastern/Oriental Orthodox are the most faithful to what Jesus and the apostles taught. For example, the early Christians believed in the real presence of Jesus Christ in the consecrated bread and wine and so do the Catholics and the Orthodox Christians today. Some of the mainstream Protestants (Lutherans and some Anglicans/Episcopalians) apparently also believe in the real presence although they have a different theology on this compared to Catholics. The early Christians also believed in the perpetual virginity of Mary, a doctrine still upheld in the Catholic and Orthodox Churches. Protestant reformers like Luther, Calvin and Zwingli also believed that Mary remained virgin until her death although many Protestant denominations today do not hold as doctrine the Mary's perpetual virginity. Catholics and Orthodox venerate the saints and the angels just like the Christians during the time of the apostles (this practice is evidenced by the inscriptions in the catacombs and by early Christian writings). Most Protestants and fundamentalists totally abandoned this practice.

On the other hand, the fundamentalists (which may include evangelicals, pentacostals and born-agains) have developed doctrines that are not in accordance with the teachings of early or original Christianity. The "once saved always saved doctrine (OSAS)" is relatively a new doctrine that was practically unheard of for 500 years ago. Even now, not all fundamentalists believe in OSAS. The fundamentalist doctrine of premellinial rapture is another new tenet that is totally different from what the apostles and the early Christian Church taught. During the time of the apostles until the 19th century, being born again meant simply being baptized but modern fundamentalist now say being born again is different from baptism, some even rejecting the necessity of baptism to salvation.

So I believe the Catholics and the Orthodox Christians belong to true Christianity. Mainstream Protestants have somehow abandoned some of the teachings of the apostles but still cling to some of them. Fundamentalists, on the other hand, are pseudo-Christians whose doctrines are different from and sometimes against the teachings of Jesus and the apostles.

Your views please.


To Sussana,

What made you think I am Catholic? My sources are the early Christian writings and history books. Oh and you can go to Rome and visit the catacombs.

You claim to be a former Catholic but it is very clear that you know very little about Christianity. Did you ever think that your interpretation of the Bible is incorrect since it disagrees with facts of history?

Update 2:

To Jehoel,

Around 390 AD, St. Augustine writes:

"Every personal sin must be excluded from the Blessed Virgin Mary for the sake of the honor of God."

Similarly, St. Ambrose of Milan (340-397) says:

"Mary, a virgin not only undefiled but a virgin whom grace has made inviolate, free from every stain."

Likewise, the Greek Liturgies of both St. Basil the Great (d. 379) and St. John Chrysostom (d. 407) call Mary "Panagia" ("All-Holy One") and "Panagiota" ("All-Sinless One").

Update 3:

Furthermore, in the Syrian Church, we have St. Ephraem the Syrian (c. 350), who says:

"Thou, and Thy Mother are alone in this. You are wholly beautiful in every respect. There is in Thee, Lord, no stain, nor any spot in Thy Mother." (Poem to Christ)


"My Lady Most Holy, All-Pure, All-Immaculate, All-Stainless, All-Undefiled, All-Incorrupt, All-Inviolate ...Spotless Robe of Him Who clothes Himself with light as with a garment ...Flower unfading, purple woven by God, alone Most Immaculate." (Ibid)

Also, the Syrian St. John Damascene (645-750) speaks of Mary, saying: "The serpent never entered that Paradise."

Update 4:

Likewise, among the early Church Fathers, we have St. Irenaeus of Lyon (a disciple of St. Polycarp, who was the disciple of St. John the Apostle himself -- the caretaker of Mary, according to John 19:26-27). And, according to St. Irenaeus, writing in 180 AD, we are told,

Update 5:

"Consequently, then, Mary the Virgin is found to be obedient, saying: 'Behold, O Lord, your handmaid; be it done to me according to your word.' Eve, however, was disobedient; and when yet a virgin, she did not obey.... having become disobedient, was made the cause of death for herself and for the whole human race; so also Mary, betrothed to a man but nevertheless a virgin, being obedient, was made the cause of salvation for herself and for the whole human race.... Thus, the knot of Eve's disobedience was loosed by the obedience of Mary. What the virgin Eve had bound in unbelief, the virgin Mary loosed through faith." (Irenaeus, Against the Heresies, Book III c. 180 AD)

Here, St. Irenaeus uses "virginity" as a sign of sinlessness (i.e. Mary was sinless just as Eve was sinless before the Fall).

Update 6:

Regarding Mary as the Queen of Heaven:

Queen of Heaven is a title given to the Blessed Virgin Mary by Christians, mainly Catholic, Anglican, Lutheran, and Orthodox Churches, to whom the title is a consequence of the Council of Ephesus, where the Virgin Mary was proclaimed Mother of God.

Update 7:

In OT times, the Queen of Israel was not the King's wife (because the king had many wives -- a harem), but rather his mother:

2 Kings 10:13 -- " ' We are kinsmen of Ahaziah,' they replied. 'We are going down to visit the princes and the family of the queen mother."

Song of Songs (Songs of Solomon) 3:11 --"Daughters of Jerusalem, come forth and look upon King Solomon. In the crown which his mother has crowned him, on the day of his marriage, on the day of the joy of his heart."

Jeremiah 13:18 -- "Say to the king and to the queen mother: 'Come down from your throne.' "

1 Kings 15:13 -- "He also deposed Maacah from her position as queen mother."

If Christ is the legitimate Messianic King of the true Israel (the Church / Heaven), then Mary is the Queen Mother. This is what the ancient Church believed.

Update 8:

To Jamesdalbright,

Read early Christian writings and you will see that your interpretation of the Bible is wrong.

17 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Eastern Orthodox are. Oriental Orthodox hardly are. Catholics are not.

  • 1 decade ago

    I agree 100%.

    The Catholic Church is the Church of the Apostles and the Early Christian Fathers. The Orthodox Church is also recognised by Catholics as being Apostolic.

    The Bible, that Protestants are so fond of quoting from, was compiled by the Catholic Church. So Protestants must have to trust the Catholic Church to even quote from the Bible, which is to all intents and purposes the book of the Catholic Church.

    If the Catholic Church is not the true Church why do protestants trust the book this Church compiled? This question alone hoists them on their own petard.

    To be Catholic is to be steeped in Christian History,

    Protestants are just the Johny-come-latelies in the history of Christianity who missed out on around a millenium and a half of Christian history. In other words they seem to believe that for around 1500 years the bulk of Christians were deceived and that there were no true Christians until Henry VIII, Luther, Oliver Cromwell, King William of Orange and numerous modern cult leaders came along to bring us the correct Christian doctrine.

    Thanks for a very scholarly question.

  • John S
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I agree 100% with you. Though I believe that our Protestant brothers and sisters still can go to heaven, since they definitely believe in Jesus as their savior and many of them do God's work, here on Earth.. I do feel that their doctrines are not consistent with the evidence we have regarding Early Christianity AND I obviously feel that being consistent is KEY.

    IF... ANY belief has credibility and authority.. it would no doubt be the first couple of generations of Christians. While many of us today have to "interpret" things.. to the early Christians.. their belief was more historical FACT, then interpretation. I mean the central events that launched Christianity were only a few generations ago. Much like how the Civil War is only a few generations ago for us. They KNEW many of the things we now have to read in the bible and take on faith.

    Therefore to ME, the generations from the 1st thru 3rd centuries and even into the 4th, had much more knowledge and authority then we do NOW. Therefore it makes sense to be as consistent with what they followed as we can.

    We all know how many alternative interpretations there are of scripture.. so obviously going solely on Scripture leads to division and alternative interpretations. SO we obviously need a 3rd reference point.

    We have Jesus/God/Holy Spirit and the Bible on 2 ends - but we need a 3rd reference point to make sure we are being accurate. Otherwise our own biases, justification, rationalizations may get in the way.

    SO, I too agree that the Orthodox and Catholic faiths seem to adhere the closest to what EARLY Christians believed.

  • 1 decade ago

    While not popular, I share your sentiments... No longer must someone retain the dogmatic principles of the apostles or nicene creed to be considered Christian. If Arius were alive today, I'm certain he would be amazed at the doctrines of some "Christian" churches that like him deny Christ's divinity.

    The Catholic Church (post VII) however asserts that there is indeed salvation outside the Church, just not "the fullness of the truth". When I posed a similar question to this a while ago a contact that I respect responded wisely by saying in effect. "Who am I to judge the sincerity of someone that claims to follow Christ, I am to love them all and let God sort it out"

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  • 1 decade ago

    Yes, Protestants only need to check the Patristic writings and decisions, especially the 7 Councils that Chalcedonian Catholics and Orthodox share.

  • 1 decade ago

    The Catholic Church is the only denomination that can trace its leadership directly back to the very first days of Christianity. St. Peter was handed all spiritual authority by Christ Himself, and he, in turn, passed that authority to his successor, Pope St. Linus. Here is a listing of every Pope from Peter to Benedict XVI:

    Peter knew Jesus and wouldn't have passed down any doctrines which were contrary to what our Lord taught. (Even when he allowed himself to be momentarily influenced by the Jews who wanted new converts to follow the Law, he accepted the rebuke of the Holy Spirit speaking through St. Paul without hesitation.) Those things which have been passed down to us through Sacred Tradition are exactly what the early Church taught and believed.

    I agree with John S. and the others who say that Protestants are Christians by dint of their belief in Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior. They may not have the fullness of apostolic authority and the spiritual assistance of valid Sacraments, but no doubt our Lord still loves them and calls them His brothers and sisters. We should do likewise, IMHO.

    However, fundamentalists are on very shaky ground. They will do everything in their power to rewrite history and deny this fact, but a lie is still a lie. Satan is a liar and the father of lies, and since nothing untruthful can enter the Kingdom of Heaven, they seriously need to repent of all the falsehoods and hatred that they spread about Catholicism.

    Source(s): Catholic convert and grateful to be a member of Christ's True Church on earth
  • 1 decade ago

    Good observation. Now prepare for attacks from Catholic haters like David (aka Chris), Matthew, Unsolved Miseries and Sussana the SDA.


    Oh, I forgot to metion Orthodoxy or Death, the anti-Catholic Orthodox nutcase. LOL.


    FYI, the Catholic Church compiled the Bible in the late fourth century. That was after the time of Constantine. Constantine died in 337. The Syod of Hippo was in 393 while the 3rd Synod of Carthage was in 397.

  • Dylan
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    I am 100% in agreement with you.

    The Catholic-Orthodox Church is Truth.

  • 1 decade ago

    The 12 Apostles believed that John 6:51 is another way of saying whoever believes in Jesus will be saved not the Catholic counterfeit teaching that when a person takes communion they are fulfilling this scripture.

    John 6:51 “I am the living bread that came down out of heaven; if anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever; and the bread also which I will give for the life of the world is My flesh.”

    The 12 Apostles believed that the rock in Matt 16:18 is Jesus not as the Catholics believe that Peter was a Pope. The Orthodoxs sent the Popes representative away when they arrived in the Byzantine Empire and tried to assert that the Pope was the head of the Orthodox churches and they were correct in doing so. The Popes all are counterfeit take offs from the High Priest of the Old Testament.

    Matt. 16:18 “I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it.

    The 12 Apostles were present with Mary's other children and recorded so in Mark 3:31.

    Mark 3:31   Then His mother and His brothers *arrived, and standing outside they sent word to Him and called Him. 32 A crowd was sitting around Him, and they *said to Him, “Behold, Your mother and Your brothers are outside looking for You.” 33 Answering them, He *said, “Who are My mother and My brothers?”

    The 12 Apostles did not pray to Saints ever according to the the fact that this idea is not found in the Scriptures.

    The 12 Apostles believed, as is recorded it the Bible that a believer cannot lose the salvation that they have in Jesus Christ every time they sin after believing. Paul explained this when he recorded that he did what he knew better than to do and despite this Jesus Christ would save him from his wretched flesh.

    Rom. 7:19 For the good that I want, I do not do, but I practice the very evil that I do not want.

    24 Wretched man that I am! Who will set me free from the body of this death? 25 Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord!

    The 12 Apostles believed that there is only one resurrection rapture and it occurs in the resurrection, which takes place just before Har-magedon, which is recorded in Rev 19:7.

    Rev. 19:7 “Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready.”

    The 12 Apostles believed that water baptism was commanded after a person believed, which means after a person was already born again.

    35 Then Philip opened his mouth, and beginning from this Scripture he preached Jesus to him. 36 As they went along the road they came to some water; and the eunuch *said, “Look! Water! What prevents me from being baptized?” 37 [And Philip said, “If you believe with all your heart, you may.” And he answered and said, “I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.”

    As you can see Catholicism is counterfeit religion just like the Jehovah Witnesses because it teaches counterfeit gospels of salvation. Orthodox Christian have a testimony of Jesus while the Catholics do not.

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