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My boyfriend is being
My boyfriend and i have been going out for a few months. Before we went out, we were really close friends. He told me that he liked me as well as one of my closest friends. This was a few months before we went out. Now that we are going out i feel like he gives other girls (including my friend) more attention than me. I almost feel like he's falling for her again, but now she has a boyfriend of her own. I don't know if i'm just being paranoid or if somethings up. He's always been very anti-drama so i don't want to bring up the issue. And if it turns out to be nothing then i don't want to have caused problems by bringing it up. Any suggestions?
3 Answers
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Let it be. You guys have only been dating for a few months, you don't want to pull the jealousy card just yet, you might scare him off. Unless he does something really obvious, you should probably not say anything. Guys hate jealous girls.
- Anonymous1 decade ago
Us guys are weird. Sometimes, (when I had a girlfriend) I'd rather hang out with her friend instead of her. We don't know why, I loved her and liked being around her, but sometimes we need other people of a different gender. And here is my best point: IF YOUR MY GIRLFRIEND, AND YOUR FRIENDS WITH A GIRL WE FIND COOL, WE'RE MORE LIKELY TO HANG WITH THEM WHEN WE JUST NEED TO GET AWAY. IF YOU THINK SHE'S COOL TOO, WE'LL BE MORE SURE OF IT. WE LOOK UP TO OUR GIRLFRIENDS. EVERY GUY DOES. So don't be jealous or anything. Be glad that he wanted your re-assurance. (:
- 1 decade ago
hmm.. well i would say you should trust your first instinct..
if your gut tells you this needs to be addressed tell him.
is he paying less & less attention to you? do they text a lot?
i think the best thing to do is talk to him.. but bring it up casually..
dont just say "ive been you like her ?" maybe have a
conversation about her and then say "youve been talking to her so much
sometimes i feel like you ignore me for her but maybe its just me idk"
sorry to hear you are having this problem :(
wish you the best