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  • Guys, a little help? Is he into me?

    I'll keep this (relatively) short. Basically, there's this guy that i like. We've hooked up twice in the last 3 weeks and it got pretty intense. Before we hook up we talk and stuff tho it's not like we see each other specifically for that purpose. Last time i saw him he was putting his arm around me and hugging me and being all touchy feely but i cant tell if hes into me or if he just wants to get some. He gets around and doesn't tend to hook up with people more than once which is why i think i might have a chance. He's not big into texting and stuff so we don't really talk besides when we hang out and occasionally over the phone or facebook. Opinions? Also, i want to talk more but im not sure how to initiate a conversation because i don't want to come across as obsessive. Thanks for all the help!

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating10 years ago
  • Crash Diet that WORKS!!?

    The first day of school is in exactly 7 days and I need a week long crash diet to look great on the first day! I want to lose about 5 pounds. Diet pills and detox diets are not an option for me. Any suggestions...?

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness10 years ago
  • What do guys find attractive in women?

    I honestly don't know what "sexy" or "hot" means. Guys thing my friend, who I think is very beautiful, is ugly but that she has a good body. Then there's this other girl, let's call her Danielle, who's wayyy too skinny and isn't very attractive and she's a *****, but guys are in love with her! It just doesn't make any sense! What makes guys attracted to a girl?

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • I like this guy... Does he like me back?

    So this guy at my school is always being really sweet and playful with me but I can't tell if it's him being nice or if he likes me. When he sees me walking down the hallway he'll cut across people and stand in my way and won't let me pass. Or he'll put his finger on my shirt somewhere and say "there's something on your shirt" and then when I look down, he flicks my nose, cute stuff like that. Two weeks ago he found out I play guitar and he threw a guitar pick at me when he saw me and told me to keep it. He's also touchy in a sexual(ish) way. Like he'll slap my ***, etc. So I can't tell if he's into me or if he just likes being touchy-feely and nice to me. All of my friends think I should make a move but I don't want to risk our friendship! And also, I don't really know HOW to make a move. Not to sound conceited, but I've never really had guy trouble before and they usually make the first move. But now he's not doing anything and I want things to go somewhere. And if they're not going anywhere I'm going to move on... BUT IDK WHAT TO DO!!!

    Sorry about the long message...

    Please help!!!

    2 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • My boyfriend is being

    My boyfriend and i have been going out for a few months. Before we went out, we were really close friends. He told me that he liked me as well as one of my closest friends. This was a few months before we went out. Now that we are going out i feel like he gives other girls (including my friend) more attention than me. I almost feel like he's falling for her again, but now she has a boyfriend of her own. I don't know if i'm just being paranoid or if somethings up. He's always been very anti-drama so i don't want to bring up the issue. And if it turns out to be nothing then i don't want to have caused problems by bringing it up. Any suggestions?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • What should i do with my hands when making out?

    I'm a girl and i'm never sure what do do with my hands!! What do guys like??

    9 AnswersSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • Small, flying, black biting bugs?

    I keep seeing these small, flying, black biting bugs with blue marks on their back legs. I can't figure out what they are, but they bite me all the time! Their bite marks are like any mosquito bite, but the bugs are not mosquitoes. They look like they have small needles that they stick into your skin. Everywhere i look talks about fleas, ticks, bedbugs, mosquitoes, head lice, and chiggers, but i haven't been able to find ANY info on this bug. Any answers?

    2 AnswersOther - Health1 decade ago
  • How much should a 5'2, 13 yr. old girl weigh?

    I don't know if I should really be concerned, but my niece is very, very thin. She is 13 and is 5 feet, 2 inches tall. I was wondering what the average weight for someone that height and age should be because I am starting to worry about her health.

    35 AnswersAdolescent1 decade ago
  • What foods have "negative calories"?

    I know that some people say there are no such things as negative calories, but I'm going to say there are. Any foods that have less calories than they take to digest are technically negative calories. You are burning more calories than you are eating. I just always wondered what foods contain "negative calories". If you have a list, that would be great...

    7 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago