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Carrie asked in HealthDiet & Fitness · 1 decade ago

What foods have "negative calories"?

I know that some people say there are no such things as negative calories, but I'm going to say there are. Any foods that have less calories than they take to digest are technically negative calories. You are burning more calories than you are eating. I just always wondered what foods contain "negative calories". If you have a list, that would be great...

7 Answers

  • ny
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The idea that certain foods could take more energy to digest them

    than they actually provide in and of themselves certainly took the

    diet industry by storm. It was appealing to people: imagine eating

    food and actually losing weight, instead of putting it on!

    The sad fact is, however, that all foods contain calories. Some have

    more calories, some less. However the body has one thing which

    actively works against you. It's the most efficient engine known to

    man. The calories delivered by even the lightest foods render many

    times more energy than is required to digest them. There is one

    negative calorie food. There is food, low in calories, and that is

    all. To truly use more energy than a food provides, you'd in fact

    have to be eating cardboard. 100% cellulose. And as we, humans, lack the

    enzymes to break it down (as opposed to cows that can happily live on it),

    it would render zero calories.

    The process of moving the cardboard through the body would take a small but

    measurable amount of energy. The result? A true negative calorie food.

    Naturally, it's one you are recommended to use.

    Here is a list of foods which are claimed by some to be negative

    calorie foods, but in fact are just food, low in calories. Remember,

    eating them will still mean that you are consuming calories, not

    burning fat.



    green cabbage



    celery root

    celery chicory

    hot chili peppers




    garden cress


    green beans




    lemon mango


    pineapple raspberries



    lamb's lettuce







  • 1 decade ago



    Water based fruits and vegetables

    Carrot sticks

    Negative calories are foods that you spend more calories digesting then they withhold.

  • 5 years ago

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    alright, go ahead and say there are negative calorie foods. in your imaginary world, EVERY food can have negative calories

    negative calorie foods are a myth. accept it.

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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    If by negative you mean bad then it is junk foods

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The only two that I know about are melons and peppers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
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