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If dinosaurs and man never lived together how is it possible that God can exist?

I have been doing a little research and have found out that dinosaurs and man never lived together. In the bible it tells how God created the earth in six days and rested in the seventh. In this week man was created. So how could dinosaurs and man not have lived together or how can God exist if they never coexisted? Everything I have found has told me they never coexisted. Or can someone prove my theory wrong.

And before anyone preaches to me know that yes I do believe in God but now I am questioning his existence because of this theory.


and please dont think this is a joke and think for a minute this is a valid point.

3 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    It is important to understand that no one has ever scientifically proven the age of dinosaur fossil remains. As a matter of fact, there is actually more scientific evidence suggesting dinosaurs died off fairly recently, sometime within the history and memory of mankind.

    The reason why the Bible doesn't seem to mention dinosaurs is because the radiometric dating methods scientists are using are inaccurate.

    According to the Journal of Geophysical Research, new rock in the form of hardened lava flows produced estimated ages as great as 3 billion to 10.5 billion years when they were actually less than 200 years old.

    According to Science Magazine, shells from living snails were carbon dated at around 27,000 years.

    Does that sound like an accurate age estimate to you? Well, those are the kind of dating methods scientists are using to date dinosaur bones.

    The Bible tells the truth as to what really happened to the dinosaurs, and it makes a whole lot more sense than anything evolutionary scientists say.

    Reptiles never stop growing. Back in the days of Adam and Eve up until the days of Noah people lived 900 years which is about 10 times longer than the average lifespan today. If people lived longer, then more than likely animals would have lived longer as well, including lizards. If lizards lived 10 times longer, and reptiles never stop growing until the day they die, then they'd grow about 10 times bigger. So instead of having a 3 ft. long iguana like we have today, back then they'd have a 30 ft. long iguana.

    One of the very first dinosaurs ever found was called the iguanadon because of it's resemblance to the iguana. The man who found it said that it's skeleton looked just like the skeleton of the iguana except it was alot bigger. Well guess how big it was? 30 feet!

    Scientists have found fossilized remains of crocodiles that reached up to 40 to 50 feet in length. They've found remains of sea turtles that reached enormous sizes much bigger than any sea turtle today.

    Now, fossilization is a very rare and unusual occurrence, not an everyday event. Creation Scientists have found that the conditions that would be most ideal for creating the massive fossil formations found in the sediments would be a violent, global flood catastrophe. Dinosaur remains worldwide are associated with water laid sediment.

    Well, not only does history record a flood like that, but it just so happens that it occurred in the days when reptiles and lizards would have gotten really big.

    After that flood occurred, the age of man dropped off very quickly from about 900 years down to about 100 years in just a few generations. The reason why the age of man dropped off so quickly is because of the harsh conditions on the earth after that catastrophic event. Because of those harsh conditions, many reptiles and lizards went extinct. Those reptiles and lizards that did not go extinct (the ones that are still alive today) simply can't grow as big as they used to, thus there are no dinosaurs around today.

    There are atleast six different methods of radiometric dating available. The assumed age of the sample will dictate which dating method is used because each one will give a different result.

    For example, when dinosaur bones containing carbon are found they are NOT carbon dated because carbon dating would produce an age estimate of only a few thousand years (about 3 or 4 thousand years). Because this would not match the assumed age based on the geologic column, scientists use another method of dating which will give an age closer to the desired result. All radiometric results that don't match up with the preassigned ages of the geologic column are discarded.

    Creation Scientists suspect dinosaurs did not become extinct until about 3 or 4 thousand years ago. The flood in Noah's day occurred 4,400 years ago.

    Source(s): Dr. Kent Hovind ( Dr. Duane Gish (Ph.D. in biochemistry) Ken Ham ( "The Illustrated Origins Answer Book" by Paul S. Taylor "Dinosaurs by Design" by Dr. Duane Gish "Scientific Facts in the Bible" by Ray Comfort
  • 5 years ago

    Leaving Alexander's memories aside for the 2nd, one straight forward fact is thoroughly incorrect on your posting. while Dinosaurs roamed the planet, there have been in basic terms tiny newly developed mammals sort of the size of a small rabbit. at that element there have been no primates, No Monkeys and No Apes - and not in any respect people or Hominids, so 'footprints found of the two people and dinosaurs' is thoroughly impossible. Mammals did no longer start to flourish till the dying of the dinosaurs, some seventy two million years in the past and primates got here lots lots later, some 15 - 20 million years in the past.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    you cant judge god from a fake belief

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