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What is on your "Bucket List"?

Is there something you want to do/learn? Someone you want to meet? A place you'd like to visit/see?

Things I want to do/learn:

* Get my diving certification and swim with whales

* Skydiving

* Bungee jumping

* Learn to ride a motorcycle

* Learn to play the piano

* Learn Latin and/or Greek

A few people I'd like to meet:

* Elvis Presley (I know he's alive out there somewhere...)

* Steven Tyler

* Stephen King

* Jodi Picoult

* The guy who invents the time machine. He's coming for me..I'm telling you.

Places I'd like to visit/see (in person):

* Antarctic Glaciers

* The Dolomites, Italy

* Plitvice Lakes, Croatia

* Stonehenge, UK

* Queenstown, New Zealand

* Ethiopia

* Alaska, USA

* Lefkada, Greece

* Tuscany, Italy

* Manila, Philippines

How about y'all?


@ Lyra: Freaky! Great minds think alike, I guess. Haha. I don't know about getting rid of a goal...hmm...the King of the Bucket List might come after you. :O

Update 2:

@ Billet: Your #13 -- Where are you going? :)

Update 3:

@ Lyra: It might...ha

@ Billet: Ohhh California! That's awesome! I've only been there once, but it was in the middle of winter and we were in the mountains. I hope it's warmer where you're going!

17 Answers

  • Kelly
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    My goodness, I am super late answering this. I seem to be doing that a lot lately. Well, great question, anyway.

    1. Learn sign language.

    2. Swim in the ocean. Any ocean.

    3. See the Grand Canyon.

    4. Publish a book.

    5. Rob a bank.

    6. Then give all the money back and apologize to the bank.

    7. Make my own Chex Mix recipe.

    8. Meet Johnny Depp.

    9. Gain a hundred pounds, then lose it in two weeks. That's probably not healthy, but hey, this is America.

    10. Learn the lyrics to every Beatles song.

    11. Go to a rock concert. And dance.

    12. Fall in love and get married.

    13. Do the Cha Cha Slide with a large group of people.

    14. Graduate high school and go to college.

    15. Eat fire.

    16. Fly.

    17. Buy a puppy.

    18. Chew gum. I haven't chewed gum in a really long time. I wants some gum.

    19. Count to a million.

    20. Meet a Y!A contact. (Yes, I stole this idea. I'm sorry.)

    21. Go to Europe and see the whole thing.

    22. Go on a game show and get rich....!

    23. Cheat death.

    24. Learn to play poker.

    25. Then go to a casino.

    26. Save the world.

    27. Get my doctorates in... something....

    28. Paint a really nice picture.

    29. Meet an Oompa Loompa.

    30. Create a cool sock collection.

    @Lyra- Yeah, it's pretty sad. The largest group of people I've ever done the Cha Cha Slide was with three others. It'd be a lot funner to do it with like fifteen or more people.

  • 1 decade ago

    I would really like to:

    1. Be able to someday converse in French fluently.

    2. Actually watch the Super Bowl for the first time.

    3. Fall in love.

    4. Learn to love making a fool of myself.

    5. Sleep under the stars.

    6. Spend the whole day reading a great novel.

    7. Overcome my fear of failing.

    8. Donate blood.

    9. Buy my own house.

    10. Grow and keep alive a garden.

    11. Attend my first concert.

    12. Live by myself in a foreign country

    13. Travel to every continent. Well, at least 6 out of 7.

    14. Learn who I am.

    15. To write 50,000 words for NaNoWriMo some day.

    Great question :)

  • 1 decade ago

    Woah, Leigh, I'm not even kidding, I was thinking of asking this question a while ago!

    There's a lot on my list.

    1. Publish a book.

    2. Travel to England.

    3. To France.

    4. To Italy.

    5. Greece.

    6. Germany.

    7. Learn Hindi.

    8. Fall in love.

    9. Paint my own masterpiece.

    10. Own a grand piano.

    11. Own so many books that an entire room will have to be dedicated to them; a mini-library.

    12. Meet a famous person.

    13. Travel to Australia.

    14. To Russia.

    15. Finish composing a minimum of 5 piano pieces that I actually like.

    16. Fill up my 60 GB iPod (I only have about 300 songs).

    17. Conquer my hair. (Which has already been done!)

    18. Read the entire HP series in one week.

    19. Have a Heath Ledger marathon.

    20. Have a Johnny Depp marathon.

    21. Have an Anne Hathaway marathon.

    22. Have a Keira Knightley marathon.

    23. Have a HP marathon.

    24. Read at least 2 HP books in Spanish.

    25. See something majestic.

    26. Earn a dollar for a ridiculously simple deed. (Another one I can cross off! I gave someone back the ice cream my friend stole!)

    27. Become friends with a stranger.

    28. Meet a person named Edmund.

    29. Learn to play Clair de Lune on the piano. (I didn't even realize this was on my list- I'm learning it right now!)

    30. Finish writing three stories minimum.

    31. Beat the computer at chess on the hard level. (hahahaaa)

    32. Sing a song in Spanish. (Which was done last year.)

    33. Find a use for the three pretty metal keys I bought last year. (Which I've done.)

    34. Create a painting of a mythical creature in the impressionist style.

    35. Change someone's life for the good.

    36. Travel to Ireland.

    37. Read at least 500 books in ten years. (This one's kind of stupid. I really want to get rid of it. Do you think that's allowed?)

    38. Buy (or create) a piece of artwork big enough to cover almost an entire wall. (Another stupid one.)

    39. Win first prize in something noteworthy.

    40. Figure out who I am. (I think I can cross this one off... I think....)

    41. Physically participate in a historic event.

    42. Master the difficult art of drawing humans. (Not likely to happen.)

    43. Pet a pengin, dolphin, giraffe, platypus, or llama.

    44. Successfully participate in NaNoWriMo.

    45. Write a completed fanfiction.

    46. Go to a book signing

    47. Study abroad.

    48. Visit each part of the Louvre thoroughly.

    49. See a broadway play.

    50. Rake a pile of leaves on the front lawn and put a "free" sign out front.

    51. Ride in a hot air balloon.

    52. Learn archery.

    53. Learn violin.

    54. Own a grandfather clock.

    55. Paint what it looks like when I'm thinking (inspired by a Y!A question).

    56. Paint 42. (My favorite number and also the meaning of life, according to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.)

    @Leigh: Ugh, how unfortunate. Will it help that I'm a magical Earth Fairy/myth?

    @ Billet: Haha, I hope you know you won't get a White Christmas in California. *We* up north haven't even had a proper White Christmas in years. I blame global warming. It's so upsetting. And I feel like I'd like vegemite if I tried it. It's just that they don't sell it here... and you'll find a million squirrels anywhere, here. They're just as common as Australians riding kangaroos :p

    Also, I'd like to meet a contact in real life, too. Aside from Joshms and Shelby, of course. I already knew them. Can I steal that off your bucket list?

    --Then the majority of the Australian population must have been force fed it as infants.... isn't it really popular, there?

    @Kelly: You've never done the Cha Cha Slide in a large group? O.O At school dances, they always play it and everyone always dances to it. They even played it at prom last year! I love the Cha Cha Slide. It's so much fun! *everybody clap your hands*

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    1. watch a meteor shower

    2. have a wall full of polaroids

    3. learn Russian

    4. take every left turn

    5. sell art

    6. learn to write in Hindi

    7. fill up 20 moleskins

    8. collect sand from every ocean/country

    9. adopt kids

    10. leave 50 pennies in random places

    11. meet all of my cousins

    12. get an awesome bike

    13. make a list of the people who i owe an apology to

    14. keep a dream journal

    15. take my parents to India

    16. publish a book that makes people ultimately miss it once they're finished reading it

    17. visit all 50 states

    18. learn to juggle

    19. purchase a telescope

    20. see a real Komondor

    21. go on Cash Cab

    21. Meet Stephen Malkmus

    22. Meet Patrick Wolf

    23. Meet Jonathan S. Foer

    (half the people I want to meet are dead)

    24. Visit Iceland

    25. Visit Russia Russia

    26. Visit the Netherlands

    (I want to go anywhere where it's cold. It's November and it's still hot here in California)

    27. Take a boat from the coast of Alaska to the coast of Russia

    28. Go researching in Antarctica

    29. purchase a typewriter

    30. live; I don't know how else to put it

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • 1 decade ago

    Hmm. People in P&S are very.........interesting. :)

    Things I want to learn/do:

    * Learn to snowboard

    * Go hang-gliding

    People I'd like to meet:

    * Ted Dekker

    * Well I want to know what my cat would say if he could talk...does that count?

    * George Washington

    * Barack Obama

    Places I'd like to visit/see:

    * Sydney, Australia

    * Sahara Desert, Morocco

    * The Pyramids

    * Mount Kilimanjaro (sp?)

    * Zuiderkerk, Amsterdam

  • emilia
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    - Make my own peanut butter

    - Plant a tree

    - Save a life

    - Master Arabic calligraphy

    - Speak something fluently

    - Memorize the Qur'an

    - Be intelligent

    - Raise an animal

    - Be able to write with my left hand

    - Focus


  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Get my drivers liscence

    Get a really cool job

    Go skydiving

    Learn another instrument as well as piano, maybe drums

    Travel lots of places

    Find a guy to be my bf and love me forever!

  • 1 decade ago

    Ohh! I posted one of these on Facebook.

    I'll add to it, though. I definitely want to add to it.

    1. Write a novel. A good one, too. I do not care if it's not published, I just want to develop that sense of accomplishment.

    2. Have a White Christmas. Australia is like ... desert at Christmas.

    3. Crash a wedding.

    4. Run a marathon. Well, complete a marathon, at least.

    5. Sleep outside, in a completely remote place. Like that field I went to on Biology camp. But I'd probably be eaten by kangaroos.

    6. Have a shower in a waterfall :)

    7. Sit through a movie marathon. I've tried, but my attention span is very short, and I usually just leave.

    8. Go skinny dipping at midnight or later.

    9. Fall in love - unconditional and helplessly, disregarding that I'm petrified of doing so.

    10. Spend an entire day watching every Star Wars film.

    11. Read every Harry Potter book in three days. (ha ha ha ... Good luck with that one, Eliza)

    12. Collect 500 of those rings on top of cans. I currently have 300-400. I'm getting close!

    13. Leave Australia (lol) I can cross that one off in 16 days.

    14. Sew a blanket. Because I can never find a blanket I like, and I'm dissatisfied with sleeping with a feral-patterned blanket.

    15. Get my license (lol) I should just cross this off forever.

    16. Tell every single person "I'm sorry". Because I am. I made a lot of people angry once.

    17. Paint a "good" picture. I'm learning to paint. Apparently trying to convey my imagination through words makes me sound like I'm a pothead.

    18. Win something/anything. I can cross this off. I won 2 tickets to the premier screening of Half Blood Prince :D

    I screamed like a newborn baby when I did.

    19. Read the Old Testament. Eh. I'm not religious or anything, but I'd like to read it, just because so many things are based off of it.

    20. Have a kid that has my eyes, because heterochromia isn't common.

    21. Abandon society for a week and live like a hippy. I'll take up pot if I have to. I just want to relive the 60's from a hippies perspective.

    I'm a bit of a freak, like that.

    22. Grow my fingernails, so the nail is *above* the fingertip. My nails are so short, it's disgusting.

    23. See a squirrel. Haha I've never seen one.

    24. Find the missing white pawn from my electronic chess board. It's seriously annoying, not having it.

    25. Bake a wedding cake - Cross this one off :) I made one last year in D&T and I decorated it and everything.

    26. Meet at least one Y!A contact IRL. I don't even care who it is. It'd be so cool to actually meet one of you guys :D

    27. Find an American who likes Vegemite. I'm taking a tube (yes, tube) of it to the U.S, and I'm going to *make* people try it.

    28. Get 100% in an exam - crossed this off, when I got 100% in French.

    29. Master "Flight of the Bumblebee" on saxophone.

    30. (For year 12 muck up day) Glad wrap the main quad of the school so no one can get in, then set up blow up pools in the middle and have a water fight with people.

    31. Paint my room.

    32. Complete a cross-stitch picture.

    33. Go 100km/h. The most I've done is 96km/h and my dad almost hit me because of it.

    I'll go 100 one day ...

    34. Go to these places:

    Florence - Italy.

    Paris - France.

    Stonehenge - United Kingdom.

    Uluru - Australia

    New York City - U.S


    Tuscany - Italy.

    Vienna - Austria

    Berlin - Germany

    @ Leigh: CALIFORNIA!!! I'm so excited : D

    @ Lyra: Haha I know :(

    But at least it's a cold Christmas. And I'm excited to see a squirrel! All we get down here is possums and wallabies.

    And kangaroos ... I actually haven't seen a kangaroo for months.

    And I highly HIGHLY doubt you'd like Vegemite. I only like it because my parents force fed me it as an infant and I've grown to love it.

    But you're more than welcome to some - I have 4 jars in my house :p

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    SKYDIVING. Bungee jumping. Skiing a black diamond.

    And falling in love, which is rumored to be equally if not more, terrifying and awesome.

  • 1 decade ago

    Naked Skydiving without a parachute, half of which having sex in mid air while falling

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