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Lyra [and the Future]
Hello, everyone. I'm Lyra. I'm sort of around-- I used to be much more active, but I do peek back into the Books & Authors section once in a while. Um, enjoy looking at my profile?
How do I handle my dog s behavior towards my other dog?
My 1 yr old toy poodle and 6 yr old boxer/pitbull mix have a great relationship, overall. They will cuddle and sleep together, they will play tug of war together (which hilariously consists of boxer/pitbull mix pulling toy poodle across the hardwood floors...) and chase each other around, etc.
However, pitbull/boxer mix never really layed down the law for our toy poodle. We have not done an awesome job of that ourselves for the almost year we have had him, and are slowly correcting that rather late, and I m sure that s a big reason why our toy poodle will basically walk all over our pitbull/boxer mix. (Plus he s just so gentle and lenient towards the little pipsqueak even though he could basically snap him like a twig.)
One behavior in particular concerns me a little and I m not sure of the best way to correct it. Our poodle will shove a toy in the other dog s face, then growl at him and yank it away, and then repeat. Our other dog will gently, tentatively try to take the toy but does not get aggressive about trying to take it. Still, the toy poodle will shove it in his face, then yank it away, growling pretty assertively. It does not matter which dog picked the toy up first--in typical doggy fashion, they each want what the other has.
I consider this both possessive and bullying behavior. Is the best way to fix this to basically tell him "no" and take the toy away from the both of them completely?
Thanks in advance for the help!
5 AnswersDogs5 years agoShould I tell my friend that her ex cheated on her?
So, they broke up at the beginning of last summer. Before that happened, her then-boyfriend cheated on her. She is now with another (better) guy, and they've been together since the end of last summer.
On the one hand, it feels like it already happened, and it's not relevant anymore. I don't want to upset her with information that (I think) is now irrelevant to her life. She is stressed about various things and I don't want to add to that.
On the other hand, I don't want to take away her right to know. In a way, I don't know if I have the right to keep it from her. I also don't know if she would want to know or not, and I don't even know what I would want, since I've never had an ex at all.
I know this is a subjective situation, and the answer is probably dependent on the person you're dealing with. But does anyone have any advice?
7 AnswersSingles & Dating7 years agoCan anyone help me come up with a recipe for pasta sauce using pepperjack cheese?
So, my situation is that I'm a college student, and I have a week before spring break, so I don't want to buy things if I can just make them. I happen to have a good deal of pepperjack cheese, and a lot of butter, among a variety of spices (you name it, I probably have it). I could potentially get hold of other types of cheese, if my housemates are nice enough to let me use theirs, but is there a way, do you think, that I could make a good pasta sauce with pepperjack? What recipe (existing or made up on the spot) would you recommend?
1 AnswerCooking & Recipes7 years agoI updated Google Chrome last week and it refuses to open back up?
I've tried restarting my computer. I can't figure out how to uninstall Google Chrome, but I don't know if reinstalling it might work? The only thing is, I don't really want to lose the tabs that were open when I updated it last time. I have tried installing it several times, and it never opens. I click on the little button and it looks like it's going to open for a second, and then it doesn't. Ideas? Internet Explorer is driving me crazy.
2 AnswersGoogle7 years agoHelp with a project involving covering a metal container with paper?
I know that's a weird question. I'll explain further. My friend's birthday is coming up, and all he's apparently ever wanted is one of those tin/metal pencil cases, and he hasn't found one that he really likes. So I wanted to buy a metal container that's a good size for pens and pencils (the craft store should have some, right?) and then take some of his favorite comics and apply it onto the container to personalize it.
So my question is, what is the best way to do that? Just plain liquid school glue, or is there something better? (I'm sure there must be something better.) And once I apply it, is there something I can spray it with to protect the paper? I plan to go to the craft store later in the week, so I'm trying to figure out what to be on the look-out for.
I've never done a project like this before, so any suggestions would be appreciated!
3 AnswersHobbies & Crafts8 years agoWhere did the word "paneer" come from?
So it's "paneer" (cheese) in Hindi. But I found out a while ago that in Armenian, it's "baneer", and I just found on Wikipedia that a group of other languages (Turkish, Urdu, Persian, Kurdish...) also have extremely similar names for cheese.
I know it might be impossible to say exactly where it came from, but any ideas? I'm so interested, because it spans a bunch of different languages! I know that there words used in Hindi that are actually based in Urdu, but I don't know much about the connections/relationships between the other languages. This is the Wiki page:
2 AnswersLanguages8 years agoThe black on my dress is bleeding like crazy?
This dress is from H&M, in case that helps with anything. It's black, and has a white plus sign pattern all over it, and the care instructions say to wash it in cold water, gentle wash, and line dry. I followed those instructions and the plus signs are now blue because the black bled. I then tried to hand wash it and didn't see much improvement, it just bled a ton more. And then I tried to rewash it in the machine (gentle cycle, cold, and it's hanging dry right now), and it's done no good.
So, recommendations? It's 100% Rayon, by the way.
4 AnswersCleaning & Laundry8 years agoA question about the "guilty look" in dogs?
So, I've done research. I know that a dog does not associate your punishment (stern, angry voice, etc.) with anything it did previously, even if you're showing him a ripped up pillow. He does not know that it was wrong of him to rip up the pillow because no one was there while he was doing it to tell him that he was in the process of doing something wrong. So getting angry at the dog does not accomplish anything.
I just got into an argument with my mother about this. She walked in the door, saw the ripped up pillow. According to her, she had been petting and playing with our dog outside before coming in, and when she came in, she picked up the torn pillow (and I mean the stuffing had been completely pulled out of it-- coincidentally, I'd made it for her as a Christmas present a few years ago) and without having said anything to our dog, apparently just upon seeing my mom pick up the pillow, he walked and hid behind the couch. She figured that meant he knew he'd done something wrong, and so she proceeded to scold him. My sister and I tried to tell her that what she was doing was ineffective, but she doesn't think so because our dog hid before she showed any sign of being upset.
What accounts for him hiding like that? Did he actually know he'd done something wrong? Could he have been reacting to something else? To be honest, when I found it earlier, I showed him the pillow stuffing, and didn't say "no" until he tried to take it. I was not showing anger for him having ripped anything up, I only showed disapproval once he tried to take it. So, was that wrong? And could that have been what he was reacting to? It doesn't seem so to me, but... I don't know, any ideas? Explanations?
While we're here, if you have suggestions about how to keep him from ripping things up, that would be swell. It's not separation anxiety or boredom, because we have another dog and they play together a lot. We adopted him about a month or so ago, and he's around 2 years old. We think his previous owners didn't have enough control over him, but we're not sure how to fix this, because it's not possible to watch him all the time, and keeping him in the crate when we're not around won't teach him anything.
6 AnswersDogs8 years agoWhat do you think? Are some of us too caught up in the "correctness" of language?
First, here is what inspired this question:
I found this link in the comments of a little article listing ten words that actually have definitions that are very different from what we think they are: (I love Hello Giggles)
Now, I have to confess, I know that my own English grammar is not perfect. I try to speak correctly, I *am* conscious of using "fewer" rather than "less" or "well" rather than "good" in the instances where you are supposed to. But I do believe that, when speaking in everyday life, things like colloquialisms, abbreviations, and words that are just plain made up, etc., naturally creep into our language. I don't even think there is anything wrong with that. It happens. When we speak, we are more concerned with the information we want to convey, not how (well) we are conveying it.
But when I write, it's a whole different story. I want each sentence to be as grammatically correct as I have it in my power to make it. I want all the apostrophes in exactly the right places. I want my language to flow nicely. It pays off-- I have been recognized in school and in my internship as being a good writer, and people whose work at least partially depends on my writing especially appreciate it. And I'm happy knowing that I write reasonably well.
But while, honestly, the only person whose writing I really SHOULD be paying attention to is my own, seeing other people make mistakes drives me crazy. Apostrophes, especially. And I am a firm and passionate believer in the Oxford comma (which is putting a comma before the "and" in a list: I want a puppy, a pony, and a hippogriff vs. I want a puppy, a pony and a hippogriff). What makes me especially annoyed is seeing these mistakes (minus the Oxford comma, because that really is more personal preference) in business context. Stephen Fry refers to some of these in his essay in the link above. But he also says "to hell with it, why should we care?"
So that's my question to you. Why should we care? Is it ridiculous that some of us do care so much about others' use of the language? What is the value in using the English language grammatically correctly, versus just letting nouns and verbs happen? Isn't the English language just one, big, organic creature that changes over time, being influenced by culture, word geniuses (Shakespeare, for example), and general social agreement, anyway?
BQ1: Is there a mistake that drives you up a wall? What is it?
BQ2: If you could make up a word that would be inserted into the dictionary/common everyday speech, what would it be and what would it mean?
BQ3: What is your favorite word?
BQ4: Anything else that you find interesting that you want to say? :D
10 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years agoI guess I'm looking for some encouragement, reassurance, or advice...?
I'm going into my senior year of college and, to my knowledge (which honestly is all that matters at this point, isn't it), there isn't a guy on this earth who has ever been interested in me. So I've never been asked out, never been on a date, never flirted with anyone really, never been kissed... I mean you get the point. I did ask someone out a few months ago. Obviously he said no.
After so many years of just waiting (and trying to act on it once), I'm more than frustrated. It feels hopeless. It IS hopeless. I've become extremely insecure about this and I even feel like some of my confidence issues stem from this, which I'm a little embarrassed about.
I've been told I should just casually flirt with guys to get something started, but that just doesn't feel right. I'm not an outgoing person, and I know I should try and step out of my comfort zone, but if I'm going to start a relationship with someone I want it to be someone I know reasonably well. Is that unreasonable? Am I being picky?
Honestly I don't know. Any advice, suggestions, words of encouragement...? Anything?
Also, please be nice... I feel bad enough about myself as it is.
6 AnswersSingles & Dating8 years agoLet's talk about house elves.... (a Harry Potter discussion)?
This is a question that has bothered me since first reading about the house elves in Harry Potter, and I always mean to post a question here to get others' opinions about this and I always forget, but here I am now.
So, the house elves. JK Rowling presents a weird paradox. We have Dobby, the protagonist house elf, if you will, who wants more than just to be freed from his slavery: he wants to be paid. Hermione, being the righteous, justice-seeking soul that she is, takes this as a sign that all house elves need to be freed, but we, of course, find that none of them want to be. She tries to leave knitted socks laying around the Gryffindor common room for them to pick up and be freed with, but they all stop coming to Gryffindor Tower altogether fearing freedom, leaving Dobby to collect them all for himself. Winky, who was mistreated extremely badly by Barty Crouch Sr. was devastated to the point of living in a state of constant drunkness after being "fired" from her "job" and ending up in Hogwarts, which treats its house elves very well. So let's explore this, shall we?
1. Why does this paradox exist? Is it to say that all the Hogwarts house elves, especially Winky, have been brainwashed? Is it to say that their minds, as a non-human species, work differently from human compassion and logic? Is it to say that if they're happy, why meddle, and just help those who want to be helped? What is going on here?
2. S.P.E.W. Hermione's efforts to win and support better treatment of house elves is definitely a noble and reasonable one, to us at least, or at least to me. But, again, the house elves don't seem to want to be helped, and no one seems to want to be a part of Hermione's efforts. What is this all about? What is the thematic purpose of S.P.E.W. in the books? To show that *humans* have been brainwashed into thinking that if they seem happy, why meddle? To show that slavery is an institution that can't be broken or, at the very least, is very difficult to break? JK Rowling writes about S.P.E.W. in a very particular "everyone thinks she's crazy and she's not being effective anyway" light, and I always wonder what the purpose of it is, especially considering that equal treatment of half-breeds and non-human species (muggle borns, half-giants, giants, centaurs, goblins, etc.) is consistently being explored and supported by Dumbledore and friends throughout the books.
So. Any ideas? What are your thoughts? Opinions?
6 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years agoI feel like I've lost my passion for literature and reading?
Reading is something I've done since I was in first grade. I can pretty much track each series I fixated on and read as I grew up in the order in which I fixated on them, and starting in the seventh grade, I began keeping track of every book I read, the author, the date I started and finished them... it was like keeping a literature diary. I have always treasured my book list. I wanted to be an English major because of how much I love(d) literature and the joy I get (got?) out of exploring the literary techniques/themes/author's biography/etc.
I'm going into my senior year of college, now, and I'm pretty sure this decline in interest might have happened around sophomore year. I'm not an English major, but I am a minor, so I've taken a bunch of English classes and my favorite class that I've ever taken in my whole college career has been one on Jane Austen, one of my favorite writers. But since I started college, pretty much every book I've read has been for a class, and because of certain requirements, I haven't always had a choice in the class I take and therefore the kind of literature I read. An obvious remedy for that is to just read what I want over the summer. But I never feel like it. I would rather just sit and watch TV, and I don't know why that is.
Currently, I'm reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix in Spanish, partially because it's a goal of mine to read the series in Spanish, and partially because it's the only Spanish practice I get. So, again... it's like I've assigned myself work. I don't feel like picking up even a favorite to read.
So, after all of that background information, I guess my question is: Has this ever happened to you? What did you do to try to "fix" it? What do you think was the cause of it? And, lastly, do you have any advice for me?
16 AnswersBooks & Authors8 years agoEconomics question: How do I find E(X) of 100 independent events (using Excel)?
I know how to calculate the E(X), Var(X), and SD(X) of one event, and I did that for this problem. But now it's asking me to do that for 100 independent events, and I don't know how I would go about calculating that...
1 AnswerEconomics8 years agoWhat brand of lip stain would you recommend?
I normally don't ever wear any color on my lips because I hate the texture of lipstick and lip gloss; I need something to moisturize my lips (or at least give me the illusion of their being moisturized for my own sanity haha). So I recently tried Covergirl's lip stain and I love it because I can put chapstick over it. However. Covergirl's lip stain has not lasted me a very long time. I have had it for about three weeks and have used it every day. It started becoming fainter/running out after a week of using it, and it has gone another two weeks, but now it's probably not going to last me another half a week. Does that seem like normal lip stain behavior? I ask because this is the only brand I've tried and I'm not sure how others compare. And on that note, what brand would you recommend? I have tried one of my sister's before, and she uses the non-marker type, and I'm not sure how I feel about it but I'd be willing to give it a try if you guys really recommend it.
Thank you :)
13 AnswersMakeup8 years agoManagerial accounting/algebra help?
So this problem is confusing me a little. It's related to Job-Order Costing and says:
"Job 218 was one of the many jobs started and completed during the year. The job required $3,600 in direct materials and 400 hours of direct labor time at a rate of $11 per hour. If the job contained 500 units and the company billed at 75% above the unit product cost on the job cost sheet, what price per unit would have been charged to the customer?"
So I know that unit product cost = total product cost (which is direct materials+direct labor+factory overhead) / number of units
But I don't have the factory overhead amount so how do I solve for the unit product cost?! I'll admit I haven't done algebra in a while... I tried the whole isolating the one variable in order to find the other and coming to the answer that way but then that failed, but I don't know if it's because I wrote the equation wrong. When I tried that, I used:
And got y=1 but that doesn't make any sense because that should be the unit product cost.
What am I doing wrong? What am I not seeing?
Thanks in advance for the help!
1 AnswerMathematics8 years agoCan you recommend a good knitting pattern for men's mittens that uses straight needles?
I've been searching a lot on google and can't really find much... I have knitted women's mittens once before using this pattern: And it worked very well, but they're too small for my friend. Since I'm not an experienced knitter, I'm not sure if there's a way to tweak it to make it bigger. I'm also not sure what makes them women's mittens specifically as opposed to being gender neutral, so maybe it would be better to just use a men's mittens knitting pattern? Please help? Haha
2 AnswersHobbies & Crafts8 years agoSo I stepped on an itsy bitsy piece of glass about a month and a half ago...?
And that really hurt. And then it got better. But it still hurts. I wore heels the other day, and I think the pressure of walking on the toe-end of my foot (which is where I stepped on the glass) is what's made it hurt more, but why is it still hurting at all? It was the middle/end of August when this happened. Is something wrong and what should I do?
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1 AnswerInjuries9 years agoWhy is my Facebook not letting me view photos?
When I try to go through a friend's album, it will let me see a good twenty or so before just showing me black rectangles instead. And that even happens with my own pictures. I tried to upload pictures from this past weekend and I'm having such a hard time because I can't SEE some of them! This is driving me insane!!! Please help me!
1 AnswerFacebook9 years agoWhat do you do when your skinny jeans are too long And how do you decide if they are too long?
I'm short. And that's the truth. I also really love skinny jeans, but they're always too long and bunch up at my ankles. I was about to hem them today but did some googling first to see what other people have done and came across this:
I'm glad I ran into it. A lot of people mentioned how they prefer that the clean line of the leg *not* be broken by the scrunching of the jeans, and I'm just like that. I think it's especially unfortunate for shorter people who NEED length in their legs, or rather the illusion of it :p It also mentioned that jeans do sometimes shrink, and since these jeans are new, I think I'd rather wait around for a little while until after I've washed them several times to decide what to do with them. Until then, I'm thinking of just tucking them under, but I'll miss out on the snugger fit around the ankles that way.
I was just wondering what you good people of Yahoo! Answers do about this issue. And have you by any chance discovered a way to hem the jeans and also make them a bit narrower at the same time so that you don't lose the "skinny" part of the jeans? And, probably most importantly, what length *do* you think is best/appropriate for skinny jeans? At the ankle? Above? Below?
2 AnswersFashion & Accessories9 years ago