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What brand of lip stain would you recommend?

I normally don't ever wear any color on my lips because I hate the texture of lipstick and lip gloss; I need something to moisturize my lips (or at least give me the illusion of their being moisturized for my own sanity haha). So I recently tried Covergirl's lip stain and I love it because I can put chapstick over it. However. Covergirl's lip stain has not lasted me a very long time. I have had it for about three weeks and have used it every day. It started becoming fainter/running out after a week of using it, and it has gone another two weeks, but now it's probably not going to last me another half a week. Does that seem like normal lip stain behavior? I ask because this is the only brand I've tried and I'm not sure how others compare. And on that note, what brand would you recommend? I have tried one of my sister's before, and she uses the non-marker type, and I'm not sure how I feel about it but I'd be willing to give it a try if you guys really recommend it.

Thank you :)

13 Answers

  • 8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I've had a similar experience with Covergirl's lipstain, actually! Even though I hardly used mine it became significantly less pigmented in two weeks and was kind of a waste. Revlon have some "Just Bitten" lipstains that recently came out and I don't think you would have the same problem with these. They're less of a pen but more like a crayon, just not waxy. I've only swatched them in store and am yet to buy any (though, I want to!) but I've never been dissatisfied with a Revlon product yet. On Makeup Alley Revlon's lipstains got 3.9/5 with 66% happy to repurchase compared to Covergirl with 2.6/5 and 37% happy to repurchase. Makeup Alley is normally quite a reliable resource for me to find products and learn which ones to skip. I wish I would have searched the Covergirl one before buying it since make-up in Australia is so expensive!

    You might also like just a lightly pigmented chapstick. The traditional cherry chapstick brand makes my lips genuinely moisturized with some soft colour. Burts Bees is also good - they have some nice pinks. I also like the Revlon Lip Butters, though, they're more of a balmy lipstick and in my opinion are not as moisturizing as they're marketed to be!

    Good luck with finding one! :)

  • 8 years ago

    That is not normal, are you using the stain too much? if that is maybe you need to slow down LOL

    But for stains I know Neturogena (sp?) has some new ones, but I haven't tried them, but for moisturizing ones, I love love love clinque's! They are super moisturizing, but they don't come in a ton of shades, but they last for a long time, and they are great. I think only 16 dollars, but they come with a lot of product, but if you use it like 10 times a day different story. I know Benefit is coming with stains in August too.

  • 4 years ago

    conceal lady Out final lip stain is surprisingly stable and that is cheep, too it fairly is intense high quality! yet I additionally like the Pixi variety of lip stain in "young babies" (they call it lip blush, comparable factor nevertheless!) the least confusing place to get it fairly is aim. My own popular is a stain pronounced as Posie, that is made with the help of earnings, and could be utilized as a cheek stain in case you may elect. I even have mild epidermis, blond hair and blue eyes too and those colorings are great.=) Lip stain is fairly stable in case you have a annoying time with lip-stick coming off or in case you basically want a extra clearly suited seem. you ought to no longer circulate too mild, nevertheless or your lips could seem dried out. i'm confident you will discover a colour you will love!

  • 8 years ago

    if your not looking to spend or splash out your money for benifit or mac then i recommend using elf lipstain it lasts up to two hours apperently and only cost about $1 so even if you re purchase over and over again its not going to leave a hole in your pocket or baby lips by maybelline which sadly we don't have the product here yet in the uk so i wouldn't know but there has been quite a lot of rave about it between beauty guru's

    hope i helped xox :)

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  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    I'm the same with you, i hate wearing lipstick because of the feel of it! Try Clinique chubby stick- it has a really nice texture and the colour is really nice so you don't have to layer it on constantly!

  • 8 years ago

    I like benefits lip tint last all day easy to apply and comes in really lovely colours and chap stick is easy out over :)

  • 8 years ago

    I find Tarte lip stains to be really good.even tho they are not all that cheap.

    They are not a marker type!

    Here is a little review :

    Source(s): Love lip stains, cant stand lipsticks!
  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    My favorite lipstain is actually koolaid powder. Okay listen, you put it in a little container just the powder. And then when you want to use it, you lick your finger, you dip it in the powder slightly and then you rub the mixture on your lips. And it works! It stays on for such a long time and it's super cheap. Gah I love it. But get the red kind...cause it will stain so don't use a weird blue one or anything haha

  • 8 years ago

    L'Oreal lipstains and Maybelline 24 hr lipstains have amazing reviews!

  • 6 years ago

    He comprado varias veces set de colores de maquillaje y siempre he sido muy contenta con la compra, también he encontrado en los sitios web un set de cepillos de maquillaje y como siempre me quedo sin cepillo de maquillaje lo he comprado, los cepillos están puestas en un bolsa perfecta para mantenerlas ordenadas, además, los cepillos son de muy buena calidad, un compra excelente como siempre.

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