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So I stepped on an itsy bitsy piece of glass about a month and a half ago...?

And that really hurt. And then it got better. But it still hurts. I wore heels the other day, and I think the pressure of walking on the toe-end of my foot (which is where I stepped on the glass) is what's made it hurt more, but why is it still hurting at all? It was the middle/end of August when this happened. Is something wrong and what should I do?

Suggested Categories:

Education & Reference > Trivia

Health > Diet & Fitness

Home & Garden > Other - Home & Garden

Entertainment & Music > Jokes & Riddles

Health > General Health Care > Injuries

So glad Y! is taking me seriously XD

1 Answer

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    you can still have pieces of shattered glass in your foot.

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