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The black on my dress is bleeding like crazy?

This dress is from H&M, in case that helps with anything. It's black, and has a white plus sign pattern all over it, and the care instructions say to wash it in cold water, gentle wash, and line dry. I followed those instructions and the plus signs are now blue because the black bled. I then tried to hand wash it and didn't see much improvement, it just bled a ton more. And then I tried to rewash it in the machine (gentle cycle, cold, and it's hanging dry right now), and it's done no good.

So, recommendations? It's 100% Rayon, by the way.


And the instructions do say "bleach when needed" but that's a bit of a laugh, because those plus signs are about an inch across and all over the dress.... And my mom's opinion is that using bleach will ruin the dress anyway.

4 Answers

  • drip
    Lv 7
    8 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Once the dye bleeds, there is nothing you can do about it. the dress is ruin. take it back. Chances are many of these same dresses did the same thing. Even if you do not have the receipt, take it back

    I work retail. Every once in awhile we get a garment that the dye bleeds when washed. We take them back and send the whole lot back to the manufacture

  • 8 years ago

    When you washed it did you spin it in the machine ?

    Or when you hand washed did you wring it out

    This may have been what led to the colour run

  • Anonymous
    8 years ago

    there s not a lot of things you can do if cold wash doesnt help. poor H&M quality, simply.

  • Jan C
    Lv 7
    8 years ago

    Take it back where you bought it. If they don't refund the money you paid, then you know the quality of the Co you bought it from.

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