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Can anyone help me come up with a recipe for pasta sauce using pepperjack cheese?

So, my situation is that I'm a college student, and I have a week before spring break, so I don't want to buy things if I can just make them. I happen to have a good deal of pepperjack cheese, and a lot of butter, among a variety of spices (you name it, I probably have it). I could potentially get hold of other types of cheese, if my housemates are nice enough to let me use theirs, but is there a way, do you think, that I could make a good pasta sauce with pepperjack? What recipe (existing or made up on the spot) would you recommend?

1 Answer

  • 7 years ago

    You could make it into a sauce, but pepperjack (monterey jack with peppers) is really oily, although not as oily as yellow cheeses i think you could make some delicious nachos, or maybe some spinach and artichoke dip but yes, if you're going to make a sauce, just make a bechamel and add the cheese

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