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Lv 6
ArRo asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Would Afghanistan benefit more if we sent them teachers, instead of troops?

We know the leaders of Al Qaeda are somewhat educated, while the ones they brainwash to kill innocent men, women and children are simple, uneducated young people. Wouldn't it be much more difficult to recruit suicide bombers from an educated pool? The present effort seems to be failing.


tony: I guess education has taught us to send our young to pound sand down a rathole and be killed or maimed while doing it! We have thousands of mercenaries there, working for KBR, Halliburton and whatever Blackwater calls itself now. Some of them could protect teachers instead of mis-wiring showers to electrocute our troops, rape females, or kill innocent people! We are already paying plenty for those contractors to be there.

Update 2:

tim: Thanks for the intelligent answer. I know that only education will make a difference and, ultimately, save the lives of Americans and Afghanistans. Disarm your enemy with kindness and they won't know what hit them!

15 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    The US Media kills me. I was deployed to Iraq from Jan of 2005 to Dec of 2005. We worked on the ground in many local villages. The people were amazing. They were very good people that were hard working and just wanting to live their life. One of the things that the Media does not tell you is that US ensured that all of the children could go to school as soon possible. This was possible the first time that many of the little girls in the country could go to school. The main thing is that they were using US text books to teach the kids. I don't know where the teachers came from. So when I was there it was the third year of occupation. So the kids had been in school for about the same amount of time. They could speak English very well. Also the kids would come around the our job sites all the time, and they would beg from us. They wanted writing pens more than anything else. They wanted pens so they could do their school work. The only way the countries are going to change is through education. The Army knows this, but the media does not cover this.

    Source(s): 1 year spent in Iraq
  • Charro
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    You want to sign up to be beheaded? I don't think any other teachers do either. You can feel sorry for them all you want to but they hate us, they have always hated us and they will always hate us. You cannot change it. They all hate Israel the same way. There will never be peace in the middle east. If you do not believe me just read the Bible. It is the best history book you will read. You want to know what will happen? Just read the Bible.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Is this where public Liberal education has taken us?

    It's sad:

    First and foremost you kill the scum you're fighting: Kill them all good and dead before they have a chance to kill YOU.

    Then and only then, you might be able to help in other areas.

    Don't they teach any history in schools?

  • DAD
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    You apparently haven't the least idea of how many schools and libraries we have built and staffed there in the last five or six years.

    As well as hospitals , airports electrical and plumbing facilities..........................the list go's on, but you don't really want to see that , do you?

    By the way "0" is on his 12th week now of trying to decide to INCREASE the troops in Afghanistan by 10,000 or 40,000 more.

    Source(s): dad
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  • 1 decade ago

    First off Al Qaeda would kill the teachers. Maybe should blow up all their mountains so no Al Qaeda can hide in them. Then maybe it will be easier to kill them and then send teachers.

  • 1 decade ago

    Nope...The Teachers would be killed out of hand without a military presence. Afghanistan needs to either step up and fight their enemies themselves or be consumed by them. THEN we will know who OUR enemy is!!

  • Joe
    Lv 4
    1 decade ago

    Without troops, the taliban would just kill the teachers.

  • Rob71
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    And what will those teachers do when the Taliban comes calling? Hello, hello! Think McFly, Think!

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Taliban (which means "students") kill teachers, particularly those that teach girls.

    Ironic, isn't it?

  • 1 decade ago

    What if we just left and told some Euro-fags who screwed everything up in the first place to do it?

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