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Can someone explain this to me, please?

How can it be that the "terrorist detainees", so many conservatives cry, should be tried in a military tribunal as opposed to a federal court of law, and yet it is NOT against the Geneva Convention to torture them because they are not "soldiers"? If you are not a "soldier", then you are not a "military prisoner", am I not right on that one??

Basically, someone, explain the logic. I am not getting it. It sounds like a bunch of tap-dancing double talk to me.


One can't commit an act of war if one is not a part of a military unit (a "soldier"). So how is it they are military prisoners and have supposedly committed "acts of war"? If that is the case, then Pro-Lifers, PETA, and so many other organizations have committed "acts of war" - why are they not in military prisons?

Update 2:

Wilco, Dick Cheney stated that they did nothing wrong in torturing the detainees. And the use of torture (call it what you like) was authorized by the higher ups. I think the authorization in itself is proof that SOMEONE said it was okay to torture.

Update 3:

Angel Eyes:

1. The military had defined it as torture, since it had been a part of their torture training - my father was in communications in the Navy, and he was water boarded as a part of his torture "training" (for his classified status - I don't know what it is called). 2. Memos released by the government showed that the use of torture (call it what you like) was authorized.

3. Just because they do something doesn't mean we must stoop to their level. They rape young girls - does that make it okay for our soldiers to do the very same thing??

6 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That is one of many conservative paradoxes. Officially no decision has been made on the status of these detainees. That is why they are called detainees. Either they are prisoners of war or criminal defendants.

    If they are prisoners of war then we will be responsible for them until the "war" ends. If they are criminal defendants then they are entitled, by the Constitution, to a speedy trial.

    Now there are those that do not want to bestow to these detainees rights guaranteed by the Constitution's Bill of Rights. I think that is a horrible mistake because it makes our Constitution look like it is a complete lie. Nowhere in the document does it say that all rights are restricted to only American citizens, or there would of been a separate set of rights for non-citizens.

    Besides with criminal prosecution you can put them to death. As prisoners of war to put them to death would violate the Geneva Convention.

  • LOCO
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    For the love of god can you people think for a change... It is not just a conservative or liberal Idea nor is it just a Democrat or Republican idea. You people who just sit behind and support your politicians no matter what they do just cause their your affiliated party seriously need your head examined. As far as the prisoner of war thing and calling them enemy combatants was supported by both the democratic and republican parties. The Iraq War was voted on in the congress and passed by both the Democratic and republican parties. The fouling up of the war was done by both the democratic and republican parties. They just use the president as a scapegoat for what ever they vote on. The President does not have sole power. Congress does and he is the final decision.

    Bottom line. War on terror makes any enemy combatant a prisoner of war and the Geneva convention applies. You try them and if they are found guilty then you sentence them. You think we are free when we are doing what our enemies did during the cold war. Its fricking bogus and both parties are responsible. Stop voting for Democrats and Republicans. Maybe vote Constitution party or independent just to show them we don't trust them anymore.

    At the end of the day they are all politicians and only serve there affiliated party. Not the American people.

    I agree with you torture is wrong and the rules of war should not even have to be applied Common sense. You don't torture people. Period.

    Source(s): I find it amazing that people think that ALL politicians are liars until they become President. Then depending on the party you are in they can do no wrong. You defend them even when they are screwing up. Time to put on your thinking caps and stop voting for these people. Critical thinking is gone. I bet there's gonna be someone who asks. Well who else should I vote for?
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    It's George Orwell's doublethink. Political correctness softend us up for this; it seemed impossible in the 60's and 70's but here we are and there you go. Pretty much everything from the story 1984 (transcription of 1948 if the Nazis had won) is coming to pass through the opposite door ironically..

  • meme
    Lv 5
    1 decade ago

    Actually what you are questioning you have confused... Yes they should be tried in a military court vs a federal court for the reason in a US Federal court they are subject to the rights of a US citizen. That one false move by a juror, one fact astray can lead to a mistrial, not to mention they will be housed with prisoners in a US state prison, potentially leading to getting prisoners on their cause, causing our prisons to be under more scrutiny. NO one believes torture is okay.,. The question is.. IS water-boarding considered torture? Cutting off an arm, withholding food, cutting nails is torture. So no tap dancing here.. I know exactly what I believe..

    Source(s): US Army vet.
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    How do you know they're not soldiers? They torture our soldiers the same way.

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't hear anyone claiming it's ok to torture. I only hear those who are rightly opposed to giving enemy combatant's Constitutional rights.

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