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this is more advice than a question?

Ok so I'm just going to make this simple,

My mom is a lesbian and we have her "girlfriend" living in my house. She's a complete B and she's put my family through hell, and my mom takes her side for everything.

Idk how much more I can take, I've tried ignoring her, hell me and her even got in a couple of fights.

I can't take it anymore, my mom puts me and my sisters last all the time and I'm starting to sink (meaning id rather kill myself then live like this)

PLEASE help me, I can't do this anymore.

Thanks, xoxo

1 Answer

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    F*ck, that sucks. You can do one of two things.

    Talk to your mom and tell her all this.

    OR You can ignore this lady for the remainder of your time in that household.

    I would probably do the second one.

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