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hello, i am erika and im 19 years old. i LOVE answering other peoples questions. :)

  • PLEASE help me figure out this movie?

    Please help me, I watched this film a couple years ago and I cannot remember the title of it, but here's what I remember:

    I remember this crazy man kidnapping at least 4 girls while they were having car trouble (I believe), and then he offers to help but yet the man knocks them out, or harms them and then they end up in a cell or a barn..or something like that. They are all in cages, at least they are shaped like cages.

    I remember one girl was wearing glasses and she was fusing how she couldn't see and how she needed them.

    Then I remember 1 specific part where the man makes one of the girls pretend to be his wife (he pictured her as his wife) and then he makes her "breast feed" a dead baby...he complained how the baby was crying.

    Please help me figure this out? 10 points best answer-promise!!

    Thanks! :)

    2 AnswersMovies8 years ago
  • Please help me with this biology question?

    I really really really could use those who are great at biology! I do not understand this question...I know it is long BUT I really need help with this...please and thank you, 10 points promised!

    Near Lawrence, Kansas, there was a rare patch of the original North American temperate grassland that had never been plowed. It was home to numerous native grasses, annual plants, and grassland animals. Among the species present were two endangered plants. Environmental activists thought the area should be set aside as a nature preserve, and they started to raise money to save the patch of land. In 1990, the owner of the land plowed it, stating that there are no federal laws protecting endangered plants on private grasslands and that he did not want to be told what he could do with his property. What issues and values are in conflict in this situation? How could this story have had a more satisfactory ending for all concerned? What would you have done if you were an environmental activist? If you were the farmer?

    2 AnswersBiology9 years ago
  • Help/share opinion please?

    This is a complicated question that I am having trouble understanding,

    What is your opinion on this question?

    Experts estimate that human activities cause the extinction of hundreds or thousands of species every year. The natural rate of extinction is thought to be a few species per year. As we continue to alter the global environment, especially by cutting down tropical rainforests, the resulting extinction will probably rival that at the end of the Cretaceous period. Most biologists are alarmed at this prospect. What are some reasons for their concern? Considering that life has endured numerous mass extinctions and has always bounced back, how is this present mass extinction different? What might be some consequences for the surviving species?

    I guess, can someone explain what the Cretaceous Period please? I have no idea what that is...

    Biology question.

    Thanks, 10 points promised to whoever helps me!

    Thank you!

    2 AnswersBiology9 years ago
  • Please help me? I do not understand this biology question?

    Imagine you are conducting fieldwork and discover two groups of mice living on opposite sides of a river. 1) Assuming you will not disturb the mice, design a study to determine whether these two groups belong to the same species. 2) If you could bring them to the lab, how might that affect your experimental design?

    Please someone help me with this? I do not understand it :(

    Thank you! 10 points promised!!!

    2 AnswersBiology9 years ago
  • help with biology questions?

    I really could use some help with my biology. I'm not understanding a few things.

    10 points promised to whoever helps me!


    1. How would sex linkage affect the predicted outcome of a Mendelian cross?

    2. If an individual with a dominant autosomal disorder mated with a person who was.homozygous recessive, what proportion of their offspring would likely inherit the disorder? Would any of the offspring's be considered a carrier?

    3. In a pedigree describing the phenotype of an X-linked dominant disease, if a mother expresses the disease, what proportion of her male offspring will likely express the disease?

    Please help me! 10 points promised! (:

    thanks in advance

    1 AnswerBiology9 years ago
  • Please help me with these questions?

    I could really use some help with these Biology/Genetics questions, my professor is horrible at teaching so I really could use some help. 10 points best answer!!

    1. Does genetic linkage allow for MORE or Less variation in the genotypes of offspring? (Answer why is possible so I can understand it better)

    2. How does crossing-over disrupt the linkage between genes?

    3. Which process during meiosis reduces genetic linkage?

    4. Thomas Hunt Morgan mated fruit flies, he did not get the results he wanted but he concluded that the genes he was testing must be inherited together as a group. Why is this a smart conclusion to make?

    Please help, these topics I am not understanding completely. 10 points best answer :) Answer the ones you know please and thank you! It would be so appreciated :)

    Thank you in advance

    1 AnswerBiology9 years ago
  • Please help me with a few Bio questions?

    1. Hoe does alignment during metaphase 1 affect the genetic information that each cell receives at the start of meiosis 2?

    2. Why does alignment during metaphase 2 affect the genetic information that each haploid cell receives by the end of metaphase 2?

    3. How does crossing-over affect the genetic diversity of the four haploid cells as compared to the original parent cell?

    4. Why are the independent assortment and crossing-over both important processes for producing genetics that are identical to the parent cell?

    You do not have to answer all of them, if you can please help me! I promise 10 points as best answer, I really need the assistance.

    Thank you ever so much in return! :)

    2 AnswersBiology9 years ago
  • Biology question (pill outer coating?)?

    Many pills have an outer coating made of dense, fatlike substances to help ensure they will be processed in the small intestine. Why would the fatlike substance protect the pill from the other structures in the digestive system?

    Please help, 10 points promised to the person who can answer, I really could use some help! Thanks in advance. :)

    1 AnswerBiology9 years ago
  • Help? Concerned aunt here seeking some help?

    Okay so today was my youngest nephew's birthday. He just turned 2 and it was overall a stressful day, and here is why:

    My oldest sister, aka his mother was in a very crappy mood and she was worse than ever when it came to my nephews. My youngest nephew is 2 and the oldest is only 5 (my oldest sister is their mother btw). So anyways, today she was horrible to everyone and was being worse than usual to her my oldest nephew. She always yells at him for the dumbest things, today she was yelling at him for EVERYTHING! My oldest sister always yells at my nephews, including my youngest nephew who just turned 2! My youngest nephew is very clingy to her and she always raises her voice at him whenever he becomes "too much" for her.

    As for the oldest nephew, she finds the dumbest things to yell at him for. She yells at him for hitting a balloon with a stick! For sitting on a table, for not getting his shoes on, for FALLING. :( This was today's problems BUT she always yells at him regardless. :'(

    It breaks my heart...there are other problems as well, but I was wondering if my family should take action or just let her be the mom? I could be overreacting, but I am really looking for some outside advice.

    Any advice?

    5 AnswersFamily9 years ago
  • XFactor Poll? Who do you think....?

    Who do you think will win? I want to hear from you guys, after reading people are pretty upset over Drew leaving over Marcus but I don't want to hear about it.

    I want to know who do you think will make the final cut? I hear Melanie and Josh being Top 2!

    What do you think? :)

    7 AnswersReality Television10 years ago
  • Serious answers please? Sleeping question?

    I am extremely exhausted but I cannot sleep anymore. I haven't been able to fall asleep at a normal time for months now. I toss and turn in my bed and I typically don't fall asleep until...sometimes 4am, other times 7am.

    I'm currently 19. Have always struggled with sleep.

    My mother won't let me go to a doctor for help because she thinks that I am making it up or that I can try and get my sleeping pattern back on track.

    I don't know what to do. Can someone please point me in the right direction for this? I think I am seriously becoming depressed over this and it scares me. :(

    Serious answers please!

    10 points promised to the person who has the best advice.

    Thank you very much.

    6 AnswersWomen's Health10 years ago
  • Is this Animal cruelty...?

    Ok so iny house there is someone living with us and she got a new dog not long ago.

    Well she goes to work and even whenever she goes out she leaves him locked in a cannel that's kind of too small for him. He's sometimes in there for about 10 hours a day.

    Without food or water and can't get let out.

    Is there some number I could call to help this poor dog?

    Is this animal cruelity??


    thanks for the help

    4 AnswersZoology1 decade ago
  • Who was in the wrong?

    Ok so last night was very bad that I was very close to comitting suicide, but I failed, but I'm still thinking of it right now and I really want to do it.

    Anyways, ok so last night I got mad at my mother because she promised me ALL week that we could go shopping. All week she promised me. [I would go by myself but I don't have a car nor my license.]

    So she bailed on me. :'(

    When she got home she acted like she didnt do a thing wrong. It really made me angry and hurt. So then we get in an argument and started yelling, the whole 9 yards.

    Then my moms "friend" started yelling at me too and she was saying mean things. She was provoking me to hit her so I did. Then we got in a huge fight and she was hitting me and dragging me down. Then my mom pulls my hair and I couldnt even see where i was even going so then I turn around and I accidentally hit my mother-but she was pulling my hair and her "friend" was pushing me!!! I had my eyes closed the whole time.

    Then her friend came after me again and she starts trying to fight with me again.

    So then I go upstairs into my room and I start to like cut my wrists [and now my arm hurts really bad]. And she also calls my sister to come yell at me and she was threating to come beat me up.

    I was crying all night and NO ONE came up to even check on me.

    Who was right?! Im 18 and they are all way older then me.

    Tell me what to do? I'm home alone today and I'm scared that I'm just going to do something stupid.


    4 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • could it be because of family history? (serious answers only please)?

    this isn't easy for me to even say but i have to know..

    i've never really had a father that told me i was pretty and he never really has shown much affection to me, and now he's been cut from my life completely (due to certain reasons, we just don't get along anymore).


    so because i've never recieved that love from my father i have turned to online chatting sites to get that attention that my father would have given me, it started out as a "sometimes" thing but now i'm scared that i'm addicted to it. "/ i mean it's an every night thing now.

    i just am really scared and i don't want to live that way anymore,

    ((also idk if this helps but i've been out of school on summer vaca and i don't have a heck of a lot of it gets lonely at times))

    anyways, i want to stop talking to people...but yet i just seem to always go back to it.

    please help,

    what should i do?

    please be serious! i...i just need some advice right now.

    thank you very much for your time in reading and hopefully responding, idk where to turn anymore.


    3 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • how are inmates on death row treated..?

    in their prison cells?

    details would be nice,

    i can't find anything.

    thank you all very much.

    5 AnswersLaw & Ethics1 decade ago
  • HELP! question about youtube video?

    okay, so i uploaded my video, and when i look up my name, it says this:

    .avi.wmv.wmv as my title,

    and what it is SUPPOSED to say is:

    Bad girls club season 4 review

    how can i fix this?

    thanks in advance, 10 points best answer!

    1 AnswerYouTube1 decade ago
  • some comforting words please...?

    okay so i'm 17 and im going to have a breast reduction in febuary.

    i have nightmares about it and i'm scared something will go wrong, however i want to get it over with.

    are there any women that had this done and can offer some comforting words to me?

    i have nightmares, but yet it was completely MY decison.

    thanks a TON.

    3 AnswersWomen's Health1 decade ago
  • HELP! how do i tell my sisters..?

    okay so i'm 17 and i'm going to get a breast reduction on febuary 9th.

    my mom and i are the only ones that know about this and i want to get the strength to tell my sisters.

    one of them i know will be understanding about it because she's been through things also and i've been right there for her.

    the other sister NOT so much...she will go balistic at me and my mom.

    how can i work up the strength to tell them both...without there being a big fight...

    thanks in advance.

    6 AnswersFamily1 decade ago
  • this is more advice than a question?

    Ok so I'm just going to make this simple,

    My mom is a lesbian and we have her "girlfriend" living in my house. She's a complete B and she's put my family through hell, and my mom takes her side for everything.

    Idk how much more I can take, I've tried ignoring her, hell me and her even got in a couple of fights.

    I can't take it anymore, my mom puts me and my sisters last all the time and I'm starting to sink (meaning id rather kill myself then live like this)

    PLEASE help me, I can't do this anymore.

    Thanks, xoxo

    1 AnswerSingles & Dating1 decade ago
  • hey people, i could really use some help?

    When does the movie "precious" come out in minniapolis minnesota?

    Please, 10 points best answer, can't find it anywhere!

    Please and thank u!

    6 AnswersMovies1 decade ago