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Who was in the wrong?

Ok so last night was very bad that I was very close to comitting suicide, but I failed, but I'm still thinking of it right now and I really want to do it.

Anyways, ok so last night I got mad at my mother because she promised me ALL week that we could go shopping. All week she promised me. [I would go by myself but I don't have a car nor my license.]

So she bailed on me. :'(

When she got home she acted like she didnt do a thing wrong. It really made me angry and hurt. So then we get in an argument and started yelling, the whole 9 yards.

Then my moms "friend" started yelling at me too and she was saying mean things. She was provoking me to hit her so I did. Then we got in a huge fight and she was hitting me and dragging me down. Then my mom pulls my hair and I couldnt even see where i was even going so then I turn around and I accidentally hit my mother-but she was pulling my hair and her "friend" was pushing me!!! I had my eyes closed the whole time.

Then her friend came after me again and she starts trying to fight with me again.

So then I go upstairs into my room and I start to like cut my wrists [and now my arm hurts really bad]. And she also calls my sister to come yell at me and she was threating to come beat me up.

I was crying all night and NO ONE came up to even check on me.

Who was right?! Im 18 and they are all way older then me.

Tell me what to do? I'm home alone today and I'm scared that I'm just going to do something stupid.


4 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Avoid your mother for awhile. Don't look at her and don't even make eye contact with her. Go out more so you don't have to stay in the same place with her as often. If you can, you should stay over at a friend's for a bit. I'm really sorry about your situation, but please don't try to kill yourself. You're already 18, and by law, you can do whatever you want. Don't resort to that type of thinking though, because you're gonna miss out on a whole lot in your life. I know how it's like fighting with moms, BELIEVE ME. It does hurt when they refuse to listen to you and have to resort to unnecessary tactics in order for them to get their "point" across.

    Good luck, honey.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Don't commit suicide. I love you.

    Can you go stay with a grandparent? Aunt or uncle? You need to get out of the house or now. Or even stay over a friend's house. Do not cut your wrists either. I'm sorry I'm not sure what to tell you! :(

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Obviously your parents were in the wrong which is stupid. There was two of them and only one of you. Obviously the adults are more immature. Don't feel sad, you know that they are in the wrong. Do something that you like, whether it's on the internet, or going out with friends.. You'll feel better. Just don't do something stupid, or they'll have got to you. Find something to occupy your time. I hope you feel better D:

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Get out of the house get out of trouble I know how you feel next time they do that call the police

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