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Please help me with a few Bio questions?

1. Hoe does alignment during metaphase 1 affect the genetic information that each cell receives at the start of meiosis 2?

2. Why does alignment during metaphase 2 affect the genetic information that each haploid cell receives by the end of metaphase 2?

3. How does crossing-over affect the genetic diversity of the four haploid cells as compared to the original parent cell?

4. Why are the independent assortment and crossing-over both important processes for producing genetics that are identical to the parent cell?

You do not have to answer all of them, if you can please help me! I promise 10 points as best answer, I really need the assistance.

Thank you ever so much in return! :)

2 Answers

  • 9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    1 The alignment during metaphase 1 affect the genetic info because the chromosome pairs line up randomly, there is no set way for them to line up. So by Meiosis 2 one of the two cells can have all dominate traits or a mixture

    2. The same as 1

    3.Crossing over transfers pieces of chromosome between the pairs, so a maternal chromosome can have a piece of the paternal chromosome and vice verse. This makes up for more variation.

    4.Independent assortment and crossing over will not produce genetics that are identical to the parent cell because the parent cell has its genetic material and when crossing over and independent assortment occurred this mixed up the genetic material making everything random.

  • Anonymous
    4 years ago

    i'm at present utilising bio oil for stretchmarks - its the same factor i assume as its all marks on epidermis. I definitely have been utilising on and stale for a pair of weeks and not plenty distinction yet, yet i did start up utilising it on a community the place i'd desire to work out they have been commencing (ive merely had slightly one!) and that they havent progressed into appropriate strethmarks so im hoping they bio oil has finished that? dont definitely know if those issues artwork, yet cant injury to attempt i assume.

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