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Please help me with these questions?

I could really use some help with these Biology/Genetics questions, my professor is horrible at teaching so I really could use some help. 10 points best answer!!

1. Does genetic linkage allow for MORE or Less variation in the genotypes of offspring? (Answer why is possible so I can understand it better)

2. How does crossing-over disrupt the linkage between genes?

3. Which process during meiosis reduces genetic linkage?

4. Thomas Hunt Morgan mated fruit flies, he did not get the results he wanted but he concluded that the genes he was testing must be inherited together as a group. Why is this a smart conclusion to make?

Please help, these topics I am not understanding completely. 10 points best answer :) Answer the ones you know please and thank you! It would be so appreciated :)

Thank you in advance

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    1. When two genes are linked, it means that the loci of the those genes are on the same chromosome and have a chance of being inherited together. Linkage allows for less variation.

    2. A crossover is when two DNA molecules break and rejoin in reciprocal combinations.

    3. I'm guessing crossing over? I can't really think of anything else.

    4. He hypothesized that since the parental allele combinations were present in most of the offspring, the genes must be linked on the same chromosome.

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