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Help? Concerned aunt here seeking some help?

Okay so today was my youngest nephew's birthday. He just turned 2 and it was overall a stressful day, and here is why:

My oldest sister, aka his mother was in a very crappy mood and she was worse than ever when it came to my nephews. My youngest nephew is 2 and the oldest is only 5 (my oldest sister is their mother btw). So anyways, today she was horrible to everyone and was being worse than usual to her my oldest nephew. She always yells at him for the dumbest things, today she was yelling at him for EVERYTHING! My oldest sister always yells at my nephews, including my youngest nephew who just turned 2! My youngest nephew is very clingy to her and she always raises her voice at him whenever he becomes "too much" for her.

As for the oldest nephew, she finds the dumbest things to yell at him for. She yells at him for hitting a balloon with a stick! For sitting on a table, for not getting his shoes on, for FALLING. :( This was today's problems BUT she always yells at him regardless. :'(

It breaks my heart...there are other problems as well, but I was wondering if my family should take action or just let her be the mom? I could be overreacting, but I am really looking for some outside advice.

Any advice?

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    9 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Your sisters other problems, are affecting her sons, and that is totally unfair on these two boys. Your family needs to help her out, by offering to take care of the boys. So she can get the help she needs. And you are not overreacting, your doing what any sister would do. Just be there for your nephews.

  • 9 years ago

    I think maybe you could take the kids for the weekend and see if she just needs a few days off if that doesn't help then talk to some of your family members and see if they see any problems with the way she treats her kids if so then go as a group and just chat to see whats wrong. But if they don't see a problem then you should go over and just try to make her laugh and not be up tight and if you want talk to her TIPS never say she not raising her kids right just make it sound like you worried about her and how she feels

    Source(s): me
  • Anonymous
    9 years ago

    There is no correct answer to this. It seems like your sister is suffering thru something that you are unaware of and she is letting her frustrations out on the kids and anyone in her path, be wise with how you handle this situation cos you don't want to have a riff wit her. Good luck

  • 9 years ago

    It seems like she is overstressed at the moment maybe she cant handle all of the responsibility's maybe you should talk to her or another member of your family. Good Luck

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  • 9 years ago

    I think you should talk to her. Not to order her, but to advice her as your sister. Try to make her understand that she just gotta love 'em kids and let them be, because they wont always be kids.

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