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how are inmates on death row treated..?

in their prison cells?

details would be nice,

i can't find anything.

thank you all very much.

5 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    This depends on the individual prison in which they are housed, but I assure you that those prisoners live better than I do.

    They get free health care, free dentistry, free vision care. They get access to cable television, internet, and a library. They have many many recreational activities as well, including basketball, football, and soccer. They have free weights, treadmills, and all sorts of other exercise equipment. They get their laundry done for them. They get three, and often four, meals each day. These meals include Steak, Shrimp, various Fruits, Vegetables, and even Ice Cream. Oh, did I mention that they get to go to school for free? Yes, that's right, they can even get a college degree FOR FREE. They also have their choice of ministry services for almost every religion you can think of. They can also participate in a variety of arts and crafts.

    By the way, this isn't just death row inmates, it's ALL OF THEM.

    If you don't believe me, please arrange a visit to your nearest maximum security prison. Most will give you a tour of the prison and let you talk to inmates.

  • 5 years ago


    Source(s): Criminal Records Search Database :
  • 4 years ago

    i'm a touch torn in this.... to no longer furnish medical assistance is merciless... yet to furnish it.. umm type of defeat's the objective top? imagine of the cop on the beat... is shot at, shoot's decrease back.. inflict's what can be a killing shot.... they take him to the well being center.. restoration him up.. only to attempt him and placed him on death row... now how a lot experience does that fairly make??? notwithstanding.. the crimnial is chance free until eventually shown in charge.... i wager my stand in this may must be this.. if the inmate has a terminal ailment..<ie.. maximum cancers>... they are out of appeals...then no longer some thing more beneficial than convenience measures.. in the experience that they make it to the date of they could were despatched to their death for his or her crimes.. then off they pass... If no longer.. nicely then the tax payer's were saved a touch money..... If we are speaking about some thing except a terminal ailment.. they convinced.. they fairly could recieve medical assitance.. that is only top... no remember what they have finished, we as a society could by no skill slump to or below their aspect. I do believe contained in the death penalty.. yet I have very particular requirement's to how and at the same time as it will be used... i'd by no skill favor an chance free human being to be sentenced to death... the criminal may ought to no longer only confess.. yet there may must be irrefutable evidence.... JMO

  • 1 decade ago

    Poke around some of the links on that page, especially the "death row conditions" report.

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  • 1 decade ago

    each prison is different.

    Watch "Lockup" on MSNBC.

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