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I am a 30 year old attorney in Arkansas. I frequently travel throughout the USA. I love the performing arts and odd literature. My favourite author is Graham Hancock, whose subjects scatter across history, social science, politics, religion, and evolution. I also raise Pugs and absolutely adore animals. I volunteer time with the ASPCA to fulfill my pro bono practice requirements each year.

  • Vaginal Exam was excruciatingly painful. How do I stop the pain 4 hours later????

    Exam was for fistula (which we can’t find but know is there). I just need pain relief. This was AWFUL. Tylenol doesn’t do anything. I’ve had major surgery hurt less. Note: I have NO diseases, no uterus or ovaries. I just need pain relief.

    2 AnswersPain & Pain Management3 years ago
  • Why is no one ever interested in me?

    I have a good career. I am outgoing. I have an interesting background. I'm good listener. I am well known in my community and respected for community service. I'm decent looking, not at all overweight, and take good care of myself. I'm open minded. My only standards are: No felonies in the past ten years, no drugs, no kids.

    I've only dated one person in 11 years, and that person was not really interested. They just wanted to hook up every few months or so when I was in town, but didn't ever want me to come to visit, if that makes any sense.

    So, what's wrong with me? Am I just that awful?

    3 AnswersSingles & Dating5 years ago
  • I need the macro for sorting a specific column (say A-2 to A-400, A-1 is a label), into alphabetical order.?

    Please don't give me a bunch of jargon. I just need the code to copy and paste. I don't understand anything I've read anywhere that tries to tell me how to write it. So don't. Just paste in the code.

    2 AnswersProgramming & Design5 years ago
  • Back/Neck/Nerve problems. What could be the cause?

    I have numb spots in three places to the left of my spine, one at T1-2, one at L4-5, and one at T6-7. I have another numb spot toward the back of the upperarm and shoulder, which wraps to about half way toward the front, but not over the top. I have burning pain and muscle cramping radiating from the C5 area and down my arm. I have upper and mid back muscle pain, not spasms usually. I have lower back pain from the L4-5/S1-2 area that radiates in spasms and burning down my left leg, both the side and buttock area. It does not reach my feet and does not go below the knee. It makes walking, sitting, and standing difficult if I do any of them for too long. But it is much worse if I don't move.

    These problems started from the neck and moved downward. All of it is on the left side only.

    I don't know if it is related, but before this pain started, I had a severe migraine which had lasted for about 7 months (no breaks in pain at all) before. It continued until 14 months, no breaks in pain, until a year of neurology treatment gave me small breaks. I still have daily migraines. I don't think it is related, but it might be.

    I have had 5 MRIs of the brain, 2 CT scans of the brain, an EEG, and an EMG. All were perfectly normal.

    What could the cause be? It is not Diabetic Neuropathy.

    4 AnswersPain & Pain Management6 years ago
  • How do you center only some text on a single line?

    I need the first part of the text on the left and the second part perfectly centered. BUT this is NOT a new paragraph or new line. This must be on the SAME LINE. Everywhere I look and everyone I ask tells me how to center text on the Next line. I already know how to do that....

    3 AnswersProgramming & Design7 years ago
  • PLEASE ANSWER - Constant Headache lasting 9+ MONTHS. Planning on suicide if a working treatment isn't found. HELP!!!!!?

    I've had "normal" blood tests. Normal vitamins. Normal EVERYTHING. 3 MRIs, 1 MVA, 1 MVB, 1MRV, 1 EMG, 1 EEG and ALL are "normal". My headache burns and throbs at the top of my head on both sides. The vision in my left eye gets blurry when the headache is at it's worst. The pain goes from moderate to severe. It does NOT go away. Ever. It does not respond to ANY medicines at all, prescription or otherwise. I get horrible vertigo several times a day. I have developed a large numb/burning area on my left shoulder. I occasionally have the same thing happen on my right shoulder and arm, my left thumb, and on the right side of my face. PLEASE HELP. I don't know what this could be and neither do my doctors, including 2 neurologists. What could this be??? I am at the point of suicide.

    I've seen an ophthalmologist. Everything is normal. My vision is perfectly corrected by my contact lenses. I had this double checked. I've also had a spinal tap. Everything normal there. I'm in unbearable amounts of pain and have been for 9 months. I can't deal with any more pain. If I do not have an answer by Dec. 1st, this life is over.

    Oh, and I had a hysterectomy in 2006. No birth control. Hormone levels are absolutely "normal".

    7 AnswersOther - Diseases7 years ago
  • PLEASE ANSWER - Constant Headache lasting 9+ MONTHS. Ready to commit suicide for lack of help!!!!!?

    I've had "normal" blood tests. Normal vitamins. Normal EVERYTHING. 3 MRIs, 1 MVA, 1 MVB, 1MRV, 1 EMG, 1 EEG and ALL are "normal". My headache burns and throbs at the top of my head on both sides. The vision in my left eye gets blurry when the headache is at it's worst. The pain goes from moderate to severe. It does NOT go away. Ever. It does not respond to ANY medicines at all, prescription or otherwise. I get horrible vertigo several times a day. I have developed a large numb/burning area on my left shoulder. I occasionally have the same thing happen on my right shoulder and arm, my left thumb, and on the right side of my face. PLEASE HELP. I don't know what this could be and neither do my doctors, including 2 neurologists. What could this be??? I am at the point of suicide.

    7 AnswersOther - Diseases7 years ago
  • 9 month long CONSTANT headache and no doctor/neurologist has been able to help?

    My headache started at 2:30pm on 12/26/13. it is moderate to severe and has NEVER stopped. I've had 5 MRIs, an MRA, an MRB, and an MRV. I've had 2 CT scans. I've had an EEG and an EMG. I've also had a Spinal Tap. All are normal. I've had more blood tests than you can imagine and EVERYTHING is perfectly "normal", including trace minerals. I've taken more preventives than I know what to do with, and they haven't helped at all. I've tried all the triptans out there to stop it, and nothing works. I have a prescription for Demerol and it did NOTHING. It didn't even take the edge off. I've tried Fentanyl, Morphine, Hydrocodone, Percoset, Fioricet, etc.. Nothing works. I do NOT have NDPH (New Persistent Daily Headache) as I do not meet the criteria for it. I am sensitive to light and sound both. When it gets really bad, I have nausea and vomiting. I have terrible vertigo with the pain. I've seen an Ear Nose and Throat specialist and nothing is wrong there. I've seen 2 neurologists and have been to one of the best headache clinics in the nation. No one can figure out WHY I'm hurting and no one has given me anything that has helped the pain. The ONLY thing that distracts from it is cutting myself with a knife and rubbing vinegar into the cuts. That only helps for about 3-5 minutes. Does ANYONE know of ANY MEDICINE that will actually STOP THE PAIN or at least help it?

    2 AnswersOther - Diseases7 years ago
  • Why do ALL foods give me migraines or make my migraines worse?

    I mean ALL foods. It doesn't matter what I eat. Chicken, fish, bread, rice, bananas, apples, beef, pork, carrots, celery, etc. It ALL gives me headaches. This is true of EVERYTHING except plain and unflavored water. My migraines are debilitating and I am contemplating suicide. I've been to a neurologist for the past 6 months and nothing helps. I've been to an acupuncturist and a pain specialist. I've been to a headache clinic. I've tried physical therapy and that did nothing. At least by keeping a journal of my migraines (which are daily and never ever go away completely) I figured out that every single thing I put in my mouth except water causes me horrific pain. I went to a dentist and my teeth are in great health, so it isn't a dental issue. Seriously, does anyone know anything about this? It's NOT the "migraine diet" crap. ALL FOOD DOES THIS TO ME. Oh, and I tried taking magnesium supplements. No help at all. My vitamin levels are all perfect and have been checked repeatedly. My hormones have been checked and are in balance. My blood pressure is also perfect.

    4 AnswersOther - Diseases7 years ago
  • How do you treat bone marrow edema?

    Okay, I have NO idea how I did this, but my foot has hurt like crazy for 13 weeks now. Finally, my doctor ordered an MRI, after x-rays showed absolutely nothing. The MRI says that there is severe bone marrow edema in my cuboid bone with bone bruising. The prognosis from the physician is 4 to 12 months to heal. Is there anything I can do besides taking an anti-inflammatory, meloxicam in this case, that will provide pain relief or speed the healing process?

    I have been tested for osteoporosis this week and do not have it. I'm just wanting to know if there's anything I can do to help this heal.

    3 AnswersInjuries8 years ago
  • Help with creating forms in Adobe?

    I have a seven page form that I use almost daily. It's a flat form. I want it to be fillable, and know how to create text fields using the typewriter tool in Adobe. Unfortunately, I'm having a very frustrating problem. The first six pages of information are used to calculate the entries on the last page. I have entered the appropriate formulae into each form field, and it works. The problem is that whenever an entry is made on any of the first 6 pages, and in any field on them, Adobe skips back to the last page and I have to scroll back to where I was on the form to fill in the next field. It's horrendously annoying. How do I keep this from happening?

    1 AnswerSoftware8 years ago
  • Is this a migraine or something else?

    Ok, I've had migraines for years, but this was just bizarre. Here's what happened, and I still have the headache. I walked in to my desk and sat down. I took a deep breath in through my nose, and BANG - my right nostril and the right side of my sinus feels like it's being burned from the inside out. Hurt like hell, then dissipated slowly. It left behind a bizarre achy pain in both temples and behind my left eye (the opposite side!). My migraines are never like this at all. Theyr'e basalar migraines and it usually feels like someone took a baseball bat to the back of my head where my head and neck join. I am having no runny nose, no auras, no halos, or anything else. It's just weird. But, with my migraine history, this could be a simple migraine. I have no problem with muscle control, speech, or memory. I just don't know if I should be all that concerned. I hate to go to a doctor when it isn't absolutely necessary.

    3 AnswersPain & Pain Management9 years ago
  • GAD Antibodies and Type 1 Diabetes?

    I am a type 1 diabetic, and have been for 22 years. My new endocrinologist ordered a GAD Antibody test. I am concerned that he may be ripping off my insurance because the only literature I can find states that GAD Antibodies are a predictor for type 1 diabetes candidacy. I'm already a type 1 diabetic. Is there another reason to test for GAD in someone who has been a juvenile diabetic for 22 years?

    Also: My last A1c was 6.4 (7 weeks ago). I have no complications or side effects.

    4 AnswersDiabetes9 years ago
  • paste a picture into Word and be able to move the left side inwards without changing the margins?

    I have tried to paste a picture into Word document, and adjust the position of the image. It will let me move the bottom and right side of the image, but the left and top stay locked to the far left corner of the page. Why does it do this and how do I fix it?

    3 AnswersSoftware9 years ago
  • why can't I send e-mail due to "suspicious activity"?

    Yahoo! says my account has "suspicious activity" but after checking both my sent mail folder to see if anything was sent that I don't remember sending AND checking my login history, everything is completely legitimate. What's up? What does Yahoo! consider "suspicious"? I use my account for business purposes, and do NOT send any unsolicited e-mail. Is anyone else having this problem?

    2 AnswersNotices and Errors10 years ago
  • Knee injury - please give opinions?

    Alright, I tore my ACL completely through in 1992. I didn't have anything done about it until 1999, when my orthopedist discovered that the ACL had actually healed back together, though not smoothly, and that there was scar tissue giving me problems. He removed the scar tissue and cleaned up the wound. It healed very well. Then, in 2003, I fell on a flight of concrete stairs and tore my miniscus badly. I opted not to have surgery, and did physical therapy and ultra sound treatments whenever I got a Baker's Cyst. Now, something else entirely is wrong with the same knee. While I was grocery shopping, I twisted to my left to lift up a case of Diet Coke and something tore. It didn't hurt very much at the time, but I felt something tear. Now, a month later, my knee is VERY unstable. The symptoms are as follows: (1) the joint is very swollen, to the point that the knee cap is displaced, (2) there is pain below the right side of the knee cap (this is the Left leg) and in the back of the knee joint, (3) sometimes the joint won't support my body and just gives out, and (4) when I walk or move the leg with any weight on it, it feels like the Tibia is twisting outward to the left and sliding backwards.

    I know I should see an orthopedist, but I'd like to have some ideas of what to expect as far as this injury before I go. I am certain that I will need an MRI. Any ideas as to the results of said MRI? Have you had similar experiences, and were you able to avoid surgery after so many injuries to the same joint?


    2 AnswersInjuries1 decade ago
  • How to put a header on ONE page only?

    Alright, folks, how do I put a header on only one page a document. The pages are already numbered in the footer, so I can't change the first page to the middle and just head the first page. I don't want any headers at all on any other page (except page 9). I am using Microsoft Word.

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Does yahoo mail allow you to copy the entire inbox at once?

    Alright folks, I have to raze people's inboxes fairly regularly to gather evidence for court cases. Yahoo is probably the most frequently used e-mail I come across, followed by G-mail. So, it would be a LOT faster for me if I could just copy the entire Inbox to a CD at one shot, rather than select and copy over each and every message. After all, most of the people I deal with have more than 300 messages in their inbox, and often have multiple folders. I'm not terribly computer savvy. Could someone please tell me how to do this, if indeed it is possible?

    Thank you!

    1 AnswerOther - Yahoo Mail1 decade ago