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PLEASE help me figure out this movie?

Please help me, I watched this film a couple years ago and I cannot remember the title of it, but here's what I remember:

I remember this crazy man kidnapping at least 4 girls while they were having car trouble (I believe), and then he offers to help but yet the man knocks them out, or harms them and then they end up in a cell or a barn..or something like that. They are all in cages, at least they are shaped like cages.

I remember one girl was wearing glasses and she was fusing how she couldn't see and how she needed them.

Then I remember 1 specific part where the man makes one of the girls pretend to be his wife (he pictured her as his wife) and then he makes her "breast feed" a dead baby...he complained how the baby was crying.

Please help me figure this out? 10 points best answer-promise!!

Thanks! :)

2 Answers

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