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could it be because of family history? (serious answers only please)?

this isn't easy for me to even say but i have to know..

i've never really had a father that told me i was pretty and he never really has shown much affection to me, and now he's been cut from my life completely (due to certain reasons, we just don't get along anymore).


so because i've never recieved that love from my father i have turned to online chatting sites to get that attention that my father would have given me, it started out as a "sometimes" thing but now i'm scared that i'm addicted to it. "/ i mean it's an every night thing now.

i just am really scared and i don't want to live that way anymore,

((also idk if this helps but i've been out of school on summer vaca and i don't have a heck of a lot of it gets lonely at times))

anyways, i want to stop talking to people...but yet i just seem to always go back to it.

please help,

what should i do?

please be serious! i...i just need some advice right now.

thank you very much for your time in reading and hopefully responding, idk where to turn anymore.


3 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    That's a real shame. Not having a father figure in your life can make you sometimes feel misguided, somewhat incomplete or not enough as a person. However how you feel is not necessarily how things really are at all.

    When you say you turn to online chatting sites, you aren't so clear. Do you mean anonymous chatting sites? Whatever it is, I'd advise against talking to strangers. You've probably heard it many times before, but it is a dangerous world out there, and make sure to never give out personal information to anyone you don't trust 100%

    Look, I'm not sure how it is, but I really feel sad for you. My advice would be to stop the online chat sights. If you have not received the attention you craved from your father, try your hardest to put it past you - because in the end, it is not your fault. Whoever you are, I am sure you are a beautiful, special person and you should not be seeking out attention online to compensate for what attention wasn't given to you. I don't want to be judgemental or make assumptions, but you sound a little insecure right now. The best thing to do, I think, would be to STOP the online chat sites and talk to people face to face. I encourage you to talk to the people around you. Friends? Other family? If you feel lonely, perhaps its time to pluck up some courage and make some new friends. I think it would be really great for you to have someone supportive of you.

    Best of luck. I'll pray for you!

  • 1 decade ago

    There is nothing wrong with friendly chat online. Just make sure your not talking to weirdos lol

    Once you get back to school things will get better and your mind will be more occupied with other things

    i have days where im "glued" to the computer chat and whatever and other days im not fussed. If chatting makes you happy then theres nothing wrong with that although maybe if you get out a bit more maybe you could make a few friends i know how hard it can be :)

    Or give yourself a limit. only an hour a day or something?

  • 1 decade ago

    I don't think there's anything wrong with you chatting online, maybe your inability to socialize does have something to do with your family problems, but online friends can be good too. I do think that that you should try harder to get together with people, you can't completely live your life online. Sorry about your father.

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