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XFactor Poll? Who do you think....?

Who do you think will win? I want to hear from you guys, after reading people are pretty upset over Drew leaving over Marcus but I don't want to hear about it.

I want to know who do you think will make the final cut? I hear Melanie and Josh being Top 2!

What do you think? :)


Oh and what do you think of the judges? Who else is sick of all the fighting going on? Let me know your thoughts! :)

7 Answers

  • Anonymous
    10 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I think Melanie will win and Josh being 2nd.At least i hope that's what happens

    The only Judge I like is Simon.I think they need better Judges.I'm tired of them fighting with eachother too it's like they are fighting over who is going to win

  • 10 years ago

    I think that Josh will win. Tonight I almost thru the tv that I was watching thru a window when I heard the 2 idiots Nicole and Paula send Drew home. They are truly 2 no talent individuals who shouldn't be sitting in judges seats. And, for them to rate Drew under Marcus and his off key, no way to find a key non singing butt made me mad as h---. I know why Simon has such a bad attitude sometimes now. He has idiots sitting all around him. Josh and Melanie, I'm with you on that. I hate that about Drew. Simon needs to just go ahead and sign her to a contract.

  • I think the final 2 should be Melanie and either Josh or Rachel.

    I am pissed at the judges, especially Paula and Nicole.

  • :/
    Lv 4
    10 years ago


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  • 10 years ago

    I am xtremely mad at the X Factor. I mean, i don't want to be mean here, but... Josh Krajcik??? His performance was terrible and all he did was yell and was inaudible. Astro, on the other hand, was amazing. Being able to turn MJ's Black and White into a rap under that much stress is just amazing. Yet America is retarded and votes him off!!!... As for Marcus Canty vs. Drew, I am xtremely glad with the result. First of all Canty's "Save Me" song was 3x better than Drew's, his an excellent performer, and I am just sick and tired of hearing all these amazing songs, upbeat songs, and then have Drew ruin it with Her Billie Jean song was on offense to all MJ fans out there - for starters, MJ never sat down, and her pronunciation was UGH! - (slowly) Bii--lie-jean---is n0t----my lo----ver -.

    In a recap, today held good news and bad news for me. But at least we can all agree that all the original and creative artists are all out. Now we only have lip synchers........I guess Chris Rene is our last hope for semi-originality (I like CR, but my honest opinion is he can't SING that well, but he is an entertainer).

    I think we all pretty muck know who will win this since the beginning - Melanie Amaro.... But think about it...Who's album will you buy in this generation - Opera singer Melanie Amaro's.....or.....Amazingly cretive rapper Astro's? (the next Jay-Z/Eminem)????

    As for the judges - they are all pretty good in my opinion- except Nicole. LA has years of experience, so Paula, Simon is Simon, but Nicole is mainly biased towards women when she can't decide (except in Drew's case, when the result was obvious) and she doesnt seem like good judging material. As for the fights, I actually think they add some spark to the show. I thought Simon had gone bioplar when at the beggining I saw him only smiling and giving thumbs-ups. At least now its more normal. But they may kick it down a notch.

    As for the host guy, he sucks. He cant host properly to save his life. Cant he see that Simon is having a hissy fit and Drew is crying (with NO tears -FAKE-)???!!! He is like -One final word, what do you want to say, no response, etc. blah-

    And as a final thing, Drew's JESUS shout out was meaningful, but if you analize it, it may have a second meaning, something like - "For all you haters that didn't vote for me, I'm just saying Jesus loves you!!!" :/

  • 10 years ago

    I would like to say the top three would be Melanie, Josh, and Rachel ( soulful Rachel ) but who knows.

  • 1st: Chris Rene

    2nd: Melanie Amaro

    I believe Chris is the weakest left, but he's the most relevant in today's music. That will play to his advantage.

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