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XoerikaxO asked in HealthWomen's Health · 1 decade ago

some comforting words please...?

okay so i'm 17 and im going to have a breast reduction in febuary.

i have nightmares about it and i'm scared something will go wrong, however i want to get it over with.

are there any women that had this done and can offer some comforting words to me?

i have nightmares, but yet it was completely MY decison.

thanks a TON.

3 Answers

  • 1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    There are very very VERY rare chances something could go wrong. Yes, the operation will take lpace near your heart, but the doctors know what they're doing. Just think, after you come out, you'll feel better, and your breasts will be nice and perfect!

    You'll do great! nothing to worry about. You'll need a few weeks to heal, but then you won't have back problems and i'm almost positive sometimes you won't even need to wear a bra (or is that if you get implants?)

    anyway, it'll be all ok :)

  • 1 decade ago

    i haven't had it done but i will offer some comforting words.

    it's ok to feel scared, its a natural human emotion but you'll be fine! find the courage to not be afraid any longer and think about what its going to be like after it. YOU'LL BE FINE!! YOU GO GIRL!!

    And if you are scared then see if someone will come with you.

  • 1 decade ago

    So manyy women have breath reduction!

    You'll be great!! Don't worry- and yes- all your worries are normal! Just think of how AWESOME you will be once you're outta there!

    ROCK IT.


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