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Where did this money go? Stimulus money, is it going to our enemies?

this headline from one of the Alphabet news outlets is reporting that the stimulus money is being given to nonexistent congressional districts. So, is the money being sent to terrorists or drug lords OR is Michelle spending it on her Entourage of 22 hand-servants?

5 Answers

  • Favorite Answer

    Rush Limbaugh says it's going to a slush fund.

    Slush fund:

    "a fund for buying votes or bribing public officials"

    "Money stored for illegal or dishonest purposes"

    "A fund (or something similar) that does not have a designated purpose. These types of funds are often illegal."

  • pabst
    Lv 4
    4 years ago

    elementary answer is got here across interior the defenition of two words: Patriotic: Having or expressing devotion to and energetic help for one's us of a. Humanitarian Intervention: A term used to describe whilst a state or team of states employs militia stress interior of yet another us of a"s territory to guard civilians from atrocities, alongside with civil conflict, hunger or genocide. Now.....what's the respond on your question? Is being dependable on your native land a patriotic or a humanitarian interventionist attempt?

  • 1 decade ago

    Yes some of it is, like Hezbollah. Although the majority of it is still sitting in limbo, what's the point of all this debt when it isn't even spent to help the people who are paying for it?

  • Maya R
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    I was under the impression that the stimulus money was going to the CEO's of banks in the form of bonuses for Christmas. This is indeed news to me.

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  • 1 decade ago

    The politicians are dividing it amongst themselves behind closed doors? Surely, it's not benefitting the taxpayers.

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