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Atheists And Everyone...Why are school children killing each other under the name of "Natural Selection"?

The Timesonline web site set the connection between Darwinism(Theory of Evolution) and the killings in question out on 8 November, 2009.

Each one believed, as a requirement of Evolutionists ideology, that the weak needed to be eliminated and destroyed. Because they regarded their friends and teachers as animals, it was not hard to slaughter them with that mindset. On the contrary, they thought that killing these people would contribute to society and the future.

Under the rule of communist and fascist dictators with a huge admiration for Darwin, the world wars were where Evolutionists ideology has been fully implemented. Three hundred fifty million people were martyred or slaughtered in these conflicts. This terrible bloodshed is the most savage consequence of heretical Evolutionists ideology. These great world wars have now been replaced by murders, massacres, civil conflicts, degeneration and racism. School massacres are a further and terrifying dimension of this devastation and destruction wreaked by Evolution propaganda.

If a young person regards his family, friends, teachers and other people as animals, if he believes that everything in his life, himself included, is the work of chance, and if he thinks that the strong must survive while the weak are eliminated and destroyed, then it is very easy for such a young person to slaughter someone he “regards as unnecessary and worthless according to natural selection.

It's really weird and unfair that people will go all the way out to say, " That has nothing to do with theory of evolution but it's due to lack of morality and understanding about Evolution" although the students openly admitted that they killed under the name of "Natural selection"........but when it comes to religion, people say, " Islam and Christianity are religions of terrorist as the muslims and christians did it under the name of religion"......when ACTUALLY it has nothing to do with the religion, but simply lack of morality and understanding of their scriptures as well.........Why is there double standard in judgement?


@Mia~ if the muslims did those acts u said it's because of religious ideologies, but when the students themselves admitted in that article in "Times Online, that they killed under the name of "Natural selection" which is one of the mechanism in Evolution, u r so reluctant to accept that it's due to "Evolution" ideology....Again, biased judgement.

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Social darwinists. They are all sociopathic or borderline so, and understand NOTHING about evolution.

    They have elitist, BS ways of thinking about natural selection. Darwin did not even come up with the concept survival of the fittest. Herbet Spencer coined the term. On this alone you should just forget anything social "darwinists" say, because it will all be a hunk of crap.

    If you talk to one of the idiots you'll know exactly what I mean. It has nothing to do with religion or evolution.

    Watch this:

  • 1 decade ago

    I've already responded to the lion's share of this diatribe, so I'll just respond to the last paragraph here.

    It's not at all unusual, weird, or unfair to say that this has nothing to do with the Theory of Evolution; considering that evolutionary theory deals very little with social interaction. This is an example of social Darwinism; taking the biological concept of "survival of the fittest" and applying it to social models.

    As I explained before (most of your "question" is a C&P of a previous one), "survival of the fittest" refers to the weaker beings' inability to hunt/gather food (stronger creatures getting it), being an unfit mating partner, unable to find adequate shelter, or escaping predators, in some cases.

    These people killed others, because they were obviously troubled. "Natural selection", in this case, illustrates the flawed concepts of SOCIAL darwinism, not evolutionary theory.

    Religion, as a whole, has been the single greatest cause of death and destruction throughout mankind's history. If anything, the "double standard in judgement" lies in ignoring this fact, while trying to pin the actions of a few (and yes, historically the number of people who have killed in the name of social darwinism are few).

    It bears repeating: this has NOTHING to do with Evolutionary Theory. These are the actions of a few mentally ill people.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago


    --Evolution has been studied beyond/after Darwin.


    --Evolution isn't a religious belief.

    Political ideologies and biological studies do not necessitate world wars,

    or casualties, etc. This is a biased misunderstanding of evolution.

    'Evolution propaganda.'

    --Oh right, as if Creation propaganda would do any better?

    Religious terrorism advocates survival of the the fittest/'under the name of Natural

    Selection' pretty strong, to keep the religion alive, gather more converts, etc.

    Evolution doesn't dictate criminal action and never

    has, it just observes phenomena in nature.

  • Mia
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    A few involved in such activities actually wrote that stuff. This really seemed to stem more though from their feelings of alienation from their peers as they were picked on and isolated by them. Aside from this fact there are many more instances where no such ideas are involved. Also, think of the recent shootings at Fort Hood or the man who entered a Universalist church because their liberal ideology angered him and shot a bunch of people. Clearly these maniacs were motivated by their religious ideologies.

    Source(s): "87 percent said shootings are motivated by a desire to "get back at those who have hurt them." 86 percent said "other kids picking on them, making fun of them or bullying them" causes teenagers to turn to lethal violence in the schools."
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  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    how crazy fits into natural selection :

    yes, crazy is abnormal. but the way it works is... there a cretin number of people who are born with that part of their bran mal formed... like people born with a birth defect in their facial appearance or extra fingers, -this is evolutionary throw backs of failed attempts at changes - only this time the deformation is in the brain, and instead of making them slow at math, bad at spelling or just dumb, it messed with there emphasize emotions... turning them off. -- the more people in a group (society) the more easily obtained victims in a psychotic break... there-fore more thinning in one shot.... natural selection is within this scenario in the sense that if the heard is thick enough to lose that many in one pop, you could stand to lose them and thin the heard to make way for more resources for those who live - by chance or intelligence - and any thinning of the human herd - no matter how immoral, and no matter how distasteful... is applicable to the human race right now.... there are more people then resources can sustain without depleting out right now... sad, but true.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    The Bible does condone killing gay people.

    These kids are murderers; no denying it. But they're likely not to reproduce so natural selection is working pretty well.

  • 1 decade ago

    I'm sure no one ever went on a shooting spree simply because they supported the idea of natural selection.

    Please try not to be so reactionary.

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    You are aware that the Times is owned by the same guy who owns Pox News, right?

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Because kids today are surrounded by images of death and destruction and parents are too busy trying to protect them from it to actually put it into context for them.

  • 1 decade ago

    Here we go again...

    There is no double standard present.

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